Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

I’ll be on tonight if you fancy a game. I’m currently in the Platinum rank. Not sure if @BluesJr fancies a game also.

I'm gold 3 so should be fine, i rarely play ranked because i'm nearly 99% solo and anyone thats played rank knows the pain.

Happy to play either though more the merrier be great to have a solid 3 to play with on a frequent basis!
I'm gold 3 so should be fine, i rarely play ranked because i'm nearly 99% solo and anyone thats played rank knows the pain.

Happy to play either though more the merrier be great to have a solid 3 to play with on a frequent basis!

Tell me about it... the seasons i've tried some ranked, i've soloed to plat every time, so much pain.
I'd honestly get there in less than half the matches by playing Mirage, Loba or Pathy alone, i'm good at staying alive and getting out of trouble with those.
I added you @esmufc07 should see it next time your on.

Decided to try and learn valk today got my first victory with her thought it was gonna be a pain to play as i use the scroll wheel on my mouse for jumping and i presumed it was gonna be a nightmare with her jetpack but its a non issue just have to use a second jump key to do the jetpack.
Probably the best all-round game I've ever been involved in. Randoms, no comms but we killed half the lobby...

Would be fun to play some games with you guys, atm most of my gaming time goes into another game, but i play some games every day.
Please ping me on the Caf discord if you're a person short for a premade 3 man team for ranked/unranked.

Prefer to play Loba, Path, Mirage or Gas Daddy, mainly been using Loba this season, incredibly underrated champion.
Haven't played ranked every season, but when i do, i usually solo queue and get to plat, then i don't bother trying to get higher.
Think my name on Origin is Plix_fs
Would be fun to play some games with you guys, atm most of my gaming time goes into another game, but i play some games every day.
Please ping me on the Caf discord if you're a person short for a premade 3 man team for ranked/unranked.

Prefer to play Loba, Path, Mirage or Gas Daddy, mainly been using Loba this season, incredibly underrated champion.
Haven't played ranked every season, but when i do, i usually solo queue and get to plat, then i don't bother trying to get higher.
Think my name on Origin is Plix_fs

I'll add you when i get home this evening i think i'm in the discord i just hardly open the programme.

I'm on most evenings just join my party or invite me, i'm easy ill play anyone but currently reprogramming my brain to play Valk the jetpack just goes against everything you get used to on Apex.

I don't know my origin name i play it through steam and deleted origin ages ago so better if people just leave their names for me, will be PC so if that bothers you don't play with me :lol:
@Bosws87 i didn’t get any invite from you. I will be on tonight though from around 7 onwards so if you’re online we’ll sort a game. @Grylte if you’re on too we’ll have a threesome.

Think there's something weird about crossplay where you only show up on the friends list when your online if its a console and pc player.
I'll add you when i get home this evening i think i'm in the discord i just hardly open the programme.

Do you guys use ingame voice to talk while playing? I find the sound there horrible, and often i can barely hear people talk.
Or well... i can hear someone talking, but no chance to hear what they say!
Discord has very good sound, and since i'm one of the leaders in the Clash of clans clan, Damien made me admin on the discord, so i can create an Apex Legends room for us to use.
Do you guys use ingame voice to talk while playing? I find the sound there horrible, and often i can barely hear people talk.
Or well... i can hear someone talking, but no chance to hear what they say!
Discord has very good sound, and since i'm one of the leaders in the Clash of clans clan, Damien made me admin on the discord, so i can create an Apex Legends room for us to use.

I can its the console players that are the issue right @esmufc07 :cool:

My new annoying bug is simulated packet loss you rubberband for the whole game even though there is nothing wrong with your ping/packet loss im sure its something to do with dropping in but not sure what causes it.
It still staggers me more people play COD than this.

The only FPS game that would make me stop, or atleast play less Apex, is good old Quake 3, and if for some magical reason the old community started playing again.
There's no other FPS i have tried that's even close to Apex, but i guess that might have to do with me being an oldschool quaker, who prefer movement and fun weapons over realistic weapons and proning in a bush.

I think it has to do with playing the mainstream games and what streamers do. I have noticed a change in MMOs the last 10+ years too, people care more about earning ingame gold, getting the best items - the 2nd or 3rd best item is shit - the whole trying to be, or thinking you are the top 1% best players, even if you're far from, and should just play games you think are fun, or do what you think is fun in games.

