The only FPS game that would make me stop, or atleast play less Apex, is good old Quake 3, and if for some magical reason the old community started playing again.
There's no other FPS i have tried that's even close to Apex, but i guess that might have to do with me being an oldschool quaker, who prefer movement and fun weapons over realistic weapons and proning in a bush.
I think it has to do with playing the mainstream games and what streamers do. I have noticed a change in MMOs the last 10+ years too, people care more about earning ingame gold, getting the best items - the 2nd or 3rd best item is shit - the whole trying to be, or thinking you are the top 1% best players, even if you're far from, and should just play games you think are fun, or do what you think is fun in games.
The main problem in pretty much all games these days, isn't the game itself, it's the gamers. People are getting more toxic, people = shit, as Slipknot would say