Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

I still play yeah.

Ranked needs a request. Far too many points awarded for your placement and not enough for kills. So encourages people to camp and avoid fighting.

Was playing earlier and there were still 8 teams the final ring.
Yeah agree mostly though I think with the big nerf to the points you get for placement that's not an issue anymore but the kills/skill part definitely needs a big boost. Past few seasons if I played enough I'd always quickly get to gold and end up somewhere in the high plat or low diamond ranks but this season it feels like a grind to even get to gold. At least it did the first week, not sure if they've done anything since then.
Anyone still play? Still the best BR by far.

Yep, regularly. Last season was indeed easy to rank up - I reached Masters fairly early on - and this season is indeed more difficult to rank up in, still on Gold. I was a Valk main, went to Seer, and now play Octane to keep pace with my Rev/Path ultra-aggressive teammates. I love watching Comp Apex, though - LAN coming up soon with DZ and TSM the usual favourites.
Stopped playing back in July 2022 but with the changes they made for season 20 I decided to play again. Having a lot of fun.
I've been playing consistently since season 1. Last season was easily the worst in terms of content, and the ranked system.

The perks system are nice this season it has to be said. Just wish they'd feck off Storm Point as a map.
Been playing since season 17 and I'm awful at this game. K/D of 0.7 and currently at Plat VI, and I just don't feel I'm improving :( .
I've enjoyed the last 2 seasons, having a consistent trio has been game changing.
Been playing since season 17 and I'm awful at this game. K/D of 0.7 and currently at Plat VI, and I just don't feel I'm improving :( .
K/D means nothing, I've had games where I've had 2 kills and 11 assists. As long as you're getting assists you're contributing.
Been playing since season 17 and I'm awful at this game. K/D of 0.7 and currently at Plat VI, and I just don't feel I'm improving :( .
To be fair this is an incredibly punishing game, and you were unfortunate enough to join late enough where casuals have largely moved on, and its mostly the sweats and tryhards who've stuck around. My tip is to play lots of mixtape modes, and master as many aim/movement fundamentals as you can, while watching videos to improve game sense. You'll improve piece by piece.