Television Better Call Saul | Includes Breaking Bad Spoilers

I don't know if this will be spoiler or anything, but regarding Mike:

he won't be that involved, apart from one episode that was all about him, and few that he had few longer appearances, but we probably saw more of Chuck and Kim in first season in total I think. Also, I am not really sure I'd like him that much if he was more involved anyway, I like him more when he is making "cameos" than having episodes all about him.
Watched the first three episodes, enjoyed it so far. Saul's carrying the show very well on his own. Obviously got plenty of humour, but he's got enough depth as a character and is complex enough to be a lead.

I enjoyed seeing Tuco, but did anyone else almost feel like he was a bit of a different character? I mean, he's still a scary bastard and completely brutal, but he seemed more menacing here than outright mental like he was in BB. Maybe it was the presence of his mother or whoever the old lady was that made him tone it down a bit and be more restrained.

Hoping to see more of Mike as well, but enjoyed his cameos so far and his dynamic with Saul. He'll probably start taking on a bigger role now he's directed Saul to where the family would be hiding.

Hoping the show gets more of a direction in general too. It seems to be going somewhere, with Saul becoming more of a criminal lawyer, but I don't think the over-arching plot is that gripping right now - the characters are the more interesting part thus far, mainly Saul himself.

I'd assume that his penchant for meth is what destabilised him up to when we see him in BB, he may not have hit that point yet in the timeframe of BCS.
I'd assume that his penchant for meth is what destabilised him up to when we see him in BB, he may not have hit that point yet in the timeframe of BCS.

Aye, that would make sense actually.
So I've watched 3.5 episodes now, and I'm at the point where I can go either way on this. Can someone tell me if I should stick it out or give up on it altogether? Thought the first couple episodes were decent, but the 3rd and 4th have been progressively worse. The acting by the lawyer chick is pretty bad, to the point of annoying. Getting bored by lame characters, and the writing seems sorta aimless. If it wasn't for Breaking Bad, I'd probably have given up on this already. So do things start picking up soon or am I better off cutting bait? Obviously, I'm not expecting this to be as good as BB, but it's been pretty meh so far.
The first season is more about Jimmy McGill, and his transformation into the Saul Goodman...which doesn't really occur until the very last minutes of the season...
Just finished watching this. Thought it was great throughout and it's a lot better than I expected it to be
I was quite mixed about it

Probably not fair that I kept comparing it to BB, although this series to did have one outstandingly excellent episode that felt exactly like watching BB again
I've not given this a second thought since season one finished, which probably says it all really.

I'll watch season two, obviously, but I can't say I'm eagerly awaiting it or anything.
I like the Jimmy McGill character and you feel even more sorry for him when you think about how he tried so hard to become a honest lawyer and became Saul Goodman

I expected it to be a straight up comedy but it's a lot more than that I think
I wonder if I would have liked it more had i binge watched it as opposed to one a week.
It was a slow burner in the middle. I think the best episode was probably the fallout with his brother being pissed about his shortcut to being a lawyer, that or Mike's cop backstory. The finale wasn't great if I remember but thing that intrigued me the most was the black & white scenes in the pilot with him in the coffee shop & watching old videotapes of his 'saul days'.. probably meaning a story post-breaking bad in the future..
Rewatching breaking bad and man Walt Jnr is the biggest bitch possible
Rewatching breaking bad and man Walt Jnr is the biggest bitch possible
Both Jr and Skylar got on my nerves a lot during the first 2/3 seasons but at the end couldn't help but feel sorry for them and tbf to Jr he got a lot better towards the end.
I found it incredibly forgettable at the time which seems even more true now as I really can't remember bugger all from the first series. I remember he ran over a guy, and had a watch, and Mike was there looking glum as feck at a few points.

Basically it was a Breaking bad spinoff without any of the .. you know ... breaking bad.
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I found it incredibly forgettable at the time which seems even more true now as I really can't remember bugger all from the first series. I remember he ran over a kid, and had a watch, and Mike was there looking glum as feck at a few points.

Basically it was a Breaking bad spinoff without any of the .. you know ... breaking bad.
I thought you rebooted this thread because you know.. Season 2 was close by.
I didn't reboot the thread, the poster above me did. Time goes forwards, true story.
Oh, Sorry :lol:. I might have gotten a little over excited seeing the title. I didn't completely watch BB (Watched tilll Gus died) but I liked this because it was a little more Comedic in nature. But yeah, it is much weaker than the episodes of BB I saw.
Still! How is this possible?!

Breaking Bad itself, as much as I love it, is somewhat overrated at 95%, how can this be seen as better?!
Because it's based on BB, and by default, given its huge fan base, it just gets lauded. Sure it has 8.8 on IMBD or something stupid.
Because it's based on BB, and by default, given its huge fan base, it just gets lauded. Sure it has 8.8 on IMBD or something stupid.
I remember someone in this thread declared it 'already better than BB' after something like 2 episodes.
I remember someone in this thread declared it 'already better than BB' after something like 2 episodes.
Yeah ducklegs, he got laughed at to be fair.

I just remember it looking good but being really, really boring for the most part. Maybe S2 will pick up but I've no urgency to watch it.

I mean, we already know what happens with Saul and Mike, we've seen them in 5 seasons of TV already, it's just a bit ... like ... give a shit?
Looking forward to S2. Yeah, it wasn't as engaging as Breaking Bad but was really good in a different way. Thoroughly enjoyed it and hopefully will do for the second season too..
Yeah ducklegs, he got laughed at to be fair.

I just remember it looking good but being really, really boring for the most part. Maybe S2 will pick up but I've no urgency to watch it.

I mean, we already know what happens with Saul and Mike, we've seen them in 5 seasons of TV already, it's just a bit ... like ... give a shit?
Yea I'm the same, I hadn't even realised the new ones were about to start.
Yep, each episode will be on Netflix the day after it airs in the US, same as it did with season one.

Brill. I did really enjoy season 1 bar the few season filler episodes. Hopefully we'll begin to see more interaction with Saul and Mike. The chemistry between them two are fantastic.
Looking forward to S2. Yeah, it wasn't as engaging as Breaking Bad but was really good in a different way. Thoroughly enjoyed it and hopefully will do for the second season too..
I agree - I liked BB but I liked this as well - more of a slow burner and lower key, but brilliant in its own way and I'm really looking forward to this next series
Because it's based on BB, and by default, given its huge fan base, it just gets lauded. Sure it has 8.8 on IMBD or something stupid.

I hate opinions like this. "I don't like it so everyone who does must like it for a stupid reason."

There are going to be people who disagree with the quality of the show, doesn't mean they only like it for stupid reasons.