Antonio Valencia | 2013/14 Performances

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Wrong. His second half was abysmal as he provided feck all overlapping and had a big hand in their second goal. In the first half he managed to dribble past two men at least a couple of times and put three good crosses which is an improvement by his crossing standards.

By "good", do you actually mean "bad"?
If a cross that needs last ditch clearance from a defender is bad, then yes.
So we should be grateful for his 3 good crosses and I can't remember a single good cross from him. His only successful cross in the first half was a poor one as well and allowed Welbeck no chance to control it
What annoys me the most about his wing-play is that he seems so happy with just getting a corner, despite the fact that we're largely useless at them. So often he doesn't even try to pick out a man in the box, but simply tries to smash it into his marker and out for a corner. What's the point? The picture showing his crossing stats a few pages back sums it up perfectly.
Yes, I said he was tremendous and that his crossing was mouth-watering.
I agree, he's been frustrating for a looong time, but how can his biggest critics explain the fact that, despite being totally shit, Ferguson 'insisted on playing him' and Moyes has been doing the same?
Because managers take a liking to certain players over others. It's just the way it's been as long as i can tell. Nasri looked on his way out at City under mancini. Now he looks a lot better with Pellegrini. We know he's a quality player but he was struggling in one setup while thriving in another.

Ferguson and moyes have similar qualities where I'd say Pellegrini and Mancini have more differences than similarities
someone on twitter summed it up perfectly when they said if that was nani today, he would have got booed
Why do pundits have a go at Nani? Yet seem to think Valencia is some reliable consistent player.

Because he has been shit for 18 months. Yet all our play is built around him. It's all switching to right to watch him drill crosses at defenders legs.

Him and Young need to go. We need a whole new midfield. Two CMs and two wingers. Our current wingers don't offer goal threats and can't even cross.
He is a player that plays the percentages. It's like he has been programmed to play in a certain way no matter the who the opposition is or the situation on the field.

I wish he would start to think about his play a bit more and see how he can mix things instead of doing the same thing all the time.
Why do pundits have a go at Nani? Yet seem to think Valencia is some reliable consistent player.

Because he has been shit for 18 months. Yet all our play is built around him. It's all switching to right to watch him drill crosses at defenders legs.

Him and Young need to go. We need a whole new midfield. Two CMs and two wingers. Our current wingers don't offer goal threats and can't even cross.

they dont care about being accurate. they just go with what's convenient
The worst thing is that most fans and pundits seem to still think he's a good, consistent player, which doesn't really help. He literally never, ever gets stick, ever, no matter how bad he is. I remember a game last season where he was dire, absolutely muck, and Gary Neville in the commentary just said "Valencia, always consistent and reliable on the wings" or something along those lines, it was absolutely baffling.

If Young or Nani had put in a performance like that today they'd have been heckled and groaned at and likely be booed off the pitch, whereas Valencia seems to just get applause from the OT crowd for getting a corner by endlessly smashing the ball of the full back. What the feck are all these people seeing that we don't? Am I missing something obvious?
The worst thing is that most fans and pundits seem to still think he's a good, consistent player, which doesn't really help. He literally never, ever gets stick, ever, no matter how bad he is. I remember a game last season where he was dire, absolutely muck, and Gary Neville in the commentary just said "Valencia, always consistent and reliable on the wings" or something along those lines, it was absolutely baffling.

If Young or Nani had put in a performance like that today they'd have been heckled and groaned at and likely be booed off the pitch, whereas Valencia seems to just get applause from the OT crowd for getting a corner by endlessly smashing the ball of the full back. What the feck are all these people seeing that we don't? Am I missing something obvious?

The worst thing is that he's been shit for almost two years, but I agree. Shearer and Co on MotD even singled him out as a reason for our improved results the other week against West Ham, a game which he was shit in as well.
Valencia is an athletic type of player. Every game he runs about a lot and builds up a sweat, regardless of how well he plays. For most people that will be seen as being a hard worker and he'll be given credit for that.

Nani has a more relaxed style, more of a skillful and explosive type of player who will do his work in fits and starts. For most people that will be seen as being a luxury player and he'll have credit taken away for that.

