Are football ‘influencers’ ruining it?

One of the most boring things possible and it’s only going to grow.
They can all get fecked, along with every single football show that caters to the Gen Z dickheads.

I wouldn't be able to get through 5 minutes of MOTDx or some other bollocks without putting my foot through the TV.

Everything is just so fake and infantilised. It's just like a really bad show for very young children, with the big obviously false overacted reactions etc to teach them facial expressions.

Does anybody whose age is in double digits watch this shit?
If you turn them off then they won't influence jack shit...
The players seem to like him which is weird to me but whatever, it isn't my generation
The dumbification of everything is pretty worrying at this point, I think Idiocracy is going to end up being moved to the non-fiction section in a few generations.
The dumbification of everything is pretty worrying at this point, I think Idiocracy is going to end up being moved to the non-fiction section in a few generations.
We can all agree that mankind is getting dumber for every generation.

The coolest thing now is being a total clown in different ways.
The dumbification of everything is pretty worrying at this point, I think Idiocracy is going to end up being moved to the non-fiction section in a few generations.
It's just going to get worse as well. I still can't get my head around kids choosing to watch another person play a video game as a form of entertainment, let alone why someone would choose to watch a reaction video to a football award.
There are some folks out there that are good, I like Footy Adventures when he ends up in countries that you don't think of as having football as a first sport for instance.

But gimps like that twat can feck off.
It's mostly kids that watch it and some grown ups who never grew up(there's few here), but it's another proof that kids shouldn't be allowed on internet, because these cunrs generate lot of money from kids watching it and learning anything good from them.

I mean, that guy acts like he is on cocaine every time I've seen him.
I still can't get my head around kids choosing to watch another person play a video game as a form of entertainment

I'm neither young nor do I watch such content, but I can completely understand it. There are plenty of good reasons. Maybe the streamer is exceptionally good at the game? Maybe you want a sneak-peak of the gameplay before buying the game? Maybe you just want something on in the background while you do other things? Surely this is no worse than the mindless TV zapping we did in the 90's and 00's!

The only unique and new thing about these streams is that anyone technically can do it. I guess there is also a sense of relatability involved. Who hasn't put on a film that they like and eagerly watched their friend's reaction? Reaction content is essentially trying to recreate the same feeling.
Kid has made a ton of money off being a total bellend. Can't deny him that. But I have no idea what the attraction is to these gowls, just none of it makes any sense to me at all.

How is this kid famous? Horrible questions and doesn't know how to act around people. Acts too much like a fanboy
It's just going to get worse as well. I still can't get my head around kids choosing to watch another person play a video game as a form of entertainment, let alone why someone would choose to watch a reaction video to a football award.

Loads of adults watch gogglebox which is simply people watching people watch TV. Before that we had Big Brother where we watched people do mundane things all day long
Loads of adults watch gogglebox which is simply people watching people watch TV. Before that we had Big Brother where we watched people do mundane things all day long
The progression, or rather regression, here is what worries me. Big Brother is a trash program but it was new and a clever idea, you basically get an enclosure and whack a load of weird people into it. Gogglebox is simply watching someone else watch tv. It doesn't get much lower (apologies in advance if you watch it, for what it's worth I had the same chat with my mum and she remains a loyal fan) unless you start watching other people watch people watching tv.

I'm neither young nor do I watch such content, but I can completely understand it. There are plenty of good reasons. Maybe the streamer is exceptionally good at the game? Maybe you want a sneak-peak of the gameplay before buying the game? Maybe you just want something on in the background while you do other things? Surely this is no worse than the mindless TV zapping we did in the 90's and 00's!

The only unique and new thing about these streams is that anyone technically can do it. I guess there is also a sense of relatability involved. Who hasn't put on a film that they like and eagerly watched their friend's reaction? Reaction content is essentially trying to recreate the same feeling.
Yeah I still don't get it. I understand why you might watch an expert at a game to get past a certain bit or learn a difficult sequence but not as a form of general entertainment. I guess it is just what this generation deems entertainment so I'll go shout at some clouds.
How is this kid famous? Horrible questions and doesn't know how to act around people. Acts too much like a fanboy

Genuinely have no idea. Never heard of him before today, but he's worth about $12m apparently.
The progression, or rather regression, here is what worries me. Big Brother is a trash program but it was new and a clever idea, you basically get an enclosure and whack a load of weird people into it. Gogglebox is simply watching someone else watch tv. It doesn't get much lower (apologies in advance if you watch it, for what it's worth I had the same chat with my mum and she remains a loyal fan) unless you start watching other people watch people watching tv.

I don't watch it because I never understood the appeal, but I have kids who seem to love watching people opening packs of FIFA cards or seeing someone play a football game. They seem enthralled by it and my niece who is now 12 when she was younger used to watch some kid opening up toys on YouTube, I never understood it and when I asked if she wants any of those toys, she said no. Which I get even less!
I don't watch it because I never understood the appeal, but I have kids who seem to love watching people opening packs of FIFA cards or seeing someone play a football game. They seem enthralled by it and my niece who is now 12 when she was younger used to watch some kid opening up toys on YouTube, I never understood it and when I asked if she wants any of those toys, she said no. Which I get even less!

Kids watching people playing video games, usually on the console you bought to play the game will never make sense to me. Have a nephew who would spend hours upon hours watching people like this on his Ps4. Barely ever played the games he had. He's gradually grown out of it but from 10 to 14 that's all he did.

Now he just goes fishing all the time and in his free time, but he's still always watching videos of people fishing for stuff on YouTube. Magnet fishing was in for a while, then it was big ass jungle fish, now he watches some guys who just go around the Ireland/Uk to different rivers and lakes.

Think it's just a generational thing because the viewership is in their pocket everywhere they go. It's just so easy to access no matter where you are if you're bored for a few minutes. As someone else pointed out above, it's probably not much different to kids aimlessly zapping through tv channels.
I think it all depends on how they are portraying themselves.

There are channels that focus on tactics like Tifo 'IRL', there are channels where it is discussion and banter, This is the Jennings, Howson, Goldbridge and others model.

There are channels that are mostly just comedy, Expresssions Oozing for example, although somehow AFTV falls into this category for me.

People will watch what they want, I don't really have a problem with it, it's not like the punditry by any of the main media outlets is setting some kind of gold standard.