Untd55 said:
The one thing I have against this is that the movement has been pretty violent. Six police (including two black people) have been killed, quite a few people have been beaten terribly, and a lot of people's livelihoods have been destroyed. I am not a supporter of ruining innocent people's lives. All lives matter.
If you say all lives matter, you INCLUDE black people and if black people said that that would imply they feel left out. When you say the opposite, and exclude - where do people think it will go to in years to come? Do you think humanity, won't be as dumb as it presently is? Do people really believe, it would just level the playing field? Really? At the end of the day, the premiership don't have to say anything. Why? Because the premiership has plenty of black players in it. Racism will happen at games, and sexism and all that crap but those people are in a heightened sense of euphoria or excitement or agitation. You can be for black people......and against BLM. Personally I don't care because if you invest in everything else, you will never have time for you......or to develop your own ideas based your own experience. I don't believe I said anything offensive here but of course some people will take offense
As people, big corps and interests fight over your attention and what you should think. The idea 'all lives matter' is offensive shows the nature of the beast. Because it excludes NO ONE and can create conversation. When you exclude groups or people and when you see what's going on in America with certain key words......then it's an agenda and one that will not stabilise anything but cause problems in the future because there is evil in ALL races....and good causes can be created and will usually be infiltrated by opportunists with the wrong spirit. So we should look at ourselves more....and learn to listen to our own conscience because some people have one and know right from wrong. These things can in effect, act as shell companies.
You had a lot of companies putting out the BLM message recently and it's like those spam emails you get from time to time. 'We miss you. Come back'. It's all bull. You have to get to the root of the problem. These act as just gimmicks and will change nothing. Anyone thats suffered racism i've empathy for but a lot of good people suffer from the ignorance of others. But it stems from somewhere. As people yes we should JOIN together....but you don't join together creating groups that exclude.....I saw a video recently of a black girl standing up in some room with white people in it and saying...basically she felt uncomfortable about the number of white people their and it was for people of colour. She sounded pretty calm to me but was applauded after for saying it. I'm not seeing how any of this is uniting people. You tell people the truth. You educate people. You engage a conversation. Not really seeing that.
I just wanted to say that I agree with the previous posters.
I just want to point out something from an American perspective and what has gone on over here in the USA. I can't say to know anything about the culture and racism that goes on in the UK or the rest of Europe. I dare not speak about it, because I have not lived there and experienced it first hand.
I support ALL Lives. I do not care if you are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc. ALL LIVES MATTER. Unfortunately the BLM is a political group that truly doesn't care about Black Lives. Their only goal is to create divisiveness and push their left leaning philosophies. What you may not know is that all donations to BLM are funneled through ActBlue a left wing group that basically uses the money to give to Politicians. The money for the most part doesn't go to help black communities. Some does of course, but 100% should go to these communities, not politicians.
I disagree with the political arm of BLM, because they don't care about black on black murders. I think some 20,000 black people have been murdered by other black people int he past 4 years. Every weekend in the cities of Chicago and Baltimore, you will see 3 or 4 more black people murdered. BLM doesn't care about these people, because it doesn't fit their narrative that the USA is a systematically racist Country. This is total BS. If they truly cared about "All Black Lives" then they would be speaking out against this black on black violence!!!!!!! Secondly, the USA may have some racists, but it is not systematically racist. What you don't know is the left constantly likes to push this narrative that the USA is racist because White people make more money than Blacks or Hispanics. Anyone feel like a group is missing from this survey? Bueller? Bueller? Yes-- Asians.
It is a dirty little secret that the left tries to hide, which is that Asians--- Chinese American, Japanese American, Indian American are the most successful groups in the Nation. This blows up the entire narrative that the US is rigged in favor of whites. The funny thing is that because Asians have done so well- many people like to refer them as white. /facepalm. I kid you not-- it is the saddest most pathetic thing ever. Because Asians have destroyed the narrative that the USA is systematically racist-- some people in such denial with their mental illness like to claim Asians are white. Give me a break people. These groups have all seen their fair share of discrimination-- including Japanese Americans who were put into concentration camps during WWII. Then the left likes to change the narrative to-- well-- they aren't black and slavery.
Well-- here is another dirty little secret that no one likes to hear. Nigerian Americans are one of the most successful immigrant groups in the USA. 11% of the US population gets advanced educational degrees. (Graduate degrees.) 29% of Nigerian American's get their advanced degrees. Nigerian American's also make way more than the average white person in the USA. They can't let this information out, because it destroys their narrative that black people are oppressed.
The problem in the USA is that REGARDLESS OF WHAT RACE you are, if you live in a single family household-- you have hte odds stacked against you. If you are Asian, BLack or Hispanic and grow up a 2 parent household, you are 5 times less likely to live in poverty compared to a white kid raised by a single white mom. If you are a minority that grows up in a 2 parent household, you make more money and are less likely to end up in jail compared to a white kid who grows up in a 1 parent household. The black community sees the highest rate of single parents, the Asian (and Nigerian) community see the lowest. So it's no surprise that Asians and Nigerian American communities are the most successful with the least amount of crime. But the left isn't the party of family values. They spent the 60's and 70's trying to destroy the 2 parent household, and unfortunately for many kids-- regardless of race-- it has put them in a bad spot. I'm sure many of you on here were raised in 1 parent households, and you know first hand the difficulties that that brought you.
These are the facts. The USA has problems for sure. It isn't a white privilege problem, but a 2 parent privilege problem. I strongly stand against racism. I strongly stand against police abuse. The solution to the latter problem is abolishing Police Unions which protect these dirty cops is the first step (of many) that they should take to improve the police force. But I stand against the Political Wing of BLM. For a week, the left leaning terrorist group Antifa, went into Black Communities and destroyed them. If you really cared about the black community-- you don't go into their neighborhoods and destroy, loot and burn down businesses. It's ridiculous. The fact that BLM wasn't outraged against this behavior tells you everything you need to know. It's about politics, not black lives.
I would like to see the EPL come out and push the No to Racism of any kind. Actions speak louder than words. Donate money, food and time to these communities so they can better themselves. A huge problem I see working with kids in an afternoon program is that many live in an area where the school system is terrible and they can't get a good education. ALmost all are from 1 parent households (white and black,) and some do not get enough to eat, as their parents waste their WIC money. (Money from govn designed to feed kids.) The most important thing that needs to happen, is to break the cycle of single parenthood. So many black kids here in the USA grow up without a father. Donating money isn't going to solve this problem, posting a black square isn't going to solve this problem. Even though I disagree alot with LeBron James politically-- the one absolutely great thing he does is that he talks about wanting to be a great father, because he didn't have a father growing up. This is the most important message that needs to be spread across all communities. LeBron wants to be loved by all. He is like a politician and is very calculated in how he speaks. The problem is that since he is Black, he has to be a Democrat and push the left's agenda, even though it's this agenda that has harmed black people the most.
But since the left in the USA isn't the party of family values-- they would be outraged if Lebron's main platform was 2 parent households. The left spent the 60's and 70's trying to destroy the 2 parent household.. Lebron could literally go down in the USA as a great humanitarian if he pushed this agenda, and over the next few decades, the black community started to see major declines in 1 parent households. It would be tremendous and it would be the most productive thing to benefit the black community in a long, long time. Not only black communities-- but every community bc single parenthood is a huge problem.
Sorry- but talking about BLM-- Racism and the problems in the USA can't be summarized in 4 sentences. Before any leftist gets angry at me, remember. All LIves Matter. I stand against Racism of any kind. We can agree to disagree on political parties, but we all agree that All LIves matter and Racism is wrong.