No. This bullshit, divisive take is just so far off the fecking mark and it’s bang out of order.
So many of us marched and protested against the disgusting actions of Blair and Bush and the havoc they wreaked in the ME.
We are not them, we made that clear to the fecking World (yes, if you disagree with a repulsive leadership you CAN voice that and stand against it). We have benefitted nothing from their actions and don’t support them.
This dangerous, bullshit angle that Infantino spewed out of basically - ‘if you criticise Qatar, dats racist’, is so fecking wrong and offensive. Not to mention slippery and cowardly of him.
Trying to make it a binary issue of West vs ME to deflect from fifa and qatar and using weaponised language that prevents discussion.
The irony in this, is that the exact same people who are disgusted by Qatar’s treatment of gay people and migrant workers are same fecking people that marched against those bombings you’re using as argument leverage - do you realise that!?
The reasoning being the same - ‘that’s fecking wrong, stop treating innocent people like shit’.
They’re the same people that’ve argued the case against Islamophobia in Britain and America - they’re not the fecking racists. They’re the type of people that hate oppression and will call out shithead regimes and corruption WHEREVER it’s occurring.
Go look in the CE forum - how did people react when Boris Johnson made racist comments about Muslim women? They called him out, as a fat, idiotic xenophobic cnut. That’s the same people that wanna call out homophobia in Qatar, whether it’s considered religious ‘values’ or not.
The people that are repulsed by Qatar’s censorship and oppression aren’t fecking Tommy Robinson fans mate, they’re the opposite.
Indeed, the right wing xenophobes who couldn’t give a feck about gays or migrant workers and likely supported the bombings you’re talking about - they’re the ones aligning with Qatar’s stance here.