They can't be serious. Look at any group of cnuts from history and they all do the same thing. They use dehumanising language to get the mob on side. Before the genocide in Rawanda, the Hutu used to refer to the Tutsi as cockroaches in broadcasts all the time. The Nazis did the same thing with the jews. They were often refereed to as being diseased animals that needed to be put down. And then going further to liken them to parasites that presented a threat to German bloodlines. Anywhere you look, the first tool used by oppressors is language. Thats what the Tories did here, and theres no escaping it.
But why use this language when it's so obvious what they are saying? Well, because they are going to lose the next election. They can't say "vote for us, look how great the country is!" because its all shit. Theres strikes everywhere, theres cops raping women, theres a cost of living crisis, the place is a fecking mess. But what the can do is create an enemy, and present themselves as the Britains hero fighting on the front lines against "the swarms" trying to "break in". They have been doing this for years. Even Cameron got called out on it during his time of trying to side step questions of their shit governance. They did the same to the disabled people, claiming it was for them because of all the benefit cheats out there stealing. And what did they do? The went after the disabled, and changed what it meant to be disabled in order get the help disabled people needed and then trotted out bullshit language about "scroungers" and "thieves" to get the public on side. Meanwhile, the DWP was ignoring that their new WCA had caused 600 suicides inside 3 years. And over 2300 deaths of people they had found fit for work inside 5 years.
Torys have always read from the nazi playbook, utterly fecking bizarre how it's taken this long for people to notice. Who knew Gary Lineker, of all people, would be the guy to open up people eyes to it finally.