Bloomberg: Jim Ratcliffe on plans for Man Utd

No. Being a billionaire is nothing to do with hard work otherwise doctors and nurses would be rolling in it. Billionaires are a product of a broken economic system and disfunctional society. No one gets off their backside and accumulates that amount of wealth by hard work. It is done off the backs of others.

Their existence when there is such a high level of child poverty and austerity is the sign of a broken society.

The gain of billionaires is either at the expense of others either now or in the past (where it is due to inherited wealth). In some cases this is simply because they can only get to that level by not contributing to society (offshore tax havens) but in others such as Bezos' case it is literally that despite his wealth he makes more by continuing to treat and pay his workers poorly. He could choose to be a positive force for society at a marginal profit or make more profit by screwing others over. He does the latter because to be a billionaire that is what you have to so. And Ratcliffe will have taken the same unethical decisions to get where he is.
Yet you choose to support Manchester United, owned by billionaires, the World’s most expensive football squad and it’s multimillionaire footballers :confused:
Pays zero taxes in the UK but keeps talking about UK politics…

If he does well at the club he will be liked. If he doesn’t he won’t.
Correct, and has nothing to do with taxes
Yet you choose to support Manchester United, owned by billionaires, the World’s most expensive football squad and it’s multimillionaire footballers :confused:

Nice logic. I also don't believe in fast fashion and sweatshop labour but I have to live in the current world I can't opt out. I can't grow my own cotton and stitch my own clothing and unfortunately neither the law nor my work looks down on public nudity so here I am. I can have an opinion and push back on a concept whilst being constrained by what I can do.

I was born a United fan in the 80s and raised a united fan like I'm raising my boys. I can't change the owner and I'm not switching support.
God I wish he’d just shut up and stop trying to be the face of the club.

Hateful prick.

Yes it seems almost unbelievable that a guy who has bought into our club might do a few interviews explaining what he's trying to achieve.
No. Being a billionaire is nothing to do with hard work otherwise doctors and nurses would be rolling in it. Billionaires are a product of a broken economic system and disfunctional society. No one gets off their backside and accumulates that amount of wealth by hard work. It is done off the backs of others.

Are you suggesting no billionaires have ever worked hard?
Nice logic. I also don't believe in fast fashion and sweatshop labour but I have to live in the current world I can't opt out. I can't grow my own cotton and stitch my own clothing and unfortunately neither the law nor my work looks down on public nudity so here I am. I can have an opinion and push back on a concept whilst being constrained by what I can do.

I was born a United fan in the 80s and raised a united fan like I'm raising my boys. I can't change the owner and I'm not switching support.
There’s thousands of small clubs that would very much welcome your support, but you prefer the glamour and all the trappings of one the Worlds biggest clubs ….
There’s thousands of small clubs that would very much welcome your support, but you prefer the glamour and all the trappings of one the Worlds biggest clubs ….
So all we have to do is support a small club and none of our money will directly or indirectly support any billionaire moguls and their companies?
Yeah, as if any of our fans would not try to optimize their tax situation if they were rich
And as if people not in position to do so that have to pay UK taxes would not dislike them

by the way I could go and work in Bahrain and pay no tax with my job, I have not

You are free to make your choices in life and people are free to like/dislike
Yeah, as if any of our fans would not try to optimize their tax situation if they were rich

You can be certain that many on this forum already do tax advantageous things already, be it paying more into pensions, using ISAs etc.
Are you suggesting no billionaires have ever worked hard?

No of course not. In the same way I doubt you would suggest that anyone on a low or modest income is only earning that because they are lazy.

I'm saying how much you earn is not related to how how hard you work. Billionaires may work hard but that isn't why they are billionaires.
SJR grew up supporting United like the rest of us.
The fact he has the money to buy the club does not in any way invalidate him as a supporter.
Running a huge corporation gives him the knowledge and experience to manage our club.
It will take a few years to dig us out of the hole the Glazers have put us in. But I am certain we will get back to the glory days.

As for the tax issue, everyone of us would want to avoid paying higher taxes.
Note. I am not talking of Tax Evasion.
As for the tax issue, everyone of us would want to avoid paying higher taxes.
Note. I am not talking of Tax Evasion.

Just not true. Paying high tax for good public services that benefit everyone is something I think most reasonable people would do.

Using loopholes to pay less is morally abhorrent.
Just not true. Paying high tax for good public services that benefit everyone is something I think most reasonable people would do.

Using loopholes to pay less is morally abhorrent.

You do not understand how taxes and government policy all interact.
Many public services can be at minimal costs.
There is so much wastage of government resources.
I do not want to go on.
It is an entirely different subject.
My accountant ensures I pay the least taxes possible. Absolutely noting immoral about that.

I quite enjoyed that interview. SJR comes across as an experienced, straight talking businessman who knows exactly how to achieve his goals. He's not going to be phased by making unpopular decisions, if it fits into his long term vision for the club.
After reading the initial reaction to the clips that surfaced on social media I was worried about his motives but when the full interview is taken into context he comes across a lot better. I'm happy to give him the time to rebuild the sporting side of the club back to where we belong and that's challenging the likes of Real Madrid. He has a huge job on his hands.
Not really. I hate the Glazers. But a British Tax dodging Brexiteer Tory isn’t going to thrill me.

