Avatar - Welcome to the future of cinema!

I'm sure...and for the firs 20 minutes or so in 3D I was rapt...then it sort of wore off. A few times I had to take the glasses off and put them on again just so i remembered it was in 3D cos you get acclimatised to it after a while.

Also, I nicked the glasses, but have since found out that there's no point cos only certain projectors can create that sort of polarised 3D so they're useless...anyone want some IMAX glasses?

I'll be honest with you, I missed the ending and what go and watch it again but I'm slightly worried that if I have to watch the whole thing again just to see the end I might fcuk up the whole experience like you did... or worse yet, wake up to see end credits and have to go through the whole thing again, only worse.

I blame you though :(
To be fair, if you can't guess the ending, you're incredibly stupid (HW ending was of the orignal draft, not the actual film btw)....At what point did you stop watching?
So I'm sorry, but I'm not really getting this, just what was it that made the film so special, other than the 3D?

The plot was crap, there was no artistry or suspense. Nothing memorable about the film itself. I remember the first time I saw the trailer, saying "well, I've basicaly already seen it now" and that's exactly how it turned out. I just don't get how some fancy effects can plug a hole like that? It's like saying a crap song becomes amazing if you play it on a decent sound system and turn the volume up.
To be honest, for the second half of the film, I was fecking bored, and I'm someone who tagged along to see 2012, just to watch the part where the buildings fall down...and thought it was worth it.

That's a real phenomenon though. Especially with Electronica.

Good analogy actually. Avatar is like one of those dance tunes that blows your socks off in a club but sounds tinny and repetitive in the cold light of day.
It's like saying a crap song becomes amazing if you play it on a decent sound system and turn the volume up...

Crap analogy noodle, more like saying a crap song sounds better with a nice beat to it...

Disagree? see Lady Gaga, Cheryl Cole, Soldier Boy... I could go on...
To be fair, if you can't guess the ending, you're incredibly stupid (HW ending was of the orignal draft, not the actual film btw)....At what point did you stop watching?

Stupid? fcuk off... I haven't tried to guess the ending as I intend to watch it, now that would be stupid.
Stupid? fcuk off... I haven't tried to guess the ending as I intend to watch it, now that would be stupid.

I wasn't insinuating you were stupid, but not being able to spell a four letter word correctly does seem to bolster the evidence for column slightly. :D

Basically what I'm saying is, there isn't a twist. Or anything unexpected at all in anyway....at any point in the whole film in fact. But there are some nice colours in it and the titles roll over a 3d landscape so knock yourself out.

As if I can talk about spelling!!
I wasn't insinuating you were stupid, but not being able to spell a four letter word correctly does seem to bolster the evidence for column slightly. :D

Basically what I'm saying is, there isn't a twist. Or anything unexpected at all in anyway....at any point in the whole film in fact. But there are some nice colours in it and the titles roll over a 3d landscape so knock yourself out.

As if I can talk about spelling!!

I heard there was a lot of action, like 20 mins straight... yes or no? Thats all I wanna know...
You do know they're fake, right?

I think the internet's sarcasmotronometer is slightly mis-calibrated today.


To be honest I think we should ban it from the caf ... too hit and miss, OR we could have sarcasm tags like this [sarcasm]
When?...If you missed the big fight at the end then yes, you should probably see that again. What was the last bit you saw?

Sigourney dying
probably 30-40 mins from the end...
Then yeah, there's a big fight in the sky ...which is pretty good. And then they all get eaten by the flying spaghetti monster
Then yeah, there's a big fight in the sky ...which is pretty good. And then they all get eaten by the flying spaghetti monster


If someone missed the ending well it's pretty obvious but it has some quality visual stuff, like the rest of the movie. Other than that, it's just the typicall fight scences where
the general survives everything
the girl saves jake miraculously
and the live happily ever after

Nothing great, like the movie itself. Just visuals.
To be fair, if you can't guess the ending, you're incredibly stupid (HW ending was of the orignal draft, not the actual film btw)....At what point did you stop watching?

Another reason the movie was an absolute piece of shit
To be fair, i wasn't really concerned with ending. I was focusing too much on the 3D experience and the incredible graphics to care. It was predictable, but its predictability was significantly offset by the visual experience. Ultimately people aren't seeing the film about its revolutionary plot - its about the 3D experience, which is going to change the way future action movies are going to be made, particularly with 3D TV just around the corner.
To be fair, i wasn't really concerned with ending. I was focusing too much on the 3D experience and the incredible graphics to care. It was predictable, but its predictability was significantly offset by the visual experience. Ultimately people aren't seeing the film about its revolutionary plot - its about the 3D experience, which is going to change the way future action movies are going to be made, particularly with 3D TV just around the corner.

If 3D is the future of all filmmaking and TV, this might be the push I need to swear off TV forever. I'm not fecking about with stupid 3-D specs just to watch X-Factor or Kitchen Nightmares (Simon Cowell makes fun of a gaytard! In 3-D! Gordon Ramsay throws some spaghetti! In 3-D!) Watching Avatar with those glasses was 3 hours of torture, and the rest of the evening was like a hangover. Maybe you all went to a theatre that gave you a port to plug your penis into, and it acted like a Na'vi ponytail, but I honestly can't understand the intense feelings Avatar fans seem to have over this movie.