Nani can put in a very similar performance to Valencia overall, maybe putting in just 1 good cross, having a couple of dribbles and tracking back with his man and because he's seen as a luxury, its a poor performance. Valencia puts in that performance and because he's seen as a hard worker its deemed a decent performance. Its a little bit similar to how Berbatov didnt always get credit for us when he had a string of performances where he worked to get the ball back. He's not the athletic hard working type so it goes a bit unnoticed. As Sir Alex said "Everyone loves a tryer".
I can't believe that nobody at the club has mentioned to him that just repeatedly cnuting the ball hard and low into the box isn't good enough for a Manchester United player.
I can't believe that nobody at the club has mentioned to him that just repeatedly cnuting the ball hard and low into the box isn't good enough for a Manchester United player.

The thing is, at his best, he was so good at shifting between low and hard crosses and regular crosses, and sometimes even lofty ones. It made him much harder to defend against. He needs to mix it up. He has the pace to go past very quick players like Rose, but then his final delivery is sometimes atrocious. I think his first half was better than his second half. He was woeful as a fullback, imo.
I'm sorry but I think today has pushed me into the "I've had enough of Valencia camp". Today was a carbon copy of the goal we conceded against Everton, with him again falling asleep, totally unaware of what was going on around him.

The argument can be made he isn't a right back but his showings further upfield were hardly any better and I got tired of seeing him hammer it into the boxing (and 80% of the time failing to beat the first man) a long time ago.

I remember there was a time when people complained that United were functional and Valencia is one of functionality's spokesmen. Can do his job and that is it, now he isn't even doing his job.

He is a mediocre winger that over achieved upon joining United. Now that spell of success has ended we are seein him for what he is.

A ton of my friends (who support teams like Arsenal) always ask me why I'm so hard on Valencia, and it's simply because he isn't good enough. And when a player isn't good enough he shouldn't be at United, unfortunately we have a few in the team that fit the not good enough description and are now reaping what we have sown by having them around.
Does he ever use his left foot? His one-footedness is one of his most frustrating limitations.
Does he ever use his left foot? His one-footedness is one of his most frustrating limitations.

He tried that a couple of games ago; it was very successful - one decent cross and a brilliant assist - then he's gone back to not using it again. Baffling really.
Does he ever use his left foot? His one-footedness is one of his most frustrating limitations.

Very rarely, but there has been a few pieces of evidence over the years to suggest he can use his left foot decently. Its just for some reason, he believes he cannot and will do anything he can to use his right foot instead
Time for him to go, his poor form from last season has continued and he is very much in decline. The wings need some serious cash injection. Young Adnan is the only one who can hold his head high this season.
I very much doubt that Valencia is going anywhere, seeing as he's still starting games, unlike say, Anderson.
The worst thing is that most fans and pundits seem to still think he's a good, consistent player, which doesn't really help. He literally never, ever gets stick, ever, no matter how bad he is. I remember a game last season where he was dire, absolutely muck, and Gary Neville in the commentary just said "Valencia, always consistent and reliable on the wings" or somethingure along those lines, it was absolutely baffling.

If Young or Nani had put in a performance like that today they'd have been heckled and groaned at and likely be booed off the pitch, whereas Valencia seems to just get applause from the OT crowd for getting a corner by endlessly smashing the ball of the full back. What the feck are all these people seeing that we don't? Am I missing something obvious?

It is do with the footballing culture in England. People give the hard working players a pass on the account of them at least trying and not doing something unpredictable, where someone like Nani who would give the ball away due to trying something different and may not put in the same effort as Valencia would get stick. It is one the reason why England produces so few creative players.
When you stop and consider that the entire team is built to play through the single most limited player in our squad, you start to understand why we can't accommodate genius players like Kagawa. And then you get angry.
It is so frustrating to watch him play. He works hard and gives a 100%. He even manages to go past full backs and create space but he just cant seem to be able to put in a decent ball in the box. Its more of a smash and hope type of an attempt. In 45 mins, Januzaj put in more quality than Valencia has done all season I think..
When your entire gameplan revolves around Antonio Valencia, it's not the fault of Antonio Valencia, it's the fault of the set up.

Teams know as long as they stay close to him they have basically nullified our attacking game, so they double up on him. Valencia isn't clever enough to take advantage, and the rest of the team bar Januzaj are all too happy to give him the ball and place the responsibility on him.

