Gaming Bloodborne (PS4)

Will I come across this well? I got to the next lamp after the fishing hamlet, one where the mad man hunter spawns on the roof. After you beat him, up past a ramp is like this mine thingy, where those creatures are digging on the floor.
Yeah you passed it. It's right after the starting lamp in the hamlet, when you go in the open courtyard area with loads of enemies, and there's that one that shoots the skulls or whatever out at you. He's leaning against the well, there's a ladder to go down.
This motherfecking game... It's been two weeks since my first try at Ludwig. I've not been at it every day, but I must surely be approaching 100 tries.

I just don't fancy starting a new character, seeing as your weapon is so scaled down and stuff, even though I am currently on NG++. Probably making it unecessarily hard for myself. I also don't want any help, I always feel a bit rubbish if I require help for a boss to get past it.
This motherfecking game... It's been two weeks since my first try at Ludwig. I've not been at it every day, but I must surely be approaching 100 tries.

I just don't fancy starting a new character, seeing as your weapon is so scaled down and stuff, even though I am currently on NG++. Probably making it unecessarily hard for myself. I also don't want any help, I always feel a bit rubbish if I require help for a boss to get past it.
Ludwig is still ridiculously hard with others there... I think I'd feel worse if I gave up on a dlc after the first boss without doing the rest of it :p
Ludwig is still ridiculously hard with others there... I think I'd feel worse if I gave up on a dlc after the first boss without doing the rest of it :p

I would never entertain calling it quits and not giving it a go with help. I'm a slow learner, though. Took me ages to figure out how to reliably whittle him down to half health and trigger the second phase, and now I'm finding it really hard to maneuver around his sword attacks and get my shots in.

I will finish this bloody DLC, though. Come hell or high water.
I would never entertain calling it quits and not giving it a go with help. I'm a slow learner, though. Took me ages to figure out how to reliably whittle him down to half health and trigger the second phase, and now I'm finding it really hard to maneuver around his sword attacks and get my shots in.

I will finish this bloody DLC, though. Come hell or high water.
I found his second phase to be stupidly hard on ng+ when trying it alone, wasn't bad on normal ng though. The first phase once you learn the move set isn't too bad actually. After trying it so many times you know what he's going to do basically. But the second one he can start hacking and slashing and can get your health down really quickly. Sometimes one shotting you. But I needed 2 others to help me with it to get it done. Otherwise I'd never get it
AHAHAHH!!!!! fecking feck yes you fecker!!! I started doubting myself and used that NPC Henriett to fight Ludwig a few times, every now and again trying him on my own, and then I finally did it. I was frantic towards the end when I saw I could get him, and anybody who knows Soulsborne will have called me a greedy cnut for trying to get as many hits in as I did towards the end, but it worked. I stunned him and finished the fecker off, on my own, on NG++.

Aaaaaaaaaaaah *splooge*

Stick with it

It's easier than dark souls. Once you get the hang of it, it'll become hugely satisfying

You will level up and return to that part of the game and destroy them all with ease

The aren't many bonfires at the beginning of the game but you can open some gates to create shortcuts, which makes things much's a game that rewards exploration, almost demanding it.

I played the Souls games first, so I was prepared and didn't struggle that much but it took me time at the beginning to get used to the change of pace.

Ultimately, the reward for getting past the initial spike in difficulty is some of the best gaming that I've ever experienced...I urge you to stick with it.

Stick with it. The big bonfire part at the start was one of my favourite parts of the game. Once it clicks, you will be fine. There's a boss on that bridge with the wolves by the way. A tactic that I shamefully employed was to sprint past everything until you get to the boss, then die, then try it a few more times until you actually beat the boss. Then you can start to level up at Hunter's Dream and there's also a new check point you will get on the bridge once you beat the boss.

Just need to be patient, once you get the hang of it, it isn't too hard. Also you can just sprint past everything basically if you really want to get past a part and open the shortcut.

Thanks for all the advice! I was getting seriously disillusioned with the game because I was finding it so difficult. I managed to find a short cut to the Clerical Beast which was a huge help. Beating him was one of the best feelings I've had playing a game. It was like a mixture of elation and shock at the fact that I had actually beaten him! I felt exhausted after it! :lol: I didn't have nearly as much trouble with Father Gascoigne although I couldn't find any short cuts there so it was time consuming all the same. I've now just entered Old Yarnham and there's some f**ker warning me to turn around and firing at me from some sort of turret. I have to say I'm loving the game so far after all the initial frustration. I'm guessing I still have quiet a bit to go in the game. For those of you that have passed it how long roughly does it take?
Thanks for all the advice! I was getting seriously disillusioned with the game because I was finding it so difficult. I managed to find a short cut to the Clerical Beast which was a huge help. Beating him was one of the best feelings I've had playing a game. It was like a mixture of elation and shock at the fact that I had actually beaten him! I felt exhausted after it! :lol: I didn't have nearly as much trouble with Father Gascoigne although I couldn't find any short cuts there so it was time consuming all the same. I've now just entered Old Yarnham and there's some f**ker warning me to turn around and firing at me from some sort of turret. I have to say I'm loving the game so far after all the initial frustration. I'm guessing I still have quiet a bit to go in the game. For those of you that have passed it how long roughly does it take?