It was just ok. And the more you think about it, like Mockney said, the shittier you realize it is. Most of Cameron's movies have this flaw, notably Titanic. I remember having the same cycle of reactions for that movie.
1) Do you live in 2D or something? I bet you still got a black and white TV with a betamax underneath...

2) Most of the TVs Raoul's talking about won't need glasses... obviously. No one likes 3D glasses...

3) Not all TV will be 3D... or at least not anytime soon.
Absolutely loved the experience. Never been IMAX before so that added to it even more.

The 3D didn't feel like as much of a novelty as I thought it would. For the most part it complimented the film rather than being in there just cause it can. That's my main issue with 3D, I don't like the idea of a film being made because it can be in 3D, the film should be able to succeed without it, and having it just enhances the experience.

The storyline was a complete cliche and predictable as they come, but the setting had me immersed in the film. Visually it is beautiful, not just the 3D but the rendering of the landscape and the aliens, bright colours, a top soundtrack by Horner (loved the tribal feel and wordless vocals).

I can see where the hate comes from though, but it had me by the balls so I happily ignored it's flaws and enjoyed the ride.
Recent picture of Mars.

Can we find Na'vi people there?

That looks like diamonds to me. I am joining the first ship going there.

Avatar was cool. Stephen Lang was brilliant once again. I first recognized him in Public Enemy and he brought his tough guy image to Avatar. It was cool, I like to think of myself as that guy who will always be the last man to be killed. TSOB. (Tough Son of a bitch).
Stephen Lang was probably the worst character, I have seen him in about a billion other movies.
Yeah sort of..My mate had already bought at ticket in the Wimbledon IMAX so I said I'd go down. I watched a pirate version a month back and thought it was actually quite good (If you read my thoughts on page 4 or 5 or something you'll see I said it was quite good) so I thought at least I'll enjoy the 3D this time if nothing else.

But weirdly, having already seen it, I found it excruciatingly boring the 2nd time. Like, really boring. The 3D was great for the first 45 minutes or so, but then the novelty sort of wore off and it became very obvious how shit the story and the dialogue was..

So basically you ruined it for yourself by watching a pirate 2D version before seeing the proper thing !

I advise everyone to see this in 3D and preferably 3D IMAX - there is absoutely no point in seeing the 2D as the story and acting is complete shite - it is all about the stunning visual extravaganza.
This thread sort of reminds me of arguments I used to have on guitar forums about guys who could shred at ridiculous speed. I was always pointing out that, while playing 40 notes a second is impressive, it generally sounds really shit musically when you're just twirling up and down a scale.

I guess I'm interested in the arty stuff, other people are interested in technical achievements. That's fair enough, we'll just have to enjoy different things.
To be fair, if you can't guess the ending, you're incredibly stupid (HW ending was of the orignal draft, not the actual film btw)....At what point did you stop watching?

The original draft's ending is the same as the filmed version, except that- (spoilers contain the original draft ending)

In the first draft, the "Jake bashes the camera" sequence is actually a long-ish battle sequence pitting Netyiri's clan vs the expeditionary Marine force escorting the bulldozers, with the humans suffering defeat. Again, I have no idea why they cut this battle out as it's the correct story point to give Jake's speech some added weight as intermediary between Na'vi and human.

See, it's immediately following this victory that Jake gives his speech, trying to convince the jubilant Na'vi that the humans will stop at nothing to sate their greed. At which point Grace/Avatar shows up, having been successfully 'downloaded' into her Avatar body. Her human body couldn't be saved, but the trees saved her mind and transferred it into her Avatar. So her resurrection succeeds, foreshadowing Jake's final jump into his Avatar body.

Tsu Tse's death isn't just him getting gunned down by some random marine in the back of the shuttle. It's simultaneously valiant, gruesome and heart wrenching.

I could go on and on, but really JC dropped the ball by deviating from his original vision.

Here's the original ending.

Character note: Josh = Jake, Marcia = mediacorp liason (the one who blackmails Giovanni Ribisi into siding with the Avatars), Zuleika = Netyiri, N'deh = Grace's Na'vi mate.

Marcia does her last downlink to Earth. Josh, on camera, tells whoever is watching that the natural defenses, the immune system, of Pandora will not allow humans to set foot here again. Just like the cold and flu counterviruses were created, a new virus will be created. It will be a virus lethal to humans. An airborne hemorrhagic fever. A flesheating virus from Hell. If it gets back to Earth as a result of future expeditions here, the whole human race will die screaming. Pandora is off limits for all time.

Marcia and Trudy hug Josh and head for the airfield. The shuttle takes off, its sun-bright lance of fire climbing into the evening sky.

There's not really a virus like that is there?

(with a little smile)
It could happen.