Things have gotten even worse post-SAF, which surprises me.
He says he works hard at crossing the ball with the help of DDG but I can't compute why he would need a keeper to work on them. The guys who take care of training at our club (the past and present ones) are that blind to not see that Valencia's method of delivering is so flawed.
The season when Rooney was playing up front and scored a lot of headers, I could swear Valencia's crosses were a lot more varied, dangerous and accurate. How can you work hard at something and just get worse and worse at it ?
To think people were acfualy BUOYED when he 'destroyed' Aston Villa... For a short time after that, you even saw people saying it's pointless signing anyone beneath Di Maria/Sanchez level for the right wing because Valencia is quite good... Lalz...
To think people were acfualy BUOYED when he 'destroyed' Aston Villa... For a short time after that, you even saw people saying it's pointless signing anyone beneath Di Maria/Sanchez level for the right wing because Valencia is quite good... Lalz...

Link to these posts? You seem to come into threads and tell everyone how wrong they were/are. Superiority complex?
Valencia has no football brain....
He genuinely tries & works so hard but he's not clever enough to be starting in this team for now. He's too monotonous....once his markers match his speed, he has nothing else to offer & his crosses are atrocious. Fabio/Rafael on that right side would give us more points than having Valencia there.
If he can't cross might be an idea to play him in midfield....can't do any worse than Cleverly!
I will continue my long standing crusade to see the back of Valencia. No way should he be our first choice winger, and I often wonder what the hell Fergie was thinking when he even proposed it. You don't lose Ronaldo and then get Wigans right winger. This whole 'we are United, we are different' stuff grates me too. Buy some very good football players if you want a very good football team. We seem hell bent on achieving the great trick of buying players not as good as the ones our rivals buy, but having a better team than them.
The worst thing is that most fans and pundits seem to still think he's a good, consistent player, which doesn't really help. He literally never, ever gets stick, ever, no matter how bad he is. I remember a game last season where he was dire, absolutely muck, and Gary Neville in the commentary just said "Valencia, always consistent and reliable on the wings" or something along those lines, it was absolutely baffling.

If Young or Nani had put in a performance like that today they'd have been heckled and groaned at and likely be booed off the pitch, whereas Valencia seems to just get applause from the OT crowd for getting a corner by endlessly smashing the ball of the full back. What the feck are all these people seeing that we don't? Am I missing something obvious?

Oh the applauses.. :lol:

He got one big applause when he won 50/50 duel yesterday like he just won us the champions league, fans at Old Trafford never fail to amaze me.
The worst thing is that he's been shit for almost two years, but I agree. Shearer and Co on MotD even singled him out as a reason for our improved results the other week against West Ham, a game which he was shit in as well.

Yes, but I say it's the worst thing because it seems to then lead towards all those other problems. He's literally been doing the same thing for 18 months now without change, it's actually his tactic, to smash the ball into the full back and get a corner, and then the crowd applauds, and then he thinks he's doing a good job by winning the corner and assumes everything is hunky dorey. Add to that the fact that he is never dropped and one of the first names on the team sheet, he basically has no reason to try alter his game or do things differently. Like, even that quote from the official twitter feed where he practices his crossing with DDG every day, what's he practicing exactly? I haven't noticed anything different in well over a year from him, it's the exact same formula in every game.

At least if he got a bollocking from the fans and media, and got dropped after poor games, he might then think "feck, I better do something about this, it's clearly not working". Instead he gets applauded at OT for winning corners and gets applauded by the media for his 'consistency and hard work'. Nani for example got booed to shit for walking off the pitch, he certainly did not walk off the pitch the next time he was subbed.

At this stage, I wouldn't care if he left tomorrow, and considering he used to be one of my favourite players, I don't say that lightly.
As someone said in the match day thread, he absolutely sucks any joy out of watching United with the way he plays.
someone said it before the Tottenham game, but the opposition left back must end the game black and blue having about 37 crosses smashed into his shins, thighs and stomach all game :eek:

What is inexplicable, is that Valencia, especially compared to Nani used to take the right option the vast majority of the time.

Now he slows it down, leaving himself one option. Which is to smash it low and hard, which is invariably blocked 90% of the time.

What happened to all those dinked crosses, in that season Rooney scored so many headers? Completely doesn't happen anymore.
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