So you've beaten 2 bosses? No spoilers, but there's a loooot more, plus there's a DLC, and NG+ if you wish so.

Probably around 30 hours without the DLC, especially if you're new to the Souls games.
I think there's about 15 bosses at least although some are optional, so you're right at the beginning really. I don't want to put you off but I'd say the next boss you'll face (Blood-starved Beast) was possibly the boss I had most trouble with...maybe Vicar Amelia. The rest I didn't think we're that bad and perhaps half I beat first time.

But the game is essentially as you've beats you, you lose hope before you make a breakthrough and that feeling of achievement is amongst the best you'll ever get in gaming that keeps you going. It's a gem of a game - it's £25 inc the DLC on the PS Store for a week or so and the DLC is half-price (£8) on the PS Store, so get involved all.
But as you level up even though it's still challenging it does get easier and far less daunting

Plus you can run around earlier areas like a boss and kill everyone with ease. Very satisfying getting your revenge from when they made you life a misery. I must have killed those feckless at the bonfire at the start 100 times
I really want to buy the DLC but i'm pretty sure I just started NG+ when I stopped playing. I just don't fancy doing things again, as much as I enjoyed the game.
So you've beaten 2 bosses? No spoilers, but there's a loooot more, plus there's a DLC, and NG+ if you wish so.

Probably around 30 hours without the DLC, especially if you're new to the Souls games.

Ya just the two so far. Played this for about an hour last night but didn't progress at all.

I think there's about 15 bosses at least although some are optional, so you're right at the beginning really. I don't want to put you off but I'd say the next boss you'll face (Blood-starved Beast) was possibly the boss I had most trouble with...maybe Vicar Amelia. The rest I didn't think we're that bad and perhaps half I beat first time.

But the game is essentially as you've beats you, you lose hope before you make a breakthrough and that feeling of achievement is amongst the best you'll ever get in gaming that keeps you going. It's a gem of a game - it's £25 inc the DLC on the PS Store for a week or so and the DLC is half-price (£8) on the PS Store, so get involved all.

Is the guy firing the turret from on top of the building in Old Yarnham one of the optional bosses? I decided to climb up to him a few times now but I haven't come close to beating him. Before I reached him I didn't have to go through the nightmare fog like I did with the Clerical Beast or Father Gascoigne so I figured he wasn't a proper boss. At the same time if he's one of the optional ones I'd hate to be skipping him.

But as you level up even though it's still challenging it does get easier and far less daunting

Plus you can run around earlier areas like a boss and kill everyone with ease. Very satisfying getting your revenge from when they made you life a misery. I must have killed those feckless at the bonfire at the start 100 times

Ya I'm having very little trouble with the regular enemies I come across even though they've gotten much bigger now. The one thing I've found very frustrating as I've progressed is that the price of Quicksilver bullets has doubled now and you pick up very little from enemies where I am now.
No, the guy firing isn't a boss...after you get past a further boss, you can approach him without conflict. You can try and kill him now but he's pretty hard at this stage...although I believe there's a way of making him fall off to instant death.
No, the guy firing isn't a boss...after you get past a further boss, you can approach him without conflict. You can try and kill him now but he's pretty hard at this stage...although I believe there's a way of making him fall off to instant death.
Cheers mate! Ya like I said I've taken him on a few times now and not even come close to defeating him. If I will be taking him on at a later stage in the game then I might as well wait until then.
I'm playing the DLC now. And while so far it's been hard I also progressed quite well, until now - Lady Maria. Jesus Christ... This boss fight is probably my favourite (the atmosphere, location, music, boss patterns ; everything is amazing) but also the hardest (including all the main game ones). I really can't see myself beating her, I get owned every single time. Must have already tried 20x times now, that's enough for today :mad:

And this is not even NG+ :annoyed:
I'm playing the DLC now. And while so far it's been hard I also progressed quite well, until now - Lady Maria. Jesus Christ... This boss fight is probably my favourite (the atmosphere, location, music, boss patterns ; everything is amazing) but also the hardest (including all the main game ones). I really can't see myself beating her, I get owned every single time. Must have already tried 20x times now, that's enough for today :mad:

And this is not even NG+ :annoyed:

I beat her second time round. Was the easiest boss for me. Just parried and attacked over and over.
Cheers mate! Ya like I said I've taken him on a few times now and not even come close to defeating him. If I will be taking him on at a later stage in the game then I might as well wait until then.

