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2017-18 Performances

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You can dislike a player and still provide an element of balance. I disliked Valencia being made a fullback and having to endure several years of shit performances while he acclimatised to the position. Now he's a good fullback (who can't cross) and In recent times I've praised him when he's played well.

Oh we're so grateful that you've managed to praise Valencia recently - I hope he gets to know about this.

Which is what i asked (well done for completely misreading the question) but in your dickish attempt to wade into the discussion you've completely missed the poster in question not being able to offer up a single instance of outright praise and have wrongly compared to the two instances.

The only dickish move was you coming into the discussion that had taken a very sane route and people were discussing how we can accommodate both these obvious talents in the same team.
Let me remind you of what you posted:
ivaldo said:
Might have something to do with the childish attitude he had last season. Rashford has been a model professional since Jose joined. Martial hasn't.

which has absolutely no evidence - so all you wanted was a reaction.
and then this:
ivaldo said:
Well Jose thinks Rashford is the superior player. And considering Rashford better rounded game, that's a perfectly reasonable conclusion.
making it back into a Martial vs Rashford debate. But you didn't stop there, you began calling people who prefer Martial as over zealous who were upset because their favorite player doesn't get minutes.

After that you started critising posters for not being balanced. So I had to call you out as you've not been exactly balanced in your criticism of Valencia over the years.

Anyway, now that I've made my point - I don't mind you continue posting your absolute nonsense or go back to wishing injury to Valencia.
Tactical considerations that win us games? We are winning games before Martial gets on to the pitch. It's quite simple. In fact, against Leciester, Martial started and it was Rashford who came on and scored the winner anyway.
Tactical considerations that border on cowardice that were on display against Southampton when we have spent upwards of £300m to assemble the squad he liked? I am not saying we shouldn't set up to protect our goal but when they come at the expense of a talent like Martial and we have yet to face a truly difficult side to justify such tactics.
Tactical considerations that border on cowardice that were on display against Southampton when we have spent upwards of £300m to assemble the squad he liked? I am not saying we shouldn't set up to protect our goal but when they come at the expense of a talent like Martial and we have yet to face a truly difficult side to justify such tactics.

One game. All of the games where we score 4 is cowardly as well?

It's not called corwardice. It's called winning. Ask if Liverpool fans would switch places with us right now.

What about him getting rid of Mata, and then now starting him every game. Is that cowardice, defensive etc? Or is it just tactical?
Better work rate going both ways. More explosive. Better dead ball. Type of runs he makes off the ball which stretches defences. His attitude has been brilliant in general. I don't know if you call it rounded but there are things he offers which Mourinho prefers for this Man United team and his tactics.
Oh, the usual he works harder...
More explosive? It's time you stop spouting this nonsense. Rashford isn't any more explosive than Martial unless you have a different definition of what being explosive is. I don't think he's faster than Martial either (given Martial's recorded top speed) or even if he is in actuality, his speed isn't as useful in an attacking sense when compared to Martial's. This is exactly why most average fullbacks with decent speed more often than not put him in their pocket. His ball control when running is quite limited for him to make good use of his speed and that's why he loses the ball, often overrunning it or just running into dead ends.
Compare Rashford to current (Messi or Robben) or past players (fat Ronaldo) considered to be very explosive and you'd see how ridiculous your claim is. Martial is definitely closer to those players than Rashford. see below.

Work rate, set peices, defensive contribution, movement.
Well Rashford is by no means exactly a poor player and he's definitely got somethings in his locker Martial's lacking but on the LW, Martial is easily more talented or superior, especially on the left wing. For example it's easier to ask Martial to work on his work rate than to ask Rashford to develop close control or improve his technique in general. That's why we should we playing Martial there and not Rashford. I just don't see Rashford's future as a left winger. What's he gonna develop into with his limited skill set there? In my opinion, an average player and we would eventually realize that. I have got better hopes for him as a striker and that's I'm not fine with us resigning a past it Zlatan.

Using Mourinho's selection to justify who's better is misguided. He's human and makes mistakes.
Can't wait for Martial s form to be heralded a mourinho masterclass as if being given 5 minutes of the bench is the optimal condition for developing a talent. But then again mhiki was a pub player before mourinho got his hands on him... I have no doubt that Martial s arse would be covered in splintershad perisiic been signed.

