Avatar - Welcome to the future of cinema!

Stunning film, storyline wasn't as bad as I thought, typical hollywood admittedly but still a more than worthwhile watch.
Did anyone else, in the scene where Grace and Jake are talking to the clan leaders and Grace gets pulled, get reminded of the Matrix? When Cipher is yanking out all the cords to the operatives. I almost expected Jake to look pleadingly at Neytiri and say "not like this... not like this," in a southern accent :lol:
Yeah I thought a similar thing. Also that scene has the funniest moment in the film:

Tsu'Tey: You mated with this woman?
Grace: Oh shit!
Perfect delivery.
Saw it a few days ago in 3D. Very stunning visuals; if I were to watch it again, I wouldn't just skip to the fight scenes because the scenery is too beautiful to miss in the non-action parts.

I have but two small nerd-gripes with this movie.
1. If Pandora is truly low-gravity, as stated explicitly by the colonel, then how come objects fall so quickly?

2. Again, the colonel says that the Na'vi are very hard to kill, but it seems that a few bullets is all that is needed.

These two aside, they do not detract from the excellent final product which is Avatar.

Just watched it. Loved it. Dumb as nuts but amazing spectacle from start to finish.

Gotta say though, it was full of nerd-gripes. Never mind the gravity can anyone explain how...
...the floating mountains were so full of interference it completely fecked up all the sensor equipment on the battle helicopters, but somehow didn't prevent the giga-billions of byte (a lot, ok?) of information being constantly streamed to/from the avatar? I reckon those things are pretty tricky to control when it gets a bit laggy!
When in doubt just blame it on the Force.

Err, I mean Eywa
Did anyone else, in the scene where Grace and Jake are talking to the clan leaders and Grace gets pulled, get reminded of the Matrix? When Cipher is yanking out all the cords to the operatives. I almost expected Jake to look pleadingly at Neytiri and say "not like this... not like this," in a southern accent :lol:


I always laugh when I see that scene in the Matrix.
Stunning film, storyline wasn't as bad as I thought, typical hollywood admittedly but still a more than worthwhile watch.

This was the only problem I found. But it was pretty good still. Worth watching in 3D.
I don't fancy this in the slightest, but the feedback seems worthy enough to think I should give it the benefit

The only criticisms seem to be that it doesn't have an arty deep and meaningful storyline. No shit sherlock. You get what it says on the tin only more. The action scenes are stunning and unlike may action movies the action is so well choreographed that it makes sense in real time. No "Which transformer was that" moments.

If you like his previous movies like Aliens and Terminator 2 you should love this. I can't remember when I enjoyed myself as much at the cinema TBH. And it has to be seen on the big screen preferably in 3D since it was filmed to be seen in 3D.
if you like glow in the dark miniputt, you'll love this movie

seriously I was amazed. I knew plot lines were coming but i didnt care, the visuals blew me away and you have to see it in 3D. fantastic stuff and anyone who wants to nitpick at this movie must be incredibly hard to please.
Great entertainment, thoroughly enjoyed it. Some of it is just stunningly beautiful. My wife, who really wasn't looking forward to it, was blown away - her first 3D movie. If you see it, you really do have to get to the biggest digital 3D screen you can find - I saw it in IMAX 3D and it makes all the difference
Cameron has already says he plans this to be a trilogy with the overarching story in his head, and so if he can bear to allow someone else to have a good attempt at writing a script (someone who does that for a living), we might well be seeing this generation's Star Wars; the science fiction franchise that dominates for decades to come.

Cameron is a scriptwriter; he writes or co-writes all his movies. He also has writing credits on Rambo II, which he wrote at the same time as Terminator. Having said that, it'd be nice if he let a script doctor work on some of his dialogue. Downside of being a visionary control freak though, the rest of us have to take the rough with the smooth.
Saw it today and absolutely loved it. I never intended to go to a cinema for this one as I'm not too much into fantasy but as I saw people lining up in a queue to get tickets for this one and find out you have to buy them three days before showing to get decent seats I decided I'd try my luck and amazingly got two tickets for row 4. I never saw a movie that would bring that many people to a cinema, there were literally no spare tickets across Poland today other than row 1, row 2 and occasionally rows 3 and 4.

The plot was predictable but not dull at all, it was over 2 hours but there wasn't a single moment when I'd want it to end briefly (other than at the end when I nearly pissed my pants after having about half a gallon of Coke). Special effects were what made this movie clearly and I must say it was indeed a significant leap forward for the cinema. Not sure if it's going to be a habit for new movies anytime soon to be shot in 3D that advanced but it will definitely be considered by many.

What I loved about it is that this 3D indeed made you feel the world presented in front of you, not just boast how advanced it was. The difference between this and a normal movie was like a difference between a PS3 game and a PS1 game, simply different level in terms of the visual experience.

All the previous 3D movies I've seen had only the 3D technology to show, this one had actually a decent plot and visual effects which made it much more worthwhile. A strong 9, maybe 9 and a half and I admit I never expected it after seeing a rather disappointing trailer.
Just got back from seeing it in the full Imax 3D and WOW!! Absolutely stunning. Storywise it moves along at a nice pace and whilst it's hardly original, it's the sense of exploration and wonder that has left me feeling like a Kid. Go see it, in the full Imax 3D. Stuf what everyone else says. Best fun I've had at the cinema for a long time.
Just got back from seeing it in the full Imax 3D and WOW!! Absolutely stunning. Storywise it moves along at a nice pace and whilst it's hardly original, it's the sense of exploration and wonder that has left me feeling like a Kid. Go see it, in the full Imax 3D. Stuf what everyone else says. Best fun I've had at the cinema for a long time.

:confused: No one has said anything bad about it...anywhere

apart from the story being a little predictable
Says it all really. The film has been getting great reviews and most people who've gone to see it (myself included) have loved it.

Simply put it's one of the most stunning things i've seen in my life. My eyes are aching now though. Literally.
Imo Brad you have to see it for the technology used alone. It realy is groundbreaking stuff and of course time is running out as it wont be in Cinemas forever
Anyone here who has seen it on imax 3d, seriously can you tell me when the dull ache at the back of your eyes is gone?
I watched it last night and thought it was excellent. The effects were amazing

I was a little underwhelmed with the 3D though. I thought it was going to blow me away but found it no different from other 3D movies I've already seen.

That aside it was brilliant.
Realy? The opening scene with him coming out of his box to reveal a very deep ship with people floating around was without a doubt the best 3D I have ever seen
I think the 3D was quite subtle though...nothing jumping out of the screen it just conveyed depth very well in some scenes
Saw it in IMAX 3D on Christmas Eve. It was easily the best movie experience I've ever had. Loved the story, the visuals were unbelievable, and the interaction between human and the CGI characters and environment was seamless. I loved it. 9.5/10 for me, only because I know I'll have to watch it on a normal screen or TV soon and it won't be as outstanding.

I would love to see a version in IMAX 3D on a planetarium screen. That would be unreal.
Seen it now and enjoyed what I saw thoroughly... only thing is, the cacking projector broke down right before the finale.

They were trying to save Sigourney

Have I missed a lot?
Is the end the best part?
Am I insanely unlucky?