Well yes it does Pizzle Mahizzle, cos you're choosing to embrace the positive connotations of that, but ignore the negative. Because rather than make you love the characters through clever dialogue and inventive story telling, he made you love them through humanoid facial expressions...and tits "Oh look she's worried, oh look she's sad, oh look she's crying, oh look she's scared and she's shouting in an affrican accent, oh look she's got tits!!"..It's effin' lazy
And also in what way did they not act like human tribes?...Name one bit where they didn't act like a sterotypical tribal culture? ignoring their anatomy for a second? when did they do anything that if you replaced them with Native Indians you'd think "hold on, that doesn't fit"..?
The main hunter guy who's betrothed to whasserface didn't seem very peaceful or loving or anything like that at all by the way...But who gives a crap, they were clearly all peacefully primitive in a lovely way.
Everyone in that film was a crude 1 dimensional sterotype. Especailly the tribes people
And HW...that original ver. does sound so much better....proper characters and everything
Some other notes that I think might salve your insulted intelligence:
In the original, "main hunter guy" gets 'scalped' (his nerve thing sliced off) by Scarface midway through the final battle. (JC, you could have had some killer dialogue right there; pun absolutely intended) Does JC circa 2001 throw this death away as a one-off dramatic moment? Nope. Jake witnesses the scalping, gets pissed the feck off, and this is where he decides: 'That's it, I'm going to try and mount Big Red.' Thus Jake leaves the fight, throwing the Na'vi and co. into some consternation as to whether he's switched sides/chickened out. There is no silly "Jake = the chosen one" scene. He goes off to earn it mid-battle.
Also, Jake utters not a single awkward "Brother" anywhere. Ever. Not just because he actually has social skills, but also because he and everyone else is too busy trying not to die. There's a lot of non-verbal communication, just as you'd expect of beings designed to share a freaking nervous system: shared grins between comrades who just saved each others' asses, hand-signals and knowing looks between Banshee 'squadron' leaders and rhino-riders regrouping for attack. Good stuff.
And speaking of good stuff, there's loads of ebb and flow in the final battle. Rhino-riding Na'vi stampeding over human infantry, Powersuits blowing whole chunks out of Rhinos. The 'retreating' Na'vi leading Powersuits into quicksand death goo full of nasty critters. Banshee riders leaping onto turbo-choppers, dropping boulders into intake fans, then gracefully diving back onto Banshee and banking away from explosions. Na'vi firing sap-gourd tipped arrows onto Powersuit windshields, blinding the drivers. Powersuits calling up those huge Earthmovers for cover. Stingbats making mincemeat of infantry. Flame-troopers turning Stingbat nests into kindling. It's not simply tracer bullets and hydraulic joints vs. bows and arrows and leathery wings. Both sides know what the feck they're doing and they apply that knowledge towards some brutal results. And it's all kept coherent through 'corporate guy' watching the unfolding battle from home base. Good stuff, all eliminated.
And Netyiri's mount at the end is a "
six-legged armored freight train with a scorpion tail - this thing could eat a T-Rex for breakfast and have the Alien Queen for dessert." (JC's own words, I actually remember them verbatim) Not just a big panther. A goddam SIX-LEGGED ARMORED- I give up. So she's plugged into this thing, only half in control, cleaving through ranks of powersuits, wondering in the back of her mind whether Jake's betrayed them. Then when things seem really hopeless, fiery debris starts raining down from above like crazy. Netyiri: FFS NOW WHAT? Lo and behold, Jake swooping down from above on Big Red, tearing turbo-choppers to pieces two, three at a time. Jake: "Miss me?" Netyiri, re-invigorated: "Where the feck were you?" Jake: "Look what I'm fecking riding, woman! Where the feck do you think I was?" You get the picture.
I forget what Michelle Rodriguez does, but it's not 'Gee, I'll spray-paint right here in the hangar and no one will notice until I actually get some screen time'. Wait, I remember. IIRC she gets imprisoned for refusing to fly. And the mediacorp crew break her out and she helps blackmail 'corporate guy'. And THEN she joins the battle, swooping in to do her part and save some of the Na'vi. Does it look more and more like JC just bent his past self over and had a go? I think it does.
And not in the scriptment, but a good way to explain the Deus Ex Machina: Fine, keep Jake's prayer if you have to, but also have Netyiri have to risk her life to mount the Thanator, just as Jake does Big Red. Have Pandora sense the Na'vi fighters' desperation/urgency through their links to their animals. The Na'vi being the only sentient beings in her domain, let that be what bends her benevolent indifference just this once, since it doesn't go against her creed of non-intervention. It's for the benefit of no one particular species, but for the continuance of all.
I think they also briefly show the benefits of Unobtanium on dying Earth, thus raising the conflict stakes amongst all the Earthlings in the audience, but that could just be my imagination which is stuck in How-Avatar-Could-Have-Managed-Not-To-Suck mode.