He’s a privileged prick of a billionaire that’s doing a victory lap of his life with our football club.

feck that shit.
Bitter ?
This could be an answer if there was at least a little bit of proportionality in this system. I can live with someone earning some dozens of millions if they are good and brave in what they are doing. But this is not what we are talking about. We are talking about billionaires, that only bring problems into the world. A reasonable society would tax and expropriate them until they are cut to an okay level. Everything over 100 million is a crime to society.
And we wouldn't have got Apple and Microdosft and who knows what because smart people couldn't be arsed to invest all that time and money if their returns were going to be capped.
It is a bit stupid to claim support for Manchester United is invalidated just because fans can see local PL football, mind.

He’s a billionaire, I’m sure it would be very easy for a life long Utd supporter to make the trip to Old Trafford. Instead he decided to buy a season ticket at Chelsea before eventually trying to buy the club.
He’s a billionaire, I’m sure it would be very easy for a life long Utd supporter to make the trip to Old Trafford. Instead he decided to buy a season ticket at Chelsea before eventually trying to buy the club.
I think his reason was that business is conducted in London and so Chelsea was convenient - though I cant really recall the specifics or the interview.
He’s a billionaire, I’m sure it would be very easy for a life long Utd supporter to make the trip to Old Trafford. Instead he decided to buy a season ticket at Chelsea before eventually trying to buy the club.
He’s a billionaire, he can’t teleport.
There’s these things called helicopters and private jets, they’re frequently used by rich people to travel to places rather quickly, you may have heard of them.
You genuinely expect him to hop on a chopper every weekend to see United? And if he doesn’t he couldn’t possible be a fan?
You genuinely expect him to hop on a chopper every weekend to see United? And if he doesn’t he couldn’t possible be a fan?

It’s not the fact he doesn’t to Old Trafford every week that makes me question how much of a fan he is, it’s the fact he owned a season ticket for a rival club in the PL. Now going to the odd game here and there at other grounds is fair enough but to go watch a rival club on a weekly basis when you’re a life long supporter of Utd I think is quite strange but that’s just my opinion.
It’s not the fact he doesn’t to Old Trafford every week that makes me question how much of a fan he is, it’s the fact he owned a season ticket for a rival club in the PL. Now going to the odd game here or there at other grounds is fair enough but to go watch a rival club on a weekly basis when your a life long supporter of Utd I think is quite strange but that’s just my opinion.
I’m not convinced he’d go every week to Chelsea but could be wrong. Surely someone like that is way too busy to do that (doesn’t he live in Monaco too?). It was probably convenient to have the season ticket and go to the odd game here and there (and colleagues use it other times).
It’s not the fact he doesn’t to Old Trafford every week that makes me question how much of a fan he is, it’s the fact he owned a season ticket for a rival club in the PL. Now going to the odd game here and there at other grounds is fair enough but to go watch a rival club on a weekly basis when you’re a life long supporter of Utd I think is quite strange but that’s just my opinion.
Owning a season ticket doesn't mean you go on a weekly basis. Just means you own the seat. My girlfriend's uncle owns 4 season tickets at Old Trafford and we don't even live in the UK. He goes a few times a season, the rest he sells to the local United supporter's club.
And we wouldn't have got Apple and Microdosft and who knows what because smart people couldn't be arsed to invest all that time and money if their returns were going to be capped.
You're right. Noone would even stand up in the morning if they didn't at least earn 101 million in a lifetime.

Also Microsoft and Apple were the only reason why we have modern computer technology. PCs and the internet was developed without any form of state support for military purposes.
You're right. Noone would even stand up in the morning if they didn't at least earn 101 million in a lifetime.

Also Microsoft and Apple were the only reason why we have modern computer technology. PCs and the internet was developed without any form of state support for military purposes.

You're concerned about people being billionaires. How do you think people struggling and starving all over the world feel about your comparative wealth and comfort ? They will think it's not fair. You're only looking upwards and being annoyed. You're not looking downwards a realizing compared to many billions of people in the world you are extremely privileged and they will feel that that's not fair.
You're concerned about people being billionaires. How do you think people struggling and starving all over the world feel about your comparative wealth and comfort ? They will think it's not fair. You're only looking upwards and being annoyed. You're not looking downwards a realizing compared to many billions of people in the world you are extremely privileged and they will feel that that's not fair.
I doubt they care about my measly wealth when billionaires exist. Your worldview is some dystopian shit if eating is a privilege
You're concerned about people being billionaires. How do you think people struggling and starving all over the world feel about your comparative wealth and comfort ? They will think it's not fair. You're only looking upwards and being annoyed. You're not looking downwards a realizing compared to many billions of people in the world you are extremely privileged and they will feel that that's not fair.
I very much hope that they think it's not fair. I hope they get angry and organized, and tear this system apart sooner rather than later. This unfairness is the very reason a want a system change. The poor get exploited by the rich. The south by the north. We let the wretched of this world produce goods we very often don't even need in disgusting conditions to the effect of destroying our environment only for the very rich to get even richer. I want this to change. You don't. Jesus fecking God!
There’s thousands of small clubs that would very much welcome your support, but you prefer the glamour and all the trappings of one the Worlds biggest clubs ….
Oh how I love this argument: "How can you be far left, when you still have a smartphone, hmm? How ironic? I mean, how can you participate in society when you want this global system of exploitation to change?? You should live in the woods and hunt your own food."