You don't have to kill him either...if you talk to him and lie about hunting the creatures (you say you aren't)...or something like that, he gives an item - wrong choice and he attacks. Either way, You can kill for items after.

The game is full of encounters that can be missed if done at the wrong time, so look them up if you don't want to miss...although it's a good excuse for NG+. Also for the last optional boss and best ending, you have to consume 3 umbilical chords before facing the 'normal' last boss, so make sure you do it before.
I beat her second time round. Was the easiest boss for me. Just parried and attacked over and over.

Aaaaagh! Had her on 1cm now. Ok, so it's definitely doable. Out of blood vials now, so I'll try again tomorrow.
The one thing I've found very frustrating as I've progressed is that the price of Quicksilver bullets has doubled now and you pick up very little from enemies where I am now.

Farming for vials and bullets is well and good, but ringing the small bell and helping people take out bosses is a good way of earning a solid lump of blood echoes, and is more fun than regular farming. It's a good way to stockpile :)
I finally killed her today! It was so close, and my "YEEEEEEES!!!" after it must have been heard all along the street :lol: Only in Bloodborne.

I also switched to Beast Cutter from my Saw Cleaver, and I love it.
So I bought this on release, persevered up until the point of killing that Giant Spider, after which everything turned scary and I pussied out. Going to give it another go.

Ludwig Blade still the best weapon? Or has it been nerfed?
So I bought this on release, persevered up until the point of killing that Giant Spider, after which everything turned scary and I pussied out. Going to give it another go.

Ludwig Blade still the best weapon? Or has it been nerfed?

I guess in terms of straight up damage points it's the best weapon... but the main thing is that you know the different movements of the weapon and combos you can string together, and that it works for you. I've never really clicked with Ludwig's blade.

The scary bit after the spider, it ain't THAT bad. Just don't feel like you have to kill everything you come across, and kill the bell maidens first. You made it through the woods, you should be alright. Be sure to post back here about your progress/frustrations :)

Back to DLC talk, I've just gotten to the lady in the clocktower. I'm doing alright with her, but the 3rd phase is tough. Loving the fights, though.
I guess in terms of straight up damage points it's the best weapon... but the main thing is that you know the different movements of the weapon and combos you can string together, and that it works for you. I've never really clicked with Ludwig's blade.

The scary bit after the spider, it ain't THAT bad. Just don't feel like you have to kill everything you come across, and kill the bell maidens first. You made it through the woods, you should be alright. Be sure to post back here about your progress/frustrations :)

Back to DLC talk, I've just gotten to the lady in the clocktower. I'm doing alright with her, but the 3rd phase is tough. Loving the fights, though.

I didn't think the woods were that bad, so that's reassuring. Do I have to kill the maidens everytime I die?
I didn't think the woods were that bad, so that's reassuring. Do I have to kill the maidens everytime I die?

I flippin' hated the woods first time around. So much happening visually that it's hard to pick out foes, it's dark, it has lots of twists, turns and spaces that make it hard to navigate and be sure of where you are, and when you get to the end there's THREE arseholes looking to kill you. That was the only battle I had to summon help for the first time around :(

Yeah, the bell maidens respawn. There's nothing wrong with legging it, though.
I flippin' hated the woods first time around. So much happening visually that it's hard to pick out foes, it's dark, it has lots of twists, turns and spaces that make it hard to navigate and be sure of where you are, and when you get to the end there's THREE arseholes looking to kill you. That was the only battle I had to summon help for the first time around :(

Yeah, the bell maidens respawn. There's nothing wrong with legging it, though.


Also wondering - do you need to finish the main story before playing The Old Hunters? Or can you dive straight in. I'm tempted to pick it up for the juicy looking weapons.

Also wondering - do you need to finish the main story before playing The Old Hunters? Or can you dive straight in. I'm tempted to pick it up for the juicy looking weapons.

Nope. You just need to get past Amelia, then pick up an item on the steps of the workshop in the Hunter's Dream. Once you have that, go to Cathedral ward and exit left, keep right until an Amygdala picks you up. If you've already killed Amelia before you download the DLC, I'm not sure how it plays out.

