Are football ‘influencers’ ruining it?

Id argue state ownerships and billionaire owners have done far more damage than some dudes shouting nonsense at a camera. Its not like the actual pundits make much more sense anyway.
I am old enough to remember when these people were just the gobshite down the pub who was best avoided.
I am old enough to remember when these people were just the gobshite down the pub who was best avoided.
Whilst I agree, I would go a step further and say they are caricatures of the gobshite down the pub. Every single thing is exaggerated for the camera.
The video is 22 minutes long.

For some reason I had his live stream recommended last night. Watched 10 minutes of it which involved him not knowing how to put a tie on, and taking a piss with his mic on for everyone to hear. Weirdly, in that time I went from thinking he was a wazzock to slightly warming to him as he was clearly a nervous wreck.

Never going to watch him again as that 10 minutes was 10 minutes too much for me.

In that case, it would be interesting to see if that was broadcast or if it was a segment purely for the YouTube channel

I dont know how this fella gets on anything football related. Other than bumming Ronaldo , he knows sweet feck all about football.

Seen him in an interview once saying hes a big Utd fan, then literally 2 mins later didnt know who Eric Cantona or George Best is. A melt of the highest order
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I dont know how this fella gets on anything football related. Other than bumming Ronaldo , he knows sweet feck all about football.

Seen him in an interview once saying hes a big Utd fan, then literally 2 mins later didnt know who Eric Cantona or George Best is. A melt of the highest order
He's literally 20, why should he know either of those players. 'Propah' supporters handing out badges is worse than anything these guys bring to the table.
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He's literally 20, why should he knows either of those players. 'Propah' supporters handing out badges is worse than anything these guys bring to the table.
Not sure I agree. If you're an active fan of any club it's quite hard to not know about their key legends.
He's literally 20, why should he knows either of those players. 'Propah' supporters handing out badges is worse than anything these guys bring to the table.
I'm sure you'd be fine with him being an Arsenal fan and not having a clue who Henry, Vieira or Bergkamp are. :lol:
Not sure I agree. If you're an active fan of any club it's quite hard to not know about their key legends.
He's a black American kid who seems to have come from pretty humble origins. I doubt Best and Cantona were the talk of the town in his neighbourhood. I'd wager 80% of Uniteds global fanbase in that age group would have a clue who Keane is, let alone Best. You guys are living in a bubble if you think otherwise.

You're also assuming a kid with a digital empire is an "active" fan.

United fans should just be happy they're still managing to convert kids into supporters after the last decade odd ;)
He's literally 20, why should he know either of those players. 'Propah' supporters handing out badges is worse than anything these guys bring to the table.
If I understand this conversation right, he’s not just some random 20 year old who likes football, but someone who does this for a living. If that’s the case, of course he should know those players.
If I understand this conversation right, he’s not just some random 20 year old who likes football, but someone who does this for a living. If that’s the case, of course he should know those players.
He creates content, execrable/heart warming/adrenaline pumping/just downright idiotic content. He's very very far from an expert. I'm absolutely shocked a kid his age didn't say Madrid.
Handing out badges to 'proper' supporters is laughable. Especially based on whether they know Cantona or not. He literally called Henry, Hen-ree and then Thi-aary to his face. That was the highlight of a terrible segment.
He's a black American kid who seems to have come from pretty humble origins. I doubt Best and Cantona were the talk of the town in his neighbourhood. I'd wager 80% of Uniteds global fanbase in that age group would have a clue who Keane is, let alone Best. You guys are living in a bubble if you think otherwise.

You're also assuming a kid with a digital empire is an "active" fan.

United fans should just be happy they're still managing to convert kids into supporters after the last decade odd ;)
They parade as an active fan of United and Ronaldo though so perhaps therein is the problem, from all angles. CBS for getting him on and Speed from the other side.
United fans should just be happy they're still managing to convert kids into supporters after the last decade odd ;)
This is a bit rich. We know we have been poor in the past decade, but Arsenal have won 3 FA Cups, whereas we have won 2 FA Cups, 2 League Cups and 1 Europa League Cup.Yes we've been mostly shit, but your comment is uncalled for - even though I note your wink!
As I've written before - every time I hear someone introduced as an "influencer" it is invariably someone I have never heard of and someone with opinions that are nonsensical.
Go away!
This is a bit rich. We know we have been poor in the past decade, but Arsenal have won 3 FA Cups, whereas we have won 2 FA Cups, 2 League Cups and 1 Europa League Cup.Yes we've been mostly shit, but your comment is uncalled for - even though I note your wink!
It definitely wasn't a relative statement. I know how much bigger United have been. The reality of it is that you're down the pecking order when it comes to the current generation and their support.

And yes, wink was for all the years of agony in my youth :)

EDIT - We've won 4, how dare you.
"Influencers" ruin fecking everything. It might just be a little 'old man yells at cloud' but in the spheres of sports, gaming, anime, pretty much everything that I like, the advent of "influencers" has been a net negative.
The worst thing about this is Caragher actually turning serious and starting serious questions and arguments, he can't help himself.
Anyone being influenced by attention seeking morons on social media need to take a hard look at themselves. "Influencers" don't have the power to ruin anything if no one pays attention
I have never heard of this twonk, but he seems to encapsulate everything about the modern football fan I dont like.