The willows glow softly. Hundreds of torches light the gathered congregation of clans. Mo'at stands at the central willow, in communion with Gaia. The Na'vi sit in their concentric rings, also connected. The camera starts wide, seeing the hundreds of softly chanting figures in the great circle. It swoops in toward the center, until it is hovering... looking down at two figures lying on the ground.

Josh and his avatar lie head to head. Human Josh is wearing a mask, connected to a rebreather which is lying beside him. Both figures are still, with hands folded on their chests. The silken threads cover them both. They lie cocooned like moths.

We see Zuleika, Grace and N'deh standing near the bodies. At the edge of the inner circle, the other controllers sit, crosslegged, watching intently.

As the camera moves in Zuleika moves forward, kneeling next to Josh's human form. Now we see only Zuleika and the two Joshes. She gently removes the mask from the human Josh's face. He is not breathing. She bends and kisses him.

The camera drifts down past her, centering on Josh's avatar.

Moving in to full close-up. Zuleika moves next to Josh's avatar. Her hand comes into frame, stroking his cheek.

TIGHTENING slowly to extreme closeup until--

His eyes open.


Just from that excerpt you can get an inkling of how much more character-driven the original draft was. It wasn't just bad guys vs. good guys. The damn thing was note-perfect and for some reason they tinkered with it to the point where it turned into shoe-horned idiocy.
We went to see this in 3D last night - visually incredible !!

Mind blowingly beautiful and sad.

Did anyone else spend most of the film trying to get a peek at Neytiri's snatch ?

I'm gonna get slated for this but I thought there was a touch of Apocalypse Now about it in places. As people have already said, it's flawed, it's predictable and I mean really predictable but it's still quite a powerful film. And groundbreaking, I've never seen anything like it visually - it blew me away.

What I also liked was there was only one actor in it I knew and recognised - Sigourney Weaver.

Even though it is devoid in depth it is still probably the most groundbreaking film I've seen since Pulp Fiction and before that the original Star Wars back in 77(ish).

How come in the first battle scene at the destruction of Hometree the poisoned arrows just bounced off the windscreens of the aircraft yet in the final battle the arrows this time pierced the glass ?
This thread sort of reminds me of arguments I used to have on guitar forums about guys who could shred at ridiculous speed. I was always pointing out that, while playing 40 notes a second is impressive, it generally sounds really shit musically when you're just twirling up and down a scale.

I guess I'm interested in the arty stuff, other people are interested in technical achievements. That's fair enough, we'll just have to enjoy different things.

I love Dragonforce :D
We went to see this in 3D last night - visually incredible !!

Mind blowingly beautiful and sad.

Did anyone else spend most of the film trying to get a peek at Neytiri's snatch ?

I'm gonna get slated for this but I thought there was a touch of Apocalypse Now about it in places. As people have already said, it's flawed, it's predictable and I mean really predictable but it's still quite a powerful film. And groundbreaking, I've never seen anything like it visually - it blew me away.

What I also liked was there was only one actor in it I knew and recognised - Sigourney Weaver.

Even though it is devoid in depth it is still probably the most groundbreaking film I've seen since Pulp Fiction and before that the original Star Wars back in 77(ish).

How come in the first battle scene at the destruction of Hometree the poisoned arrows just bounced off the windscreens of the aircraft yet in the final battle the arrows this time pierced the glass ?

You didn't recognise Giovanni Ribisi?

I wondered that - I can only assume the speed at which the igran are swooping adds to the power of the arrow flight? There's a lot of little nerd-gripes (as Pogue so eloquently put it) with this movie. Doesn't make it any less awesome though :D
I love Dragonforce :D

No one loves Dragonforce for the music though, they're just easily impressed by technical ability. It's like looking at a piece of really shit art, but being impressed because the guy painted it with the brush in his arse.
It's broken the worldwide record but the US domestic record is still with Titanic. Should be broken after the weekend.
We went to see this in 3D last night - visually incredible !!

Mind blowingly beautiful and sad.

Did anyone else spend most of the film trying to get a peek at Neytiri's snatch ?

I'm gonna get slated for this but I thought there was a touch of Apocalypse Now about it in places. As people have already said, it's flawed, it's predictable and I mean really predictable but it's still quite a powerful film. And groundbreaking, I've never seen anything like it visually - it blew me away.

What I also liked was there was only one actor in it I knew and recognised - Sigourney Weaver.

Even though it is devoid in depth it is still probably the most groundbreaking film I've seen since Pulp Fiction and before that the original Star Wars back in 77(ish).

How come in the first battle scene at the destruction of Hometree the poisoned arrows just bounced off the windscreens of the aircraft yet in the final battle the arrows this time pierced the glass ?

I pretty much thought the exact same thing, though I'd have preferred it if Weaver was played by someone else that I didn't know. And I was sneeking a peek at her boobs, not her snatch.

I wondered the exact same thing, I just assumed it was because they were aiming at the larger ship (with the General) - which would surely be more reinforced in all areas, as opposed to the little ships.
Pretty good review here. The guy is pretty well known in nerdy circles and did a fantastic one hour discourse on The Phantom Menace which is amongst the best things i've ever seen on Youtube.