Horrible boss
Is this another comic book adaptation?
Shit just got real.
If they kill Thea I'll stop watching this shit, feck off.
Must be so easy for the dialogue writers on this show. 50% of it consists of people blaming themselves for stuff, 25% is people disagreeing and saying that they are actually to blame and the other 25% is them agreeing to let it go and stop blaming themselves.
Yeah she actually looked like an alien with that fiveheadI think Katana may be challenging Rihanna for the worlds biggest forehead.
Must be so easy for the dialogue writers on this show. 50% of it consists of people blaming themselves for stuff, 25% is people disagreeing and saying that they are actually to blame and the other 25% is them agreeing to let it go and stop blaming themselves.
The weak point for me is still the flashbacks. They're slightly more interesting than the Hong Kong stuff from last season, but still dragging episodes down and killing the pacing for the current storylines.
the League of Assassins was unnecessary because they really don't bring anything to the table.
Absolutely rubbish episode. Wtf was that ?
I enjoyed this week's episode actually. End of the league, Thea lives, minimal island flashbacks, a Merlyn heel turn (with John Barrowman hamming it up to 11), and no dragging out of Felicity's dad's storyline. The show is slowly fixing all the problems from Season 3.
They decided to give everyone codenames a few episodes ago. Felicity is Overwatch, Oliver Green Arrow, Thea Speedy etc.I must have missed it but when did they start calling Diggle as Spartan?
Have I missed something? Has Vixen ever been on the show before? She knows Ollie, Laurel and even talks about Barry so she knows he's the Flash, what the feck?
And why haven't they killed Darhk, simple as? Powerless cnut, you just know he'll find new bling to get his powers back. Felicity is a whiney bitch, shame she started walking again.
Vixen is a web series(animated, I think) they had on the CW website. I guess this was in continuation of that.
Must be so easy for the dialogue writers on this show. 50% of it consists of people blaming themselves for stuff, 25% is people disagreeing and saying that they are actually to blame and the other 25% is them agreeing to let it go and stop blaming themselves.
Oh look, she is able to walk, just in time to walk out on Oli. Get it? Oh feck off Felicity with your constant whining. Stop being a bitch and expecting you can change somebody despite knowing him for 3+ seasons. Ugh.
Anyway, Vixen was great. I havent watched the animated webisodes yet, but I assume with some of the lines, I probably dont need to (the line about them doing something a year ago, was that just after he was killed by R'aas or after he married Nyssa?)
They need to either spend more time on the flashbacks to flesh it out, or just do away with them. The 2 seconds there, and then going back is done to death. Bleh.
Also how does Darhk not know Oli and Green Arrow are the same person? Hes been up close to both of them within hours. Also strange how Malcolm hasnt told him.
Well, as i said, Vixen (except how bad it looked seeing her spirit animal race through Darhk) was awesome.
Same thing they do with Savage on the other show. Either make the main villain so untouchable it'll only the season' finale to bring him or just kill him off. It serves no one to see these plot blunders. Felicity can seriously feck off.So you destroy Dahrks source of power, and make him normal, then just leave him there after being such a major villain, and all that hes done so far, thats a major plot dumb dumb
Same thing they do with Savage on the other show. Either make the main villain so untouchable it'll only the season' finale to bring him or just kill him off. It serves no one to see these plot blunders. Felicity can seriously feck off.