Television Breaking Bad


Jesus, she's incredible.
Why does speculation have to be spoilered?

I've no idea either. This isn't the GoT thread. Unless you worked on the show in some capacity I don't know how speculation could be considered a spoiler.

In fact if we remove the speculation the thread might just as well be renamed 'Vato hates the disabled' and moved to the General.
The last two pages of this thread. Holy God.

Why are we discussing the nuances of a fairly uneventful character when there's another ridiculous Vince Gilligan "cliffhanger" scene to dissect instead? That would be far more productive, no?
The last two pages of this thread. Holy God.

Why are we discussing the nuances of a fairly uneventful character when there's another ridiculous Vince Gilligan "cliffhanger" scene to dissect instead? That would be far more productive, no?

Tbf these last 2 pages were still more productive than the 3 pages spent trying to explain to you how Jesse knew that Walt was behind the Brock poisoning.
I've not read the last few pages in full (because of Vato's hateful tirade, I just can't stomach that sort of violent abuse) so apologies if this has been posted....

Breaking Bad‘s Saul Goodman will live on at AMC. After lengthy negotiations, the cable network and Breaking Bad producer Sony Pictures TV have reached a licensing agreement for a spinoff from Vince Gilligan‘s acclaimed drama series. The spinoff series, tentatively titled Better Call Saul, had been in the works for months. It centers on one of Breaking Bad‘s most recognizable supporting characters, Bob Odenkirk‘s unflappable criminal lawyer Saul Goodman.

Conceived by Breaking Bad creator Gilligan and series writer-producer Peter Gould, who created the Saul character together for a Season 2 episode written by Gould, the spinoff will be a one-hour prequel that will focus on the evolution of the Goodman character before he ever became Walter White’s lawyer, AMC said. The network wouldn’t elaborate on the project’s status, but I’ve learned Better Call Saul has a series order pending the complication of Sony TV’s deals with Gilligan, Gould and Odenkirk. The pact between AMC and Sony TV came after talks between the two sides came down to the wire, with other outlets, including Netflix, which has had huge success with Breaking Bad, very interested in snatching the spinoff series.

The title of the spinoff comes from the original Saul episode of Breaking Bad, titled “Better Call Saul”, in which Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) hire the flamboyant Goodman after Badger (Matt L. Jones) is caught by the DEA. Goodman, who has been a regular presence on the show since, is a sleazy but highly competent criminal lawyer with a penchant for over-the-top TV commercials in which he uses his signature tagline “Better Call Saul!” Saul has served as Breaking Bad‘s comic relief, which is not surprising given Odenkirk’s strong comedy background. While hourlong, the spinoff is expected to be be far less dark than the original series, with more comedy infused into it.

Gilligan has been high on the idea for over a year. “I would love to see a Saul Goodman spinoff,” he said in a July 2012 interview. “I like the idea of a lawyer show in which the main lawyer will do anything it takes to stay out of a court of law. He’ll settle on the courthouse steps, whatever it takes to stay out of the courtroom. That would be fun — I would like that.”
What an odd angry couple of pages. Anyway, will look forward to seeing a series about Saul.
Tbf these last 2 pages were still more productive than the 3 pages spent trying to explain to you how Jesse knew that Walt was behind the Brock poisoning.

Here we go again.

Jesse did not *know* that Walt poisoned Brock. He only suspected it but went totally off the rails because he didn't have his weed when leaving Saul's office. It could have been anywhere, the doctors even explained to Jesse that Brock was poisoned by a natural plant yet Jesse *knew* Walt was behind it.

An incredible assumption to make and one of the worst possible ways that the writers could have had Jesse find out the truth. I have no problem with Jesse knowing about Walt's guilt; it's the manner of how it was carried out is the annoying thing. Others here have mentioned that particular storyline being weak at best so the condescension on your part here is laughable.

Please carry on, though.
I've no idea either. This isn't the GoT thread. Unless you worked on the show in some capacity I don't know how speculation could be considered a spoiler.

In fact if we remove the speculation the thread might just as well be renamed 'Vato hates the disabled' and moved to the General.
Yeah, or Breaking Balls...

Vato's hateful tirade... you've got to be fecking kidding me.

People sure love drama.
AMC and Sony Pictures Television confirmed today that they have reached a licensing agreement for a spinoff of Vince Gilligan’s landmark AMC/SPT seriesBreaking Bad. As conceived, the new series is based on the show’s popular Saul Goodman character with the working title Better Call Saul. Plans call for Saul to be a one-hour prequel that will focus on the evolution of the popular Saul Goodman character before he ever became Walter White’s lawyer.

Glad its only 1 hour, although Saul is a great character a full series based on him could have been a bit much.

I imagine the one hour prequel would just be a pilot that if successful would be the basis for a series.
Next Chapter is called: Ozymandias

Here's Shelley's poem called Ozymandias:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
I've no idea either. This isn't the GoT thread. Unless you worked on the show in some capacity I don't know how speculation could be considered a spoiler.

In fact if we remove the speculation the thread might just as well be renamed 'Vato hates the disabled' and moved to the General.

Read the fecking rules.
What I love about this is that you took the time to notice ;)

You can't please everyone with music because people are very critical. I find this moment quite bonding

I was talking about Walt Junior's voice, not your own, you spastic. I've never watched any of your YouTube videos.
Next Chapter is called: Ozymandias

Here's Shelley's poem called Ozumandias:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Ffs. I did not want to know the name of the next episode. That's that ruined.
Hating on Walt jr? I've seen it all, jesus at times you forget that after all this is an internet forum and shouldn't expect too much from this place.

As for the Jesse knowing about Brock thing, hmm kind of found it abit convenient and rushed.
Wow just read the last couple pages of this thread and I'm quite shocked to be honest. Vato's comment was distasteful but people need to calm down. It's just a forum, no point getting too wound up over things like that. Besides, I've read far worst thing on RedCafe.

On another note, Better Call Saul HAS to have Huell in it or I'm not watching!!
Whats that GIF all about with the woman? was that in the show credits?

Who is she and why is she there :drool:
Whats that GIF all about with the woman? was that in the show credits?

Who is she and why is she there :drool:
I demand to know this as well. What's the point of you caftards anyway, huh, if you can't help identify hot women we can see naked?
It's Jayden James... Isn't it? Not that I'm fully aware of who she is or her profession! :nervous:

Purely for research reasons only, I can confirm Sir that you have won the internet.

I have no idea the context behind it but who cares :lol:
It's a joke on the last episode. How it ended before something good happened. Obvious, surely?
The final episode will show Walt driving to pick up the BFG from Denny's then driving all the way back and his neighbour freaking out, then it'll snap back to the scene in S01E01 where he was diagnosed and the doctor says "did you understand what I just said?" and Walt will reply, "sorry, I just blanked out for a minute there", and cut to black.