Bad boy, Xbox, very bad, very bad boy

A can of pressurised air you should be able to buy from Maplin for less than three quid.

Ok. I'll get one next time i'm over at the Rose Kiln Lane Retail Park, but would a vacuum not do the trick? I remember i used to vacuum my PS2.
My Xbox now literally sounds like a jet engine. Over the last month its gradually been getting louder, to the point now it sounds like its about to take off. Any ideas what's going on, besides predicting its imminent death?

I can't play my Xbox due to the amazingly loud sound. It just sits in the loft with the Amiga, SNES, NES and friends.
When I owned PS2 a guy who services consoles offered me someting like acoustical treatment for it, i still dont know how it works but after it my console had been very quiet and had been working faster. i dont know if it is available for ps3 though.

As for Xbox , i would like to own one , i am a PS3 owner , i choosed it mainly because i think it is a better value for money- you get blu ray player , and few other things which xbox wont give you. Moreover I think PS3 will last longer , now you can only wait for next Xbox , i think they will release it in 2 years time. Xbox has some good titles , especially rpg , i would like to play some of them , but i dont feel like paying for online , not to mention possible repair threats . I will just enjoy my Playstation, maybe i will go for xbox 720 .
When I owned PS2 a guy who services consoles offered me someting like acoustical treatment for it, i still dont know how it works but after it my console had been very quiet and had been working faster. i dont know if it is available for ps3 though.

As for Xbox , i would like to own one , i am a PS3 owner , i choosed it mainly because i think it is a better value for money- you get blu ray player , and few other things which xbox wont give you. Moreover I think PS3 will last longer , now you can only wait for next Xbox , i think they will release it in 2 years time. Xbox has some good titles , especially rpg , i would like to play some of them , but i dont feel like paying for online , not to mention possible repair threats . I will just enjoy my Playstation, maybe i will go for xbox 720 .

Vacuum is probably the worst one, supposedly....

it messes up the electrical components in PC' I assume it will do the same to a console.
Vacuum is probably the worst one, supposedly....

it messes up the electrical components in PC' I assume it will do the same to a console.

So you reckon i should go with the lynx african?
When I owned PS2 a guy who services consoles offered me someting like acoustical treatment for it, i still dont know how it works but after it my console had been very quiet and had been working faster. i dont know if it is available for ps3 though.

As for Xbox , i would like to own one , i am a PS3 owner , i choosed it mainly because i think it is a better value for money- you get blu ray player , and few other things which xbox wont give you. Moreover I think PS3 will last longer , now you can only wait for next Xbox , i think they will release it in 2 years time. Xbox has some good titles , especially rpg , i would like to play some of them , but i dont feel like paying for online , not to mention possible repair threats . I will just enjoy my Playstation, maybe i will go for xbox 720 .

Just reassembled it, and believe it or not it is now the quietest it has ever been.:D

Having a look inside was interesting though. This xbox i received from MS after sending off my first one due to it having the RROD. That means this is a 2nd hand refurb, but the inside is fecking bashed up. Its looks as though someone has taken a screwdriver to the metal casing and repetitively stabbed it. 3 of the catches on the casing are snapped off and and there was biro and electrical tape all over the place. A total mess. I'm surprised the machine runs at all.
How my Xbox currently looks:


How it looked 10 minutes ago:


How it looked this morning:

1st - was flashed and got banned during MS's banning orgie
2nd - Is for bedroom
3rd - Is for living room
you just don't like the fact I have more black than white consoles, Brad.

And Elvis, i'm inclined to decline.
Can't argue with the rules of the playground. Touché Bradley, looks like we're both racists. Don't know about Hitler though, that would mean bringing other factors into the equation such as ethnic and religious discrimination.
Notice how each black controller is slightly beneath the white controller next to it...

Is their no end to your racism?

Also if you look closely you can see the black ones have been used more and are more 'beaten' up.

The extent of my racism knows no bounds.
I am not happy.

My box has started fecking up again, it all started a few months ago with FIFA WC where it would just freeze all the fecking time, then i had this once with Alan Wake and now its started up again when playing Red Dead...I cant get past the first race with Bonnie cause it ALWAYS fecking crashes.

I've had enough of this, its not the discs I am sure of that.

And not only that it cant read the disc when its installed to the HDD...the one place where it doesnt need to read the disc! But then it will work when you uninstall it from the HDD (this happens with every game I have)

*sigh* ill get feck all for a 20GB model now wont I? :(
Hard luck Potato. One of mine has been reading discs intermittently as well as scratching discs really badly. Scratched FIFA World Cup, beyond being playable, on the opening day of the tournament.

I'm thinking of investing in one of the new ones.
And yeah, your 20gb will be worth feck all now. What with the new console out and your one being so dodgy. :(
I've been looking at CEX and theyll give me a total trade of about £220 or about £150 cash...they do a slim PS3 for £205...its tempting but then id loose my ME saves...though I could back them up somehow couldnt I?
I've been looking at CEX and theyll give me a total trade of about £220 or about £150 cash...they do a slim PS3 for £205...its tempting but then id loose my ME saves...though I could back them up somehow couldnt I?

Wait TFP, what exactly will they give you £220 for? Can't be for your 20gb, surely?! Or are you including games and accessories in there as well?

And yep, they pretty much only do pre-owneds. If you're going to invest in another xbox, I'd strongly advice you to get the slim, my mate who's had an a 20gb and an elite, just picked it up last week, and can't stop raving about just how much better it is than those two.
Wait TFP, what exactly will they give you £220 for? Can't be for your 20gb, surely?! Or are you including games and accessories in there as well?

And yep, they pretty much only do pre-owneds. If you're going to invest in another xbox, I'd strongly advice you to get the slim, my mate who's had an a 20gb and an elite, just picked it up last week, and can't stop raving about just how much better it is than those two.

Yeah its including games etc, the 360 on its own is like £50ish

And na I probably wont be going with another Xbox as i'd be be down from 2 controllers to one and about 20 games to none and not only that i'd be paying £50 to get to that position! So I might aswell just get a PS3.

Though i'll probably end up getting an Xbox again when Alan Wake 2/Mass Effect 3 come out
What do you guys think I should I do, if I exchange for CeX vouchers i'll get £220 but that means i'd have to get a used PS3 from them but if I just go for money theyll only give me £160 which means i'd have to fork out about another 60ish which I really dont want to do..but the idea of spending about £200 on a used PS3 doesnt exactly turn me on either