Watched the first three episodes, enjoyed it so far. Saul's carrying the show very well on his own. Obviously got plenty of humour, but he's got enough depth as a character and is complex enough to be a lead.
I enjoyed seeing Tuco, but did anyone else almost feel like he was a bit of a different character? I mean, he's still a scary bastard and completely brutal, but he seemed more menacing here than outright mental like he was in BB. Maybe it was the presence of his mother or whoever the old lady was that made him tone it down a bit and be more restrained.
Hoping to see more of Mike as well, but enjoyed his cameos so far and his dynamic with Saul. He'll probably start taking on a bigger role now he's directed Saul to where the family would be hiding.
Hoping the show gets more of a direction in general too. It seems to be going somewhere, with Saul becoming more of a criminal lawyer, but I don't think the over-arching plot is that gripping right now - the characters are the more interesting part thus far, mainly Saul himself.