Aye, whilst I’m sitting on the crapper after the show I imagine the many ways I hope William dies. Current one is he gets a thing for Felicity and Oliver is forced to kill him old testimont style for looking at his lady. Whichever way I picture it, it’s a bloody horrific death. Enough to rival Obaryn Martels death.
I hate Diggle as Arrow, I mean if Oliver wants to step down then he is the obvious choice , but just not for the child reasons, that’s just damn stupid but I guess since William doesn’t have anyone else it’s a little different from Diggle situation. I also have noticed on that bit of tension between her and Dig, I wonder if with his drug habit now he’ll head in a downward meth spiral or something. Maybe kill William by accident by trying to play (holy shiiiiiiiiit!!!!, why didn’t I put two and two together) William Tell, shoot an apple off his head but with his jitters and stuff he misses and kills William whilst Oliver watchesthen he and Dana get it on in the blood soaked floor as William lies next to them.
(Last night I hammered like 8 episodes of Mindhunter so I apologise for the graphic imagery)