The main problem in pretty much all games these days, isn't the game itself, it's the gamers. People are getting more toxic, people = shit, as Slipknot would say :)
I can its the console players that are the issue right @esmufc07 :cool:

You mean it's hard for PC players to hear console players?
I don't think i have noticed a difference. That said, it's long since last time i looked down to see if my teammates are on console or PC.
You mean it's hard for PC players to hear console players?
I don't think i have noticed a difference. That said, it's long since last time i looked down to see if my teammates are on console or PC.

No using discord might be an issue for them haha.
The only FPS game that would make me stop, or atleast play less Apex, is good old Quake 3, and if for some magical reason the old community started playing again.
There's no other FPS i have tried that's even close to Apex, but i guess that might have to do with me being an oldschool quaker, who prefer movement and fun weapons over realistic weapons and proning in a bush.

I think it has to do with playing the mainstream games and what streamers do. I have noticed a change in MMOs the last 10+ years too, people care more about earning ingame gold, getting the best items - the 2nd or 3rd best item is shit - the whole trying to be, or thinking you are the top 1% best players, even if you're far from, and should just play games you think are fun, or do what you think is fun in games.

The main problem in pretty much all games these days, isn't the game itself, it's the gamers. People are getting more toxic, people = shit, as Slipknot would say :)
Unreal Tournament 3 was great back in the day aswell. But yeah no other BR game comes close to Apex for me, just a brilliant game (hence why I’m approaching 7,000 games played on PS).
Unreal Tournament 3 was great back in the day aswell. But yeah no other BR game comes close to Apex for me, just a brilliant game (hence why I’m approaching 7,000 games played on PS).

I liked UT too, i think i only properly tried UT2k4, i think that is the name of one... i remember playing against some guy quite a few times, called Viruz or something like that. He was Norwegian.
He was mainly a UT player, and i came from Quake and just tried it, so he beat me most of the time, but i got some wins.
Found out a few years later that he was one of the best players in the world. That was quite fun to find out!
Also I like to think I’m an OK player but I worry @Bosws87 is going to be next level and shout at me for making a mistake.

Haha no way i'm super chilled and the least aggressive player out there, never been one for raging or shouting at people.

Never got into the throwing controllers at the wall stage in gaming.
I'm about to play some games now, am babysitting a dog, so don't want to commit to games where i can't have a 2 minute cuddle break between rounds :lol:
So Apex is fine - i just realized i have a different name than i said, cause "fs" was inapropriate for Origin, so i made the boring "Plix_Apex" instead - sorry!
Are you online? I’m coming on now but I’ve just ordered food so will have to take a break when it comes :lol:

Just finished with some friends now can come back on in 5

To add me my origin name appears to be Yuffieeeee
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how bizzare you try adding my origin above I’m sat in the lobby screen I can see @Grylte

Heh... yeah, i meant accepted :)

Got invite to game aswell, then my PC decided to die, and i have to pick up a friend from a party... oh well, i'll join next time!
@Grylte you let us down last night.

Yeah... i knoooow!
My PC died, then, as i said in the post above, a friend asked if i could pick her up from a party.
Genuinely a bit pissed off by that, cause i said i could babysit her dog so she could go out with some friends from work, and then she also expected me to driver her there and pick her up after....
I did say she could sleep here, since it would be easier if she parked her car here and i didn't have to drive her dog back today, but feck me, she expected me to do everything!
So much for a nice friday slacking in front of the PC, in full nerd mode :(
We did alright if we had a competent third would of won at least a couple.

Trying my best not to cry/laugh at a caustic we had it was painful.
It still staggers me more people play COD than this.

As someone who plays Warzone because of his friends, the reason is that it caters to bad players. Everything about it is make it as casual and as easy as possible. I'd much rather play Apex and I am not even that good.
Got a victory with some random Greek streamer, quite fun to see from two different POV's

His Pov

Also managed to produce this monstrosity in the very same game at the beginning, dunno what it is with the rhythm of the rampage but sometimes i just can't hit anything :lol:

Is that alternator with hopup, or whatsitcalled?
Is that alternator with hopup, or whatsitcalled?

the RE-45 is getting the hammerpoint hopup back

Not heard anything about the Alternator hop up might just be the gun.

Also heard the Flatline/Longbow will no longer be loot only craftable in the replicator.

Spitfire returns as loot.

Big nerf to caustic his traps will be destroyable even when they have been activated.

Also big rumours of a nerf to Gibbys bubble it being health based and destroyable rather then time based.