You bastards have made me want to play this again.

Nope. You just need to get past Amelia, then pick up an item on the steps of the workshop in the Hunter's Dream. Once you have that, go to Cathedral ward and exit left, keep right until an Amygdala picks you up. If you've already killed Amelia before you download the DLC, I'm not sure how it plays out.



Think I'll just finish the game with my favourite hunter axe and then do the DLC as part of my first NG+.

Think I'll just finish the game with my favourite hunter axe and then do the DLC as part of my first NG+.

I don't know how big of a jump it is from NG to NG+, but DLC is a lot more difficult than the main game. I needed on average around 5 tries per boss in the main game, and it must be close to 20 now in the DLC.

So, unless you're a pro, I'd advise to hold off the last main game boss and start the DLC before it.

Think I'll just finish the game with my favourite hunter axe and then do the DLC as part of my first NG+.

I don't know how big of a jump it is from NG to NG+, but DLC is a lot more difficult than the main game. I needed on average around 5 tries per boss in the main game, and it must be close to 20 now in the DLC.

So, unless you're a pro, I'd advise to hold off the last main game boss and start the DLC before it.

Not tried it on NG or NG+, but NG++ had me reeling for a while. The first boss there took me (not shitting you) 100 tries or so. Doing a lot better now, but it ain't no lie what Donut's saying. Might be a good idea to go as far as to the end of NG, make sure you have a +10 weapon, and then have at the DLC before you kill the last boss.
I don't know how big of a jump it is from NG to NG+, but DLC is a lot more difficult than the main game. I needed on average around 5 tries per boss in the main game, and it must be close to 20 now in the DLC.

So, unless you're a pro, I'd advise to hold off the last main game boss and start the DLC before it.
Geez, I haven't played the game in months cause I tried around 30 times and couldn't even get to the first boss.

Actually I think I got to him once, died, and went batshit crazy when I had to replay the whole thing again and try get through that stupid bonfire again.

The game induced serious rage in me.
Geez, I haven't played the game in months cause I tried around 30 times and couldn't even get to the first boss.

Actually I think I got to him once, died, and went batshit crazy when I had to replay the whole thing again and try get through that stupid bonfire again.

The game induced serious rage in me.

Yeah, the learning curve is very steep, but once you get a hang of it all it's not that difficult anymore, or so I thought until the DLC :wenger:
Geez, I haven't played the game in months cause I tried around 30 times and couldn't even get to the first boss.

Actually I think I got to him once, died, and went batshit crazy when I had to replay the whole thing again and try get through that stupid bonfire again.

The game induced serious rage in me.

Have you unlocked the shortcut? It's a quick trot from there. Also, there's a frickin' lamp RIGHT round the corner from the boss arena... I know it's hard to dare to take a look around with those chtulhu-looking mofos there, but there's a building with a lamp in it right by where the arena is.
Lady Maria... she's mean:

However, shortly after, I managed to take the skank down!

I'll admit to killing her in the cheapest of fashions in the end, but you can't blame me, taking the previous vid into account :lol:
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Nice one man! I ended up doing the same for the last boss of the dlc. Was struggling on it for days so was obvs very hyped when I did beat em!

Nice one man! I ended up doing the same for the last boss of the dlc. Was struggling on it for days so was obvs very hyped when I did beat em!

Feels a bit like cheezing, but I reckon we've already done the hardest part, just making sure we don't trip up on the last few steps ;)

Looks like the next bossfight is going to be a toughie.
This is starting to get frustrating again. Was doing well against the blood starved beast when I had to use an antidote. Had to toggle through my quick items to do this. For absolutely no reason whatsoever my character puts away the repeating pistol. I have to run around the place with the start button pressed to try to re-select the pistol. Lost a good bit of health in the process which cost me in the end. It's not the first time this random glitch has happened. It's a fantastic game but some of the control schemes are broken.
This is starting to get frustrating again. Was doing well against the blood starved beast when I had to use an antidote. Had to toggle through my quick items to do this. For absolutely no reason whatsoever my character puts away the repeating pistol. I have to run around the place with the start button pressed to try to re-select the pistol. Lost a good bit of health in the process which cost me in the end. It's not the first time this random glitch has happened. It's a fantastic game but some of the control schemes are broken.

Erm, you probably hit one of the d-pad buttons (right or left, I forget which), which switches between the primary and secondary weapons, and if that slot is empty, your gun/trick weapon goes away. Press it again, it comes back. The control scheme is fine. Either you frantically hit the wrong button, or your controller is screwed up.

BSB has frustrated a lot of folks :\ mainly with his poison bullshit.
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