IMO, rashford s potential is the level of mane, however I strongly believe that martial won't look out of place against mbappe or dembele in a few years.
It's already started. Media attributing Martial's form down to Mourinho's tough love when in reality Martial should have been an established and consistent top player of not world class player already.

The kid at 19-20 came from an electric first season, won a golden ball, mesmerise the league with his talent. Given the amount of talent on show here, he should have stepped up in his second season from his first and by now be an established world class player.

But Mourinho mismanaging him last season, undoing all his work from his first season and good will he'd garnered by then is somehow seen as tough love.

Now the kid through hard work and mostly pure talent he's showing again what he's truly about despite still somehow being in a bit of an handicapped situation.
Oh, the usual he works harder...
More explosive? It's time you stop spouting this nonsense. Rashford isn't any more explosive than Martial unless you have a different definition of what being explosive is. I don't think he's faster than Martial either (given Martial's recorded top speed) or even if he is in actuality, his speed isn't as useful in an attacking sense when compared to Martial's. This is exactly why most average fullbacks with decent speed more often than not put him in their pocket. His ball control when running is quite limited for him to make good use of his speed and that's why he loses the ball, often overrunning it or just running into dead ends.
Compare Rashford to current (Messi or Robben) or past players (fat Ronaldo) considered to be very explosive and you'd seem how ridiculous your claim is. Martial is definitely closer to those players than Rashford. see below.

Well Rashford is by no means exactly a poor player and he's definitely got somethings in his locker Martial's lacking but on the LW, Martial is easily more talented or superior, especially on the left wing. For example it's easier to ask Martial to work on his work rate than to ask Rashford to develop close control or improve his technique in general. That's why we should we playing Martial there and not Rashford. I just don't see Rashford's future as a left winger. What's he gonna develop into with his limited skill set there? In my opinion, an average player and we would eventually realize that. I have got better hopes for him as a striker and that's I'm not fine with us resigning a past it Zlatan.

Using Mourinho's selection to justify who's better is misguided. He's human and makes mistakes.

Rashford being more explosive is nonsense now apparently. :lol:

Yes, work rate fecking matters. Work rate counts both ways. Making unselfish runs off the ball counts as work rate. His movement, it fecking counts.

That post is garbage.
Can't wait till Mourinho gets both playing so that things can get back to normal.
Tactical considerations that win us games? We are winning games before Martial gets on to the pitch. It's quite simple. In fact, against Leciester, Martial started and it was Rashford who came on and scored the winner anyway.

He also got rid of Mata and now plays him every game, it's tactical.
What a ridiculous post. Wasn't Martial the one who won the penalty that Lukaku missed in the Leceister game? He had a good game.

We have won every game that Martial started but can't say the same for all the games that Rashford started. Why don't we start Martial every game then based on your silly reasoning? ;)

Stop spouting nonsense.
Rashford being more explosive is nonsense now apparently. :lol:

Yes, work rate fecking matters. Work rate counts both ways. Making unselfish runs off the ball counts as work rate. His movement, it fecking counts.

That post is garbage.
Yes it's definitely nonsense, else explain why you could only come up with this and are struggling to argue against what I stated?
Oh we're so grateful that you've managed to praise Valencia recently - I hope he gets to know about this.

The only dickish move was you coming into the discussion that had taken a very sane route and people were discussing how we can accommodate both these obvious talents in the same team.
Let me remind you of what you posted:

which has absolutely no evidence - so all you wanted was a reaction.
and then this:
making it back into a Martial vs Rashford debate. But you didn't stop there, you began calling people who prefer Martial as over zealous who were upset because their favorite player doesn't get minutes.

After that you started critising posters for not being balanced. So I had to call you out as you've not been exactly balanced in your criticism of Valencia over the years.

Anyway, now that I've made my point - I don't mind you continue posting your absolute nonsense or go back to wishing injury to Valencia.
The discussion was already on that you lunatic. Are you unwell? The very post I had quoted had contained the word 'Rashford' and directly compared Martials treatment to Rashfords. You would have thought you'd have read the post you quoted and it's context. Although you seem to be completely lacking that ability judging by this discussion.

No evidence at all. Other than a person very close to the club stating he 'sulked' when Zlatan took his shirt number, his passive performances and poor work rate last season and the distain on his face caught on camera when Jose had the audacity to bring on a defender for an injured defender instead of him. No evidence at all... thankfully he seems to have got over that and lo and behold his performances have significantly improved this season.

