Are football ‘influencers’ ruining it?

People always hate on Speed, but can't seem to stop talking about his antics and that is exactly what he wants. In a world where impressions and engagement are the order of the day and a huge part of marketing and advertising, it's not surprising that he's finding himself in all of these places. It's basically an opportunity for commercial interests to capture a young market segments and drive sales.

You're starting to see this across the board, where more traditional celebrities are incorporating streamers and influencers into their marketing/movie launch/album launch campaigns, so the numbers probably bear out that this is the wave of the future and here to stay, especially with increased cord cutting and dwindling cable news viewership. Appearing with a streamer now is akin to appearing on a primetime talk show to promote a project 30 year ago.

Speed is just an act or a character. He was a gaming streamer and lucked into this arena when he mispronounced Ronaldo's name and Siuuu. He saw how viral that went and a schtick was born; one that proved very lucrative and beneficial because it gave him international reach in ways that most American streamers do not/could not have. The kids then became invested in him as a character and his "growth" from sitting in his bedroom two years ago to finally meeting Ronaldo and finding himself at the one of the most prestigious football events. The old people that find him annoying still can't stop talking about how annoying and ridiculous his antics are.

Speed and the likes of him are just symptoms of the attention/engagement economy, examples of which are manifest across all social media platforms and the internet.
He's just like a modern day clown (minus the creepy ones). Harmless, I don't think children are going to turn out stupid just because they enjoy watching him, they will just mature as they get older like any generation before them.
Can’t believe this moron was at the Balon Dor :lol:

I honestly cannot stand the guy and his stupid over the top reactions to absolutely everything. He’s an annoying pleb with no actual talent who has no business being at these events. You could tell the players he was hunting down couldn’t wait to get away from him.
I honestly cannot stand the guy and his stupid over the top reactions to absolutely everything. He’s an annoying pleb with no actual talent who has no business being at these events. You could tell the players he was hunting down couldn’t wait to get away from him.
Harsh on Messi
Personally I find the endless amount of football chat on youtube annoying, but if it stayed in that space I'd have no problem.

But at United you get the feeling they react to it and make decision based off it haha.
People seem to have forgotten Speed once called a female player in a FPS game "a bitch" and to "go back to her kitchen", yelling like a maniac when he got annoyed of her. Now we have younger generations worshipping him. Internet is mindboggling at times. It that happened to any other streamer usually their career would be ruined.

Speed again.

It's kind of tragic in these games when you get the non ex players who clearly think they're a lot better than they are and take it super seriously - if I ever became famous and got invited to one of these my whole game would be spent trying outrageous passes and tricks and trying to meg legends of the game.
I happened to see social Saturday or whatever the show is called on sky sports, Saturday morning. Football discussion with nobodies.
My wife saw a video the other day of a couple who cut out the soles of their (incredibly expensive) shoes so they can walk everywhere bare-foot.

I conclude that influencers are basically ruining society.
My wife saw a video the other day of a couple who cut out the soles of their (incredibly expensive) shoes so they can walk everywhere bare-foot.

That is the dumbest thing I've heard since the Tide Pod stuff. Surely this is some form of ragebait?
It’s aimed at kids and teenagers and once they hit adulthood, they move on and look back in embarrassment for liking the stuff. I know a guy younger than me who told me he used to religiously watch KSI when he was just doing FIFA stuff, and now thinks that stuff is all stupid and embarrassing.

Interestingly for those influencers as they get older, I get the feeling they resent the fact that they’re never going to bring and keep an adult demographic and they’re just stuck being children’s entertainers.

And the kids of the future aren’t going to watch some 30 year old do the same wacky shenanigans they did over a decade ago, it’ll be someone else half that age they go to.
Why don't you log off then? You are here talking to people on the internet about it.

Well RedCafe isn't social media to me nor would I consider any sport forums social media.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. That's social media for me.
It's kind of tragic in these games when you get the non ex players who clearly think they're a lot better than they are and take it super seriously - if I ever became famous and got invited to one of these my whole game would be spent trying outrageous passes and tricks and trying to meg legends of the game.
That and chopping down influencers.
Influencers on a whole yes, definitely ruining everything. Anything that gives you success for essentially being completely useless is probably not a good thing. This started with programs like Big Brother, Love Island, etc. Influencers have upped the ante to not only being completely useless, but also actively behaving like bellends and taking success avenues away from people who are actually talented.

When it comes specifically to football though, I don't think they are ruining it. They aren't really any worse than most pundits. I know pundits are retired pros, but that actually makes it worse imo as it gives some false credence to their at times ridiculous drivel. Jamie Redknapp spent the whole of half time the other day speaking about a player who had a different name to the one he kept saying. Jamie Carragher spits at children. Garth Crooks gets paid money. Souness had like a 4 year long personal agenda against Pogba that was so ridiculous that when people inevitably started accusing him of being racist, you had to consider that it was one of the more reasonable explanations available.

Also, here are some things that are ruining football more than influencers:
- Tactics removing individuality
- Time wasting
- Cheating
- Money
- Premier League referees
- Possibility of nearly every season for the last 10 years being effectively null due to Man City cheating and being caught.
- Man Utd being shite
- Fireworks displays in the middle of the day before the game starts
- Ticket prices
- Robert Pires
- Random on field heart attacks
- Stopping the game every 2 minutes because someone is pretending to be hurt.
- Twitter
- The world cup eventually expanding to have more teams in it than there are countries
- Impending threat of World War 3
- Americans trying to get their filthy paws on it
- Cutting the camera away to show a close up of someone's face or replay of nothing happening while the game is going on.
- Inability of Sky to install a button on the remote than removes Neville from the commentary box as soon as a team goes 3-0 down and he starts ranting endlessly about them being rubbish.
Different format of media and interface but both are of course social media. This website isn't something detached from the rest of the internet. :lol:

Don't think discussion forums on the internet are social media for me.

If you want to view it that way and be very literal, sure. I'll concede that it'll fall under the definition.

But there's a clear difference between discussion forums(especially sport ones) and Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
Don't think discussion forums on the internet are social media for me.

If you want to view it that way and be very literal, sure. I'll concede that it'll fall under the definition.

But there's a clear difference between discussion forums(especially sport ones) and Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
Both things are used to read what strangers on the internet are talking about. If I am on twitter and follow man United football accounts there will be no different in the exact content in read there vs football forums on here.
It’s aimed at kids and teenagers and once they hit adulthood, they move on and look back in embarrassment for liking the stuff. I know a guy younger than me who told me he used to religiously watch KSI when he was just doing FIFA stuff, and now thinks that stuff is all stupid and embarrassing.

Interestingly for those influencers as they get older, I get the feeling they resent the fact that they’re never going to bring and keep an adult demographic and they’re just stuck being children’s entertainers.

And the kids of the future aren’t going to watch some 30 year old do the same wacky shenanigans they did over a decade ago, it’ll be someone else half that age they go to.

Really good post. You summed them up perfectly with two words "children's entertainers".

When I was a kid/adolescent I used to watch stuff on Nickelodeon that I would cringe at now. Most of us would probably watch these idiots if we were 11 years old.
They should do a qualifying game where it’s 100% influencers and non ex players to earn a spot in the team. Would be carnage.
Both things are used to read what strangers on the internet are talking about. If I am on twitter and follow man United football accounts there will be no different in the exact content in read there vs football forums on here.

To be fair, the quality on twitter is a million times worse, so the content is actually vastly different. We've got a lot of idiots on here, but compared to some totally unfiltered cesspit like twitter? Doesn't compare.
I don't understand why people keep pushing this guy for stardom