Antonio Valencia | 2013/14 Performances

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Then there's no point in praising any player for something they've done.

Praising him for the assist and saying it was a superb one and makes up for his overall dull performance are 2 different things mate.
Dull? Not bad but dull?

dull/dour/bad. The exact word isnt important, what's important is that it wasnt anywhere close to being the sort of performance he's capable of and the assist doesnt cover that up like you think it does. It was an average performance but definitely better than some of the shit he produced last season. Hopefully he kicks on from here.
dull/dour/bad. The exact word isnt important, what's important is that it wasnt anywhere close to being the sort of performance he's capable of and the assist doesnt cover that up like you think it does. It was an average performance but definitely better than some of the shit he produced last season. Hopefully he kicks on from here.
Strange word to use. I think he did well for he team and making a goal adds to that performance. I don't think there was anything to cover and I think the manager will agree and show it by selecting him again next week.
Strange word to use. I think he did well for he team and making a goal adds to that performance. I don't think there was anything to cover and I think the manager will agree and show it by selecting him again next week.

Yep, he'l start again next week for sure. Wont be because of his performance only though, he's the only fit winger we have bar Zaha and there's no way he'l play vs Chelsea.
Could easily be a masterstroke by Valencia. If he can find a run of form and play decently this season he can blame it all on taking the shirt and it'll soon be forgotten about. Players care about numbers but not even a tiny bit as much as supporters do, if he can blame his poor season on a shirt number he'll do it.
Worked hard and had some decent moments getting free from Cole or getting a decent tackle in. But some of his passing today made Nani look more like Xavi
Valencia and Jones down the right makes me mental. Neither of them knows what to do with the ball and inevitably loses it.
Thought he was pretty good, defensively he was excellent but a bit hit and miss in attack
Still hesitates to much. Think there was a one chance where he was just inside the 18 yard box and the box came high to him. In his first two seasons he would of just lashed it across the 6 yards box first time, now he just takes it down and looks for his right back.
He's got a great physique but we can't have him in our big games.. The final third he is just ordinary.
6 tackles today actually, quite a monster of a defensive winger performance. Usually he works just as hard but 3 of those tackles are clumsy and he gives away a freekick. Good too see he was able to stay the right side of the law with only 2 fouls to the 6 tackles
Thought he was very good. Also beat his man a few times.

Crossing still needs work. Just do what you used to do. Head down drill the fecker across the box low
We didn't need his defensive side today against such a negative Chelsea team. His main job should be to create chances, something he failed at miserably. Sad to see his crossing turn to shit.
I thought he did everything right bar the final ball really. Defensively very strong, good link up play, beat his man a few times. Certainly more promising than anything I saw last season and I thought people were really unnecessarily negative about his performance in the match day thread.
His defensive display was terrific - he catches up to every player on the pitch with ease and either shrugs them off or makes a great sliding tackle. I'm also very impressed with his short passing as they are very accurate and fast. He rarely gives the ball away, but why he just doesn't run past players like he did with Cole and Ramires once each remains a mystery. He's faster than pretty much anyone and stronger than, well, everyone...
Sorry he's just shite going forward and has been for more than a year. Young or Zaha next game please
Played well defensively and looked a lot better than last season but he still needs to do more going forward. We play the ball wide all the time we really rely on our wingers to play well.
I thought he did everything right bar the final ball really. Defensively very strong, good link up play, beat his man a few times. Certainly more promising than anything I saw last season and I thought people were really unnecessarily negative about his performance in the match day thread.

That's the one thing that matters most. Especially when we start a team with only one proper winger and no creativity through the middle; we need that one winger to be able to cross the fecking ball and not play keep ball with his fullback.
We need Nani back ASAP.

Valencia has turned into, I'm horrified to say, Dirt Kurt II
That's the one thing that matters most. Especially when we start a team with only one proper winger and no creativity through the middle; we need that one winger to be able to cross the fecking ball.

Obviously yes, the final ball is what's most important here, I mostly meant I was impressed because I saw him do lots of things he didn't do last season.
Would have been better to have him as Right Back and Young up right wing based on their performances tonight, but hindsight is a beautiful thing.
Completely nullified the threat of Hazard. It's frustrating as hell when he hesitates going forward though, there was a time when the Chelsea defense cleared the ball to the edge of the box - and he stood there for a good 5 seconds before turning around and passing it back.
Some thing were excellent. Won almost every ball within 20 foot of him, some great tackles, some great headers, some great runs, but unfortunately no end product and it's was missed more in the second half with the game spread.
There were some clear positives from his display, but it clearly wasnt just his crossing that was poor. He hesitated a lot, went backwards when he had some of his best chances to create a chance and even some of his simple passes were poor and inaccurate.

At the same time it wasn't a horror performance because he was great at competing for the ball and still had his moments beating a man. But everything else after that left a lot to be desired
I thought he played well actually.

With the exception of his crossing which was absolutely fecking dogshite, Young put in two better crosses in 5 minutes than Valencia managed in the entire game. Still, it was better than last season by a long way, he rinsed Ashley Cole on more than one occasion.
He looks lost when it comes to playing the cross in or playing a final ball. The moment when the ball came down to him in space, and he ended up turning away towards our own end summed up all of his performances from last season. He was great defensively, but he is meant to be a winger, who offers some attacking threat right? This is meant to be the same Valencia that gave Cole a good ol' raping a few years ago.
In the match day thread I said that Valencia is the best defensive winger in the world, but was a complete scarecrow head going forward. I was told that this was a RAWKish thing to say. Personally I think it perfectly sums him up.
I remember those days as a kid when we'd all bask in the glory of the exciting defensive prowess of Giggs and Kanchelskis, feck this attacking winger lark, two right backs is the new 3 midfielders!
Why? What's Zaha done to deserve a start exactly?
The simple fact that we need change to see if he is more effective. Zaha offers something different to Valencia. Zaha is two footed and is more unpredictable with the ball at his feet. Valencia is predictable and his decision making in the final third is definitely questionable.
Could he actually be an option as a ball winning central midfielder? I think the winger he most resembles at this point may be Owen Hargreaves
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