Yeah sort of..My mate had already bought at ticket in the Wimbledon IMAX so I said I'd go down. I watched a pirate version a month back and thought it was actually quite good (If you read my thoughts on page 4 or 5 or something you'll see I said it was quite good) so I thought at least I'll enjoy the 3D this time if nothing else.
But weirdly, having already seen it, I found it excruciatingly boring the 2nd time. Like, really boring. The 3D was great for the first 45 minutes or so, but then the novelty sort of wore off and it became very obvious how shit the story and the dialogue was..Since I wasn't distracted by the possibility of a great action sequence round the corner, and knew what was coming, I could focus on the characters and the story. And it was bollocks. I actually found the Na'vi primitiveness quite offensive and crass at one point, and Camerons hippy message got incredibly irksome 2nd time round too. I just didn't care about any of them. If it had ended with the scarfaced guy killing Jake and raping the blue girl violently up a tree I wouldn't have given a crap. At times I just wanted the characters to shut up and move out of the way so I could see the background in 3D.
Look, it's a great experience if you see it in 3D, and a great achievement. But the fact I wouldn't dream of watching it again means it probably wasn't a great film. TDK has lots of flaws and is just as long but I went and saw that 3 times. The 2nd viewing is what ruined it for me...cos I wasn't distracted by all the pretty colours. I can see why it's liked though, it is fantastic to look at, but like a great painting is, not necessarily great cinema is.