Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

Hey we all whiff shots, i'm just not scared to show it.

You know i bought it downloaded it months ago and never even played it i started watching videos on it and decided it was just too much hard work to get my head round it playing solo and uninstalled it :lol:
Don't worry bro, i've whiffed some bad shots in my time. I still ads when enemies are close and I use a bruiser, it's whiff city from that point.
Hey we all whiff shots, i'm just not scared to show it.

We do! And I 100% respect it mate.

But jaysus, that's wasn't just "shots". You whiffed an entire arsenal of bullets :lol:

Those poor maintenance guys who have to fix those walls...

You know i bought it downloaded it months ago and never even played it i started watching videos on it and decided it was just too much hard work to get my head round it playing solo and uninstalled it :lol:

I've just got into it, I bought it years ago but had the same thing as you. But it's clicked now, it's like Souls in that aspect, once it clicks you get addicted. If you ever fancy trying it again, there's a small group of us on discord who play. Normally just @hobbers and I, and we are still early levels ourselves so if you did get the urge to have another look we'll always be about to help. And that's the key, once you've had a few runs and been shown, it's really not as daunting as it seems and a very nice break from twitch shooters. But don't be fooled, you can very much slay out at times, which makes it even more rewarding considering the type of game it is.
Don't worry bro, i've whiffed some bad shots in my time. I still ads when enemies are close and I use a bruiser, it's whiff city from that point.

We all have our thing. My bad habit in shooters is the instinctive reload after every single bullet fired. My aim never goes awry too much, but often I die even more embarrassingly to being mid-load :lol:
There is some disgustingly good people on controller now if i didn't tell you they were using a controller you wouldn't believe it

They should allow Tap strafing on controller with a patch it adds so much to the movement of Apex, they were intending to get rid of it, but they found it basically broke the engine so it will be staying in the game. So controller players should be allowed to use it also.

I never thought we would reach a point where the two inputs can compete with each other on a relatively even scale.

Yeah, i have seen that. The first year i was quite active on a Norwegian Apex discord, and one of the best players i played with, used controller on PC. I told him he was crazy, but was hard to argue with him when i saw him play :lol:
I have seen there's been some whining about the aim assist, no idea how strong it is, but if it had been game breaking, it wouldn't be in the game, i think.

I decided not to learn the tap strafing, since everyone said it was going to be removed from the game, guess i have to look at it now....
In all games i have played, i have been somewhere around average on aim, and when i win it's because i have very good movement, and play smarter and less YOLO than most, so i have to learn all movement things.
I have normal thumbs and i've been playing fps games since the ps1 era.

Lies! I bet your hands look like this!


(do not mean to make fun of the illness!)
We all have our thing. My bad habit in shooters is the instinctive reload after every single bullet fired. My aim never goes awry too much, but often I die even more embarrassingly to being mid-load :lol:
God yeah, that too. Even if you just finished a team you just know a team will pop round the corner the second you hit that reload button.
A lot of the big Twitch streamers on the Apex scene showcasing the new Control mode. Looks like great fun and a great way to warm up/improve gunplay.
Yeah, i have seen that. The first year i was quite active on a Norwegian Apex discord, and one of the best players i played with, used controller on PC. I told him he was crazy, but was hard to argue with him when i saw him play :lol:
I have seen there's been some whining about the aim assist, no idea how strong it is, but if it had been game breaking, it wouldn't be in the game, i think.

I decided not to learn the tap strafing, since everyone said it was going to be removed from the game, guess i have to look at it now....
In all games i have played, i have been somewhere around average on aim, and when i win it's because i have very good movement, and play smarter and less YOLO than most, so i have to learn all movement things.
This is probably my main gripe with teammates: they have no tactical sense. If all 3 of us are right next to each other in an attack, or in a line like beads on a string, we are gonna get smoked. When I attack, I pull off about 30 degrees different from whoever is in the lead. All it takes is for the enemy to start shooting at a teammate, and then when you shoot from a second angle at the same time, they die.

My other big gripe is jump masters who land us right behind 5 other squads so we have no weapons.
This is probably my main gripe with teammates: they have no tactical sense. If all 3 of us are right next to each other in an attack, or in a line like beads on a string, we are gonna get smoked. When I attack, I pull off about 30 degrees different from whoever is in the lead. All it takes is for the enemy to start shooting at a teammate, and then when you shoot from a second angle at the same time, they die.

