Bad boy, Xbox, very bad, very bad boy

So if the competition isn't poor, how come people are still willing to buy a flawed product?

That's an interesting question, and one totally unique in product history. It has never happened before and is quite bizarre. However, that said, and I've commented on this before, without the RROD issues, PS3 would have been dead and burried IMO. The thing is, that they had to jump the gun and release well before Sony, because if they had launched with Sony then they most probably might have not had the RROD issue, but would have been dead and burried themselves due to the strength of the Playstation brand itself. That extra year+ provided them with a good foothold in the market, but cost them a lot of money, which over the longer term may or may not have been worth it. Chicken and Egg. In the longer term I think that it will have been worth it for them, as they are now a serious player. Don't view it all as black and white though, PS3 itself was frought with problems, was downgraded technically, and used as a pawn in the fight for the HD optical disc format.
That's an interesting question, and one totally unique in product history. It has never happened before and is quite bizarre. However, that said, and I've commented on this before, without the RROD issues, PS3 would have been dead and burried IMO. The thing is, that they had to jump the gun and release well before Sony, because if they had launched with Sony then they most probably might have not had the RROD issue, but would have been dead and burried themselves due to the strength of the Playstation brand itself. That extra year+ provided them with a good foothold in the market, but cost them a lot of money, which over the longer term may or may not have been worth it. Chicken and Egg. In the longer term I think that it will have been worth it for them, as they are now a serious player. Don't view it all as black and white though, PS3 itself was frought with problems, was downgraded technically, and used as a pawn in the fight for the HD optical disc format.

Very good point. For once i must say i agree with you Weaste. Well said.
Mines bitten the dust too.

Did everyone get their confirmation E-mail's straight away? I've been waiting a few hours for mine.

When I eventually do get it, I print out a label, stick it on my 360 and send it off?
Yeh can take a while, if you dont get anything then just do it again.

You get a label emailed to you, print it out. Put ONLY your 360 console into a suitable box (i.e. dont put the harddrive in or any other accessories), and stick the label on. You'll then be directed to arrange a free pick up from DHL or whatever carrier it was and theyll pick it up, send it off to repairs, and you should receive console 10-20 days after.
Yeh can take a while, if you dont get anything then just do it again.

You get a label emailed to you, print it out. Put ONLY your 360 console into a suitable box (i.e. dont put the harddrive in or any other accessories), and stick the label on. You'll then be directed to arrange a free pick up from DHL or whatever carrier it was and theyll pick it up, send it off to repairs, and you should receive console 10-20 days after.

Ok, thanks mate. Wasn't really gaming too much so can go without. But still...damn Microsoft.
I just got banned from Xbox live because someone reported my profile. FFS! cnuts!"
normally it takes a few reports from different people to get someone banned
Microsoft think your a virus, or u think microsoft is one ;)
dont you get banned for modding or hacking the console or something?
I am a bit pissed at MS right now too. Since the Sky download on Wednesday (mine has still not appeared since) My Live has been slow as shit. It took a full night to download the new GTA yesterday and today it is still as slow as fecked. I am really hoping I am not the only one experiencing these problems.

Not arsed about the Sky Player at all because I have the full Sky package on my TV, but yet I seem to be suffering because of it.

feck you MS
I am a bit pissed at MS right now too. Since the Sky download on Wednesday (mine has still not appeared since) My Live has been slow as shit. It took a full night to download the new GTA yesterday and today it is still as slow as fecked. I am really hoping I am not the only one experiencing these problems.

Not arsed about the Sky Player at all because I have the full Sky package on my TV, but yet I seem to be suffering because of it.

feck you MS

Mine's been absolutely fine.
I am a bit pissed at MS right now too. Since the Sky download on Wednesday (mine has still not appeared since) My Live has been slow as shit. It took a full night to download the new GTA yesterday and today it is still as slow as fecked. I am really hoping I am not the only one experiencing these problems.

Not arsed about the Sky Player at all because I have the full Sky package on my TV, but yet I seem to be suffering because of it.

feck you MS

Its just you
Not sure what E error it is, not getting any picture now so can't see.

Looking like a send back job.

Do the wireless sync/disk tray error detector thing to narrow down whats up with it. If it's still in warranty, fine, if not just fix yourself.
I've had E-74 before. Shit myself. But all i did was turn it off, unplug all the wires plug them back in and turn it on 10 minutes later. Been fine ever since, that was about 6 months ago.
I've had E-74 before. Shit myself. But all i did was turn it off, unplug all the wires plug them back in and turn it on 10 minutes later. Been fine ever since, that was about 6 months ago.

Tried this, left it for 2 hours and nothing.

feck sake, right as COD is about to come out.

My Xbox now literally sounds like a jet engine. Over the last month its gradually been getting louder, to the point now it sounds like its about to take off. Any ideas what's going on, besides predicting its imminent death?
as Weaste says, its probably the fan. Any piece of equipment like a PC or console that starts getting louder, 9 times out of 10 its the fan. They do get clogged up with your dirty scaley skin you know (dust).

It amazes me how many people smoke around their PC/Console all day then wonder how the inside of the system is so dusty
The fans probably need a really good clean (with a can of pressurised air - not flash liquid). Probably!

Well i don't have a can of pressurised air. Which will do the least amount of damage and get rid of dust best; a can of Lynx African or a vacuum cleaner?
The trouble with the big fat PS3s is that the fan is at the bottom of the bloody thing, you have to take the motherboard (which is upside down) out and everything, it's a right twat of a job - you have to literally dismantle the entire thing. The slims have the fan next to the BD drive at the top.