Television Brooklyn Nine Nine

President Palmer woooo. So good to see Dennis Haysbert and it wasnt just a one ep deal. Really liked that episode.
Excellent episode. Just love this show. Deserves so muc more recognition.
Excellent episode. Just love this show. Deserves so muc more recognition.

It's a good, easy watch when you just want to chill for 20 mins or have something without fully paying attention. Don't get how people get fully into shows like this and How I Met Your Mother (which is no where near as entertaining) though - discussing the nuances of character development etc. :lol:
It's a good, easy watch when you just want to chill for 20 mins or have something without fully paying attention. Don't get how people get fully into shows like this and How I Met Your Mother (which is no where near as entertaining) though - discussing the nuances of character development etc. :lol:
HIMYM has no place being mentioned alongside this show.
HIMYM has no place being mentioned alongside this show.

I see it as the same kind of show - easy watch, simple, don't have to follow the series or even the episode - but it is indeed a pile of wank.
It's a good, easy watch when you just want to chill for 20 mins or have something without fully paying attention. Don't get how people get fully into shows like this and How I Met Your Mother (which is no where near as entertaining) though - discussing the nuances of character development etc. :lol:
Yeah, but those 20 mins are just glorious fun. The moments in the show and the comedic timings are something's which the most basic sitcoms miss.
And Good Lord, HIMYM deserves no place on this forum, let alone on the internet. Barney was the only saving grace for that travesty of a show and that too for the first few seasons. Thou shall not speak compare such dross in the company of Andre Braugher.
Noooooo. That was the season finale.

Ahhh, really enjoyed that final arc. Brilliant stuff.
Epic episode. So whacky and typical BNN stuff. That ending though :rolleyes:
Rosa: the people I work with all think my name is Rosa Diaz
Jake: Wait what?
Rosa: Nothing. Dont worry about it.

Beautiful stuff. BTW, Jakes impression of Holt and Bob was the best.
That was the season finale ? I thought they usually had 24 episodes per season. :(
Love the show, when I first seen the trailers for the first season I thought "Well he has an annoying face and it looks shit anyway" but was pleasantly surprised. One of the best shows around for a quick giggle.

Diaz is probably my favourite character. Really dislike Pimento, just a bit too over the top for me, got boring quick.

Agree that the final arc was good, cant wait for the new season :lol: Should be interesting, looking forward to seeing more of Greg and Larry.
Captain Holt is possibly my favourite character on television at the moment. The character is written for and acted superbly... He has me in stitches at least once per episode.


Apologies for the late quote, but I'm with you on this.

His dead-pan delivery is just amazing. Great actor and a well written character.
I was actually going to ask who your fav character is having seen a season of it.

Are there any characters you dont like? @cesc's_mullet
Boyle can get annoying really fast.

Just Holt and Peralta for me, don't care much about the rest. Especially if they are moved into side stories by themselves without those two.
Just went to see what new shows are coming, when old are returning, and caught a glimpse of summer TV in Yanklandia. And it's absolute tragic, (R) to (R) to (R)...every day, every evening, every channel.
This show is so much funnier without adverts.

Please make Netflix pick up the UK rights.

Or I could download it illegally I guess *grumbles*

Such a great episode. Holt's role was epic!
Hes absolutely brilliant. Him playing the straight man is fantastic.

Seriously, Holt has the best stuff on this show.