My other big gripe is jump masters who land us right behind 5 other squads so we have no weapons.

Username checks out!
Yeah, that is what i usually do when i play with randoms.
Every single Wraith or Octane will run in a straight line towards enemies, with no other tought in their head than to get there as quick as possible and try to kill them.
And as we all know, playing with randoms means there is a 100% chance to get Wraith or Octane on your team :lol:

World's Edge is kind of my favourite map, as long as i don't land fragment..... I do not understand why everyone go fragment.
I like fragment as an area, it is fun to get there in the late game, but it is the worst place to land in any BR game ever.
When i am not playing ranked, i am usually going duos and don't fill teammates. I rather drop safe, get loot, try to 3rd party for kills, i get quite a few games without any kills, but atleast i am not spending more time in the lobby than ingame, like the fragment only droppers do.

I have always preferred win over kills, i understand most BR players disagree with me on that. Don't think i have laughed so much while playing Apex as the time i had 47 damage and 2 kills, one of my teammates had 1 kill and 14 damage :lol:
Proper 3rd party at the end there.
Username checks out!
Yeah, that is what i usually do when i play with randoms.
Every single Wraith or Octane will run in a straight line towards enemies, with no other tought in their head than to get there as quick as possible and try to kill them.
And as we all know, playing with randoms means there is a 100% chance to get Wraith or Octane on your team :lol:

World's Edge is kind of my favourite map, as long as i don't land fragment..... I do not understand why everyone go fragment.
I like fragment as an area, it is fun to get there in the late game, but it is the worst place to land in any BR game ever.
When i am not playing ranked, i am usually going duos and don't fill teammates. I rather drop safe, get loot, try to 3rd party for kills, i get quite a few games without any kills, but atleast i am not spending more time in the lobby than ingame, like the fragment only droppers do.

I have always preferred win over kills, i understand most BR players disagree with me on that. Don't think i have laughed so much while playing Apex as the time i had 47 damage and 2 kills, one of my teammates had 1 kill and 14 damage :lol:
Proper 3rd party at the end there.
Fragment is usually chaos to land in and that’s why I enjoy it sometimes :lol:
Ranked is for slower considered play if you don’t hot drop in pubs you’re never going to improve or feel the intensity. Fragment is so much fun if you just keep dropping there time after time.
Ranked is for slower considered play if you don’t hot drop in pubs you’re never going to improve or feel the intensity. Fragment is so much fun if you just keep dropping there time after time.

Nah, feck that, if i keep getting teams that drop there, i release and go solo - i usually write something along the lines of "seriously, 12 games in a row in fragment, i go somewhere else. if you survive, i'll catch up with you later" :
I do stick with my team in ranked, though, even if they go fragment.
Whoever the dev is that thought prowlers were a good addition to the game can piss off. A shit addition to a shit map.
Whoever the dev is that thought prowlers were a good addition to the game can piss off. A shit addition to a shit map.
Due to one in ring I assume? :lol:

Patch notes are out for next season. Prowlers been nerfed.
Looks like the horrible clips of them removing tap strafe was just a test of concept and it won't be touched this makes me happy, the movement is what makes me love this game!
Looks like the horrible clips of them removing tap strafe was just a test of concept and it won't be touched this makes me happy, the movement is what makes me love this game!
Tap strafeing is bullshit to be fair and as a controller player I’d be glad to see it removed to taste those MnK tears.
Tap strafeing is bullshit to be fair and as a controller player I’d be glad to see it removed to taste those MnK tears.

Difference between this being a great game or just good won’t understand unless you committed the time needed to master half of the movement techniques they should however be available on all methods of input, rather then removing stuff
Difference between this being a great game or just good won’t understand unless you committed the time needed to master half of the movement techniques they should however be available on all methods of input, rather then removing stuff
It shouldn’t be able to mapped to scroll wheel, makes it way too easy to pull off. It isn’t exactly a skill move.
It shouldn’t be able to mapped to scroll wheel, makes it way too easy to pull off. It isn’t exactly a skill move.

