It's probably somewhere in the middle to be fair, of course there are other shows and iconic shows. But Breaking Bad brought on a big growth for serial dramas, and the amount "what should I watch next?" - there was a fair whack that hadn't actually watched Sopranos, The Wire, West Wing, X-Files, you know, stuff from a previous generation. Check recommendation threads on this very forum forget endless other options elsewhere and from a personal point of view.
I don't see their being recency bias in what I'm saying, Breaking Bad, at the absolute worse, can't be debated that in it's final 8 or so episode run was the most discussed series in the world. When the Sopranos was running it's final run, it wasn't, not even in America alone. This isn't the sleight on the Sopranos you seem to think it is, it's the greatest show ever, and one of, if not the most influencial.