You're wrong, Bob - this bloke from the pub told me that you can buy six-foot flags on Amazon, and his mate backed him up.
I hope your comments are not aimed at me, because you are been very childish right now.
I am not a bloke at the pub, I am someone who has spent a lot of time with ethnic minority people, mostly because of where I live but also because of places I have worked. I have a fair few friends who are in this group. Because of this I have witness actual racism (racist abuse, family members who judge on skin colour), but also I have seen where there is accusations of racism, when I believe it isnt.
If a black guy arrests me a white person, does that mean he is been racist, and is it the same vice versa?
The point I made in terms of conviction, it doesnt matter what we or anyone else wants, someone is innocent until proven otherwise, now the evidence against the cop is obviously very strong, clear video footage of him killing someone. There is absolutely no justification for that. So what was my point? my point was we dont know if the skin colour of the victim had any bearing on what he was doing, it was bad either way, it would been as bad if the victim was white. It should not have happened plain and simple, but also until it is proven, we cannot say this is a racially motivated killing.
Do you believe I am a racist because of my post?
It's completely obvious why protesters felt that they needed to protest now rather than wait for a safer time. Here's a clue: when do politicians - the very people with the power and authority to actually change things - feel the most pressure to effect change? Answer: when they are faced with negative headlines every day. This is one reason, and not even the most important one, why the protests couldn't be delayed.
Its not obvious to me actually, I dont protest, so I dont know if at certian times protests can be more effective, if anything I expect ministers welcome these protests as it in all likelihood distracts from their woeful management of the pandemic. I would expect protests to be at maximum effectiveness during election's, outside of that during periods of time when there isnt much other news worthy of reporting.
But regardless if they were properly social distanced during these protests, it would have been ok. But I think an attitude of everything else doesnt matter, is wrong, everything matters. We have a local outbreak in my city now, and is it a coincidence that there has been packed groups of protesters?
I am welcome to debating this with you but you need to be mature and stop resorting to one liner sarcastic comments. Because those wont make you taken seriously.
Also for
Just one thing. Institutional / systemic racism means that the cop doesnt have to be a racist for the outcome to end up racist (disproportionately negative outcomes for people of colour)
I looked up what you stated, and thank you for pointing that out. But it seems confusing to me.
Is that article saying that if by accident ethnic minorities come out statistically worse than it means it is systemic racism? If so that seems a bit forced, that would mean e.g. people would have to take forceful action to guarantee ethnic minorities are statistically successful based on the make up of population, even if it means unfair treatment of people to ensure that. That sounds like political correction to me. Or have I misunderstood it?
To me systematic racism would be rather that someone sets up an entity in a way that a particular race (doesnt have to be an ethnic minority to be racism) is disadvantaged based on the policies or mindset of its workforce. An example in the article is about housing slums, now ghetto slums largely populated by ethnic minorities do exist, whether thats down to the authorities making it happen that way (housing them all in one place) or people choosing to live in those communities as they feel more comfortable that way. But of course there is many white people who live in slums as well, for ethnic minorities there is likely a much higher amount statistically living in poor areas, but I feel a lot of this due to how things like immigration have happened, and how people have been brought up, the subject of social mobility.
Statistically if you are born into a poor household whether you are white or black you at a disadvantage. Any solution to that problem should not be targeted at any skin colour but just at the problem itself, on the flip side if you born into a wealthy family, you much more likely to have a higher quality of life, so good job, live in good neighbourhood etc.