Difference of opinion being able to chain a wall bounce to get over a wall and skip the climb animation and chaining bunny hops is not a simple move most players are doing, especially in the middle of a gun fight.
Difference of opinion being able to chain a wall bounce to get over a wall and skip the climb animation and chaining bunny hops is not a simple move most players are doing, especially in the middle of a gun fight.
When one input can’t possibly do it it shouldn’t be possible imo. That’s just where I fall on it.
Twitch seem to have stealth patched 120fps streams apex is glorious to watch on a 120+hz monitor/TV
Anyone tried Control? Great fun.

You can also get the 10 10 10 badge if you pop off with a pre made squad. Will be patched next week most likely.
Redownloaded this after some conversations in the warzone thread. Couple of mates that have never played it before got it as well.

What are some tips for newbies? We're at the stage of not even knowing which guns are best.

I did go back to warzone last might due to a mate not having the patch downloaded and dropped kills easily so the faster pace of apex is definitely helping when I go back to any other fps
Redownloaded this after some conversations in the warzone thread. Couple of mates that have never played it before got it as well.

What are some tips for newbies? We're at the stage of not even knowing which guns are best.

I did go back to warzone last might due to a mate not having the patch downloaded and dropped kills easily so the faster pace of apex is definitely helping when I go back to any other fps

Nearly every gun is viable its not like warzone in that one is massively better then the rest.

Assault Rifles:

Havoc (if you have the Hopup)








Triple Take




Longbow DMR
Charge Rifle

There are more weapons but for each type these for me are the best all round and most solid especially now the volt has gone into the care packages.

Basics learn what the armor swapping mechanic is/does, just because you can see a team it isn't always the right call to go and fight you have to be aware of a third squad joining in and cleaning up. If you crack someone's armour or down an enemy squad member and you are sure as you can be there isn't another squad lurking then push as a 3 as quick as possible to finish the fight. The longer a gun fight lasts you give the opponents time to heal or revive a downed member or the opportunity for another squad to rotate and join in.
Redownloaded this after some conversations in the warzone thread. Couple of mates that have never played it before got it as well.

What are some tips for newbies? We're at the stage of not even knowing which guns are best.

I did go back to warzone last might due to a mate not having the patch downloaded and dropped kills easily so the faster pace of apex is definitely helping when I go back to any other fps

I assume you only have the starter legenends then?
Stick with the most basics legends till you get the hang of it, then explore others.
All the standard legends are alright, i'd say, but personally i think Bangalore, Bloodhound and Lifeline are safe starters.
Bangalore can smoke to get the feck out of there and call down airstrike if you're being pushed and are not ready for it.
Bloodhound can scan for enemies and track their steps, also his ult makes things be red and shiny so they are easy to hit.
Lifeline can revive without having to sit down and do it herself, and call in carepackage to upgrade your loot.

You probably tried them all out a couple times and know it all by now, so just throwing in some suggestions!

Personally i prefer having one close and one long range weapon, preferably R-99/301 and the wingman. The wingman is hard to hit with, but us first week players like to torture ourselves by using it, and also it hits like a truck when you get the hang of it... IF you get the hang of it...

Ninja edit: Pathfinder is also nice, one of the best and most fun to play, imo, and he give a scan so you can see where the next ring is.
Nice legend to have so you know how and when to rotate, and one of the best movement legends, but you need some practice before you get the hang of it. I love the grapple.
Cheers lads yeah I've played when it was first released but took an extended break when warzone released. Getting to grips with the movement and aiming at people jumping all over the place is such a change from the pretty static warzone movement
Tried control a couple times, seems like it could be fun, but as many other games it's ruined by the way players play.
There's no attempt to play tactical or smart, people just yolo in to get kills.
Imagine how fun it could be with premade 9v9... or is it 10? Can't remember.
Tried control a couple times, seems like it could be fun, but as many other games it's ruined by the way players play.
There's no attempt to play tactical or smart, people just yolo in to get kills.
Imagine how fun it could be with premade 9v9... or is it 10? Can't remember.
I was playing yesterday, had 9 kills and about 2100 damage, teammate had 17 kills and 3500 damage. Guess who was top of the leaderboard, me, because I took points and held them. People see it as an easy way to farm kills and damage, even though it counts for nothing, too many people don't know how to play modes like this correctly.
Couple of friends & I were kill farming last night to get the teamwork 10 10 10 badge in Control last night was great fun.
Hopefully they keep control as a permanent fixture just to use it as a warm-up mode before you get into the proper game.

Great mode to get your head round new legends, movement techniques, guns etc.