Bad boy, Xbox, very bad, very bad boy

To be fair, since my xbox is out of warranty and already had a RROD repair, i'd kinda like to get mines modded..

Modding can hardly be considered a sin considering its Microsoft who get screwed over. Think of it as like mugging a paedophile.
My first box was modded and RROD'd and I chanced sending it in anyway, sure enough they replaced it just fine. Whether I was insanely lucky or they just don't check every box I don't know. If you're buying a new one anyway why not chance your luck?

Yeah probably will chance it. How long does it take for them to Replace it?
Have you played GoW2? If so, what do you think of it?

Nope, my 360 is dead too remember, lol. But from the reviews its picking up I assume its brilliant.

As for the repairs, well I sent my last Monday, and they've currently received it. So if im lucky ill get it back by Friday.

So 10 days is a possibility, but 2-3 weeks at the most.
Nope, my 360 is dead too remember, lol. But from the reviews its picking up I assume its brilliant.

As for the repairs, well I sent my last Monday, and they've currently received it. So if im lucky ill get it back by Friday.

So 10 days is a possibility, but 2-3 weeks at the most.

Yeah does seem to be receiving good reviews. Will pick it up as soon as i have an xbox. Was hoping to have an Xbox for the release of COD, but that looks unlikely now. fecking Xbox's.

Although that is pretty quick. Hopefully i can set the ball rolling tomorrow....
You shouldn't have modded it. Mug!

I love my Xbox 360. Going to play some Gears of War 2 now :drool:
Just went onto the MS Xbox website to try and sort out getting my 360 fixed. Filled in all the detail to register my xbox, and it says that my country ( the UK) isn't currently supported. Wtf is that about?
Well as of today, exactly one week after I sent my dead elite to Micro$oft, they've repaired it and are shipping it back to me, not as long as I anticipated. So theres hope of me playing Gears this weekend.
Ok. So i sent my Xbox back to MS roughly 3 weeks ago, on the off chance that they wouldn't check the seal and realise it had been tampered with. Got an email confirming they had received it. Then didn't hear anything for a week. I presumed they were just going to send it back, and this morning when i received a microsoft box i was dreading what was inside. To my delight it was a brand new Xbox! Thank you MS, the best software company in the world, and the producer of the best Games console ever.
Ok. So i sent my Xbox back to MS roughly 3 weeks ago, on the off chance that they wouldn't check the seal and realise it had been tampered with. Got an email confirming they had received it. Then didn't hear anything for a week. I presumed they were just going to send it back, and this morning when i received a microsoft box i was dreading what was inside. To my delight it was a brand new Xbox! Thank you MS, the best software company in the world, and the producer of the best Games console ever.

I work in Microsoft repairs department, and although for obvious reasons I usually only browse these threads and try and not argue over company policy and product, this isn't acceptable.

You have voided your warranty, and I will reference the fact that any returns to your area of Reading shouldn't have been authorised; infact perhaps a mod can provide me with an IP location.

I know I sound like a jobsworth here, but it is people like me who's job and livelihood is on the line in these scenarios.
I work in Microsoft repairs department, and although for obvious reasons I usually only browse these threads and try and not argue over company policy and product, this isn't acceptable.

You have voided your warranty, and I will reference the fact that any returns to your area of Reading shouldn't have been authorised; infact perhaps a mod can provide me with an IP location.

I know I sound like a jobsworth here, but it is people like me who's job and livelihood is on the line in these scenarios.

So is it more likely or less likely that someone gets fired over this if you make a fuss about it?
Biscuit wanna go through Gears of War II storyline on coop? Still need to play the storymode myself.
Biscuit wanna go through Gears of War II storyline on coop? Still need to play the storymode myself.

When i get it. Going to spend the money i was going to spend on getting a new console, on games.
My only ever problem with my Xbox happened today. Whenever my controller was meant to vibrate, it switched off. Happened my mate aswell. For instance, when I hit the crossbar in Fifa, it would just prompt me to re-connect. fecking annoying. I know I can turn off vibration, but its good for games like CoD
You have to admire Microsoft and the way they can persuade people to shell out money for something so flawed and persuade them to act delighted when they actually fix these flaws resulting in said mugs liking Microsoft far more than if they had supplied a decent product in the first place.

It is like an addict who loves his dealer for giving him a small packet of half decent stuff to replace the packet of Draino they supplied instead of coke last week nearly killing the druggy in the process.