No connection to the community of any football team, seemingly unaware of the values of football clubs and their support, no interest in the history and legends of football more concerned with superstar footballers than a team.

The injury the guys ego took from losing the arm wrestle was clear, he was really struggling to deal with what he saw as a humiliation and tried to compensate by doing a backflip off the studio table ffs.

He didn't even realise they were making a fool of him deliberately, because all he could think about was coming across as impressive.
They parade as an active fan of United and Ronaldo though so perhaps therein is the problem, from all angles. CBS for getting him on and Speed from the other side.
That’s the issue. An influencer who doesn’t know the basics isn’t going to do a good job of influencing ex-pros and the rest of the typical 30-60 year-old audience. So it's a fail all-round.
You have to live under a rock to not know who the legends during just the Premier League era are.
These clowns are not fans.
Not that I’m defending him but he’s a 20 year old American, of course he won’t know who the legends are
Not that I’m defending him but he’s a 20 year old American, of course he won’t know who the legends are

Not that I’m defending him but he’s a 20 year old American, of course he won’t know who the legends are
He's making a living out of supposedly knowing about football. Anyone watching this kind of shite is as bad as the clowns broadcasting it.
Fan media has its benefits, with some podcasts producing some really great content in terms of contributors talking with great knowledge about their club which can be much better than poorly prepared pundits on TV who just spout cliches and lazy analysis. However, some of the fan channels and podcasts have spilled heavily into 'banter-casting' where (mostly) young lads argue about 'knowing ball' and obsess over meme-based nonsense. It's not real analysis. It's noisy drivel. It's just an extension of playground banter that doesn't really go anywhere. Saying daft things for a reaction and knowing very little about the sport beyond surface-level stuff. Contributors also talk with such strong smug self-confidence - almost declaring an opinion as 'fact'. It's nauseating. Yet there's a market for this stuff and the opinions that are shared carry weight in terms of how the listeners are influenced.
I have no issue with influencers at all, as I see them as a product of time and the evolution of different eras. Many individuals have risen to prominence through various social media platforms, be it Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. Influencers come in many forms—some analyze football tactics, others deliver news updates, and some create humorous content, which has become particularly popular in recent times. I must admit, I follow quite a few channels across different niches myself.

However, if you aspire to be a top-tier influencer in this sport, you don’t necessarily need an encyclopedic knowledge of football spanning every era. What you do need, however, is a solid grasp of the basics of the game. Without that, I firmly believe you won’t be able to perform well in this role, no matter how entertaining, comedic, or engaging your content may be.

Fundamental football knowledge is essential because you’ll be working alongside professional—whether they’re analysts, professional players, or even middle-aged fans who form a key part of your audience. At the very least, you should have a foundational understanding, even if you’re not delving deep into tactics or technical analysis. No matter the type of content you create or the platform you use, having a basic knowledge of football is, in my view, a necessity for any influencer in this space.
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I have no issue with influencers at all, as I see them as a product of time and the evolution of different eras. Many individuals have risen to prominence through various social media platforms, be it Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. Influencers come in many forms—some analyze football tactics, others deliver news updates, and some create humorous content, which has become particularly popular in recent times. I must admit, I follow quite a few channels across different niches myself.

However, if you aspire to be a top-tier influencer in this sport, you don’t necessarily need an encyclopedic knowledge of football spanning every era. What you do need, however, is a solid grasp of the basics of the game. Without that, I firmly believe you won’t be able to perform well in this role, no matter how entertaining, comedic, or engaging your content may be.

Fundamental football knowledge is essential because you™ll be working alongside professional—whether they’re analysts, professional players, or even middle-aged fans who form a key part of your audience. At the very least, you should have a foundational understanding, even if you’re not delving deep into tactics or technical analysis. No matter the type of content you create or the platform you use, having a basic knowledge of football is, in my view, a necessity for any influencer in this space.

I don't think it's even that deep. These people are mostly just on the take and if they weren't on YouTube, they'd be trying to make a quick buck somewhere else. Being on social media is just their avenue to conning people out of money. They really don't add much value to anything.

The odd person out there who is actually serious about football and has a good knowledge of the game. They won't be as popular, because they don't have the shameless mentality to sell out for a gimmick. Goldbridge is a 40 year who is famous for having meltdowns over a fecking computer game.

This Speed lad, with the fecking barking nonsense. Is just like Bart in the Simpsons as the "I didn't do it boy" Eventually people get tired of the shtick and stop watching and he'll disappear into obscurity. Like that Salt Bae gobshite.
I don't think it's even that deep. These people are mostly just on the take and if they weren't on YouTube, they'd be trying to make a quick buck somewhere else. Being on social media is just their avenue to conning people out of money. They really don't add much value to anything.

Do you literally think every influencer is a con-artist?
He's literally 20, why should he know either of those players. 'Propah' supporters handing out badges is worse than anything these guys bring to the table.
My kid is 14, watched so many current day matches, old matches, documentaries, books. I walked in his room the other night and he was watching a robbo documentary.

If you’re a fan of a team, club, anything really then you’ll enjoy knowing about it. That speed fella is just a cock, doesn’t know George best or Cantona but is a United fan. Give me a break