Aussie Tennis Open

GUTTING for Verdasco to lose like that, what a match, that was brilliant. :D
Nadal wins (6-4 in the fifth). Great effort by them both, but Verdasco's unforced errors cost him in the end.
Can't wait for the final now. Really want Fed to take it, he'll never have a better chance against Nadal.

Edit - 1409: A deserved standing ovation for Fernando Verdasco as he trudges off Rod Laver Arena. He fell just five short of a century of winners today. Five hours and 14 minutes is the official match time. Rafa won 193 points to Verdasco's 192. It gets no closer than that.

Heres a stat for you:

Out of 8 5 set matches Djokovic has only lost 1. Sure sounds like a quitter doesn't it.

Clearly the guy has conditioning problems which are annoying but can't be helped. Get off the guys fecking back. At the OZ open he played 4/5 matches in the heat. He was the defending champion, requested the match to be played at night and nothing. They didn't even pull the bloody roof down for him yet in the Serena Williams match where she was losing, they stopped and pulled the roof down... She then went on and won. I've no doubt in my mind Djokovic would have beat Roddick if the roof was down or if it was at night.

If Federer asked for the roof to be pulled down, the umpire would have got out of his chair and did it himself..


"if you ain't fit enough, get out of here".

I stand by what federer said, even though I am not a fan. So he needs the roof to be covered so that he can beat fitter opponents like Roddick? I am sure Federer has he fair share of day matches at the aussie open throughout his career, and I don't recall him moaning like a girl about the heat. In fact, djokovic is worse than a girl, when you get a russian girl like kutnesova saying she has no problems playing in the heat, novak is just being shown up as the quitter that he is.
I like Nadal but really want Federer to take it. He completely manhandled Roddick, the poor lad.
The way Verdasco played today, he should easily be in the top 5 in the world. Absolutely amazing stuff to overpower Nadal and could have won if he was in a better shape, but that's tennis and it's part of the game. Well played nadal in the end.

Hoping for another epic in the Final, should be a great one.
That was the longest match in Australian Open history. And a fantastic match at that. To be honest I haven't really been following the tennis much for the last three or four years so I've never even heard of this Verdasco before, but he was impressive.
Nadal is so stuffed for the final against Roger. That marathon and a day of rest less, phyiscally he won't be up to it.
Nadal is so stuffed for the final against Roger. That marathon and a day of rest less, phyiscally he won't be up to it.

There's no such thing as Nadal not being physically up for anything. Having said that, I think Federer will win in four.
Nadal won't be too affected by the match yesterday, he's a beast.

This is really is a fantastic rivalry though, I can easily see them playing in every Grand Slam final for the next couple of years. I can't wait..
I think it will affect him more than you think, PSmith. He's incredibly strong physically, but five and a quarter hours will hurt you, regardless of who you are.

His biggest problem could be a slow start-if he feels at all lethargic he may find it hard to loosen up. I reckon Federer will have a real dig at him early on, to see what he has.

Having said all that, I fancy Nadal in five sets, for some reason. He has a hex over Federer, and Federer struggles to play his natural game against him.

Should be a great match though. Not often I'm delighted to be getting up so early of a weekend.:)
Can't wait to get to sleep wake up and watch this!

Really hope Federer wins it, he's been brilliant this last week and it'll set up the French and Wimbledon perfectly.

Now I just need to sleep, or go right through.
"I hope play well and trymybest"

Nadal's interviews are always the same bless him.
Childish Giggle Of The Day #1:

"If that was my lad out there in 40 degree heat, I'd go out there and pull him off."
Federer breaks back in the second. Looks like it's going to be an absolute cracker.
Federer break again. 4-2. This is a cracking match so far.
Some good tennis being played in this set. Both coming back from rallies where they`ve basically been out.
And he loses it, first set to Nadal.

Federer looks a bit lost. Will be interesting to see his first serve stats, I got the feeling he`s missed a lot of them so far. Then again, could just be a feeling.
Federer's having to work very, very hard to stay with him here. If Nadal gets a good start in the next set, Roger may not be able to reverse the momentum.

Nadal's been fantastic today.
4 out balls called in for Nadal so far. Slightly worrying.

Come on Federer, he played a 5 hour game in the heat the other day!
Roger had chances to close the first out but didn't execute them properly, and the end result is he's down by the first set.

Come on Roger
He always gets tight against Nadal though, gets in his head.
Nadal's too good, making everything. Fed's 1st serve % is too low.
Great break by Federer. If he keeps his nerve it's back to the best of three.

Loving this match.