Maybe Sony should make things less well to increase customer loyalty?
Perhaps it is due to the competition being so poor, that people are willing to overlook these 'major flaws', Wibble?
Perhaps you're a bit of a dick, but we won't go there.

Stop trying to derail all the 360 threads. You throw a tantrum if anyone mentions the negatives of the PS3 in a PS3 thread.

Plus you're a bit of a cnut, but we shan't talk of it.
I didn't even mention the PS3, in case you hadn't noticed.

It was just a rather shite statement, with nothing in the way of forming an argument for it.

Not that I expect anything different from you.
You have to admire Microsoft and the way they can persuade people to shell out money for something so flawed and persuade them to act delighted when they actually fix these flaws resulting in said mugs liking Microsoft far more than if they had supplied a decent product in the first place.

It is like an addict who loves his dealer for giving him a small packet of half decent stuff to replace the packet of Draino they supplied instead of coke last week nearly killing the druggy in the process.

Maybe Sony should make things less well to increase customer loyalty?

To be honest Wibble, the 360 bar the technical issues is actually a terrific console - great library of games, great online gaming and as of now is very good value for money especially when it comes to HD gaming.

Sony has done that very well too but is still rather too pricey for some, hence why people look to the 360. (Though really I cant blame Sony's reluctancy in lowering the price since they cant make a sophisticated powerhouse such as the PS3 any cheaper considering its specs, theyre losing enough money on each unit as it is)

I wouldnt say that those who receive their console from repairs are contented and full of praise for Microsoft, its just merely the fact that we're relieved to have our consoles back (and then praying the thing stays alive for another month as we waste hours on Gears II online).
Perhaps it is due to the competition being so poor, that people are willing to overlook these 'major flaws', Wibble?

I had an X Box and was happy with it. And I do consider a virtually 100% failure rate within 3 years as a major flaw.

I don't give a toss what the competition is like. You lot are happily throwing your time, money and effort into a bit of hardware with the reliability of a Trabant. You wouldn't behave this way with any other bit of consumer electronics so why just because it is a games console?
To be honest Wibble, the 360 bar the technical issues is actually a terrific console - great library of games, great online gaming and as of now is very good value for money especially when it comes to HD gaming.

I'm sure it is. As I said I was very happy with my X Box but I wouldn't go near the 360 with a bargepole due to reliability issues. I HATE things breaking down and reliability and longevity are key features of anything I buy if at all possible.

Sony has done that very well too but is still rather too pricey for some, hence why people look to the 360. (Though really I cant blame Sony's reluctancy in lowering the price since they cant make a sophisticated powerhouse such as the PS3 any cheaper considering its specs, theyre losing enough money on each unit as it is)

I got mine for about 50 quid after trading in my X Box and games when it was on special last year. Spectacular value. It works for me because we aren't huge gamers, my son will only play a few hours a week no matter how good the games are (and he loves Little Big Planet) and I play hardly at all. As a media centre is is simply awesome. I play downloaded movies and TV epiodes streamed wirelessly from my PC, the DVD remote is brillant BTW and watch upscaled DVDs and BlueRay movies is excellent. I also stream music into my home theatre via the PS3. What a piece of gear.

And the games will come I'd guess. But it is all irrelevant to my point that I can't believe that people are so tolerant of the RRoD. This happens to me i want my money back and compensation for the money I have wasted on accesories and games. Not simply bending over and shouting "Thank you sir. May I have another" as Microsoft repeatedly kick you in the arse.

I wouldnt say that those who receive their console from repairs are contented and full of praise for Microsoft, its just merely the fact that we're relieved to have our consoles back (and then praying the thing stays alive for another month as we waste hours on Gears II online).

Seems an odd reaction. I'd still be annoyed that i had to do without the console I paid good money for without any compensation.

Surely a class action must be in the offing?
Ring them up anyway. Tell them you hadent had the problem for 3 years but due to this being a known manufacturing fault it was a time bomb waiting to happen. If your persuasive enough they will fix it for you. Alternatively they can arrange to fix it for you at a cost.
I didn't even mention the PS3, in case you hadn't noticed.

It was just a rather shite statement, with nothing in the way of forming an argument for it.

Not that I expect anything different from you.

:confused: I didn't say you did mention the PS3.

So if the competition isn't poor, how come people are still willing to buy a flawed product?