ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
Oh stories of cnuts good deeds started popping up as counter measures now. Must be said,sellout brigade done some great PR stuff in recent months,well done tbf.It reminds me of political/war propaganda style.
For years you read here negative views and insults towards JM style of play,calling it boring and what not. Now you see almost same those waving with statements like "His style isnt boring,he managed in one season with RM to score 400 goals"(dont know exact number of goals) as some kind of proof how no one here said anything about being boring.
For years you read here how people were disgusted with his parking bus,boing 747,he was mocked,laughed at,called all kinds of names. Now it seems that parking a bus and freaking airplane was just an illusion,it wasnt real at all.
People raised a question about his trusts in youth/young players.You can see in the past how he has 0 trust in youth/young players,hell sometimes he doesnt even trust to reserves,anyone outside those first XI. Once again we didnt need to wait long for brigades counter measure move,they came back with some stats and names from previous clubs as proof,how him not giving chance to youth is bullshit. Mentioning Zouma as prime example,Zouma wasnt there before him hello,he bought him right?
When that didnt do a trick,they started spinning statements how it doesnt matter for him,as long you earn your spot during trainings and games,linking some interviews of coaches under him. Really?! So guess Ivanovic and Matic and other 7 were in godlike mode during trainings and games since start of this season. I mean its great fun to watch them trying to spin things around.
One of last points,is him being called a cnut,again he was called like that here by most because his actions. For some time nobody released counter measures regarding that but recently you can see attempts to put his cnut level on same scale numbers as SAF`s,yep,out of nowhere he suddenly isnt any bigger or less cnut then Sir Alex.
So there arent more moves left,only remains to post a photoshoped picture of Rui Faria with some puppies and they are done.
Its funny to see that all related to "United way" was used as smashing hammer vs LvG and same doesnt apply when it comes to our future manager.I know that football fans are fickle and clueless as feck but i really hate double standards.
At the end of day those 80.3% will get their wish and guess he will be our new manager. I never gonna change my vote.Think he is a winner,never had anything against his style of play,nor him parking a bus (because i find some type of beauty in defending just like in attacking),not like brigade members.In same time i find him to be a classless cnut,his assistant manager is classless cnut too with being animal as bonus.He has 0 trust in youth and so on.
I understand that brigade wants to win something asap so they dont turn into RAWK members. To have someone classy as SBC in stand watching us play while we have classless cnuts in JM and RAF in dugout...no thanks. If he becomes our next manager,then welcome to United,will be happy and will celebrate any title,win because at the end of day i am United supporter.