You're only young once, you can be immature f'ever
What do you guys think I should I do, if I exchange for CeX vouchers i'll get £220 but that means i'd have to get a used PS3 from them but if I just go for money theyll only give me £160 which means i'd have to fork out about another 60ish which I really dont want to do..but the idea of spending about £200 on a used PS3 doesnt exactly turn me on either
Definitely take the cash. Buying consoles second hand is not the wisest of things to do. The £60 will be money well spent for a new console. I'd avoid second hand consoles, unless it was a gamecube or a PS2 because those two in my experience are pretty reliable.
If you do get the console from CEX and it encounters problems, you should find out from other people just how helpful their customer service is. They could sell on a patched up console someone else has traded in and quite easily blame any problems on you.