Not people, the ones who believe Jose has some vendetta against Martial. Again, try reading before posting.

Oh well done you, the illiterate champion of the people, putting down posters for something you've imagined they've said. Context is overrated, right?
Just another myth in the long running list of made up nonsense people have made up about Martial.

Whenever a young player has a rough period, people on these boards assume that it's down to attitude and shamelessly pass it as fact and push that agenda.
Why would people have an agenda?

I'm not very activ in this thread but speaking for myself I can only say that we should feel lucky having two of the most talented young players in Rashford and Martial playing for us. If they both develop as we hope we have a bright future.
What a ridiculous post. Wasn't Martial the one who won the penalty that Lukaku missed in the Leceister game? He had a good game.

We have won every game that Martial started but can't say the same for all the games that Rashford started. Why don't we start Martial every game then based on your silly reasoning? ;)

Stop spouting nonsense.

Yes it's definitely nonsense, else explain why you could only come up with this and are struggling to argue against what I stated?

He started against Burton and Cska? Both were terrible and Rashford started and scored twice against Burton anyway? Rashford scored the winner against Leicester anyway?

What reasons do you think Mourinho has for playing Rashford more? Are you really going to be this dense?

Rashford being more explosive is not nonsense. You're talking a bunch of garbage.

You're right Mourinho is starting Rashford for a bit of banter. Martial is soooo much more superior.
For future debates, try not to make claims you can't back up with actual quotes.
Hasn't made a single positive post about Rashford in 86 attempts. Claims to be balanced. :lol:
He started against Burton and Cska? Both were terrible and Rashford started and scored twice against Burton anyway? Rashford scored the winner against Leicester anyway?

What reasons do you think Mourinho has for playing Rashford more? Are you really going to be this dense?

Rashford being more explosive is not nonsense. You're talking a bunch of garbage.

You're right Mourinho is starting Rashford for a bit of banter. Martial is soooo much more superior.
I hope English isn't your native language because most people would find it difficult to comprehend what you just wrote here.

You said that we are winning games with Rashford in the team already before Martial comes on and we should continue with that, and to this I replied by saying we have won all the games in which Martial started but we failed to win all the games in which Rashford started, the Stoke game in particular in which Rashford was shit and we dropped points

Surely based on your silly reasoning Martial should start all games instead of Rashford because we have won all the games in which he started?
I understand this might be hard for you to swallow because you never expected your poor logic to be used against you.

In my post, I stated and explained clearly what being explosive is and even gave you examples of such players and proved that Martial is actually the more explosive one but what have you done? Nothing, except making a claim with no reasoning, no facts. Just nothing to back it up and even have the guts to ask me if I'm dense? Look at the state of you. :lol:

Mourinho is a lot of things. He's an excellent manager in my opinion and I agree/support him in most things but here I feel he's making a mistake. He is human and definitely can't be right/fair all the time.
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Why would people have an agenda?

I'm not very activ in this thread but speaking for myself I can only say that we should feel lucky having two of the most talented young players in Rashford and Martial playing for us. If they both develop as we hope we have a bright future.

If you followed the thread then you would have noticed most people clamoring for both to start and when the manager has decided that both compete for the LW role then it turned out to be a VS thread

Even that wouldn't have been so bad if some people just acknowledge that rashford is preferred by Jose rather than accusing those who point out that fact as overzealous fans. If you catched the wordings I used, I said the manager prefers rashford and not that he hates martial but some just lump those two things together

What we can agree on is that both are good enough to start consistently and hopefully that dawns on the manager sooner rather than later instead of some posters to act like this current situation is all fine and dandy with no negative side to it at all
I hope English isn't your native language because most people would find it difficult to comprehend what you just wrote here.

You said that we are winning games with Rashford in the team already before Martial comes on and we should continue with that, and to this I replied by saying we have won all the games in which Martial started but we failed to win all the games in which Rashford started, the Stoke game in particular in which Rashford was shit and we dropped points

Surely based on your silly reasoning Martial should start all games instead of Rashford because we have won all the games in which he started?
I understand this might be hard for you to swallow because you never expected your poor logic to be used against you.

In my post, I stated and explained clearly what being explosive is and even gave you examples of such players and proved that Martial is actually the more explosive one but what have you done? Nothing, except making a claim with no reasoning, no facts. Just nothing to back it up and even have the guts to ask me if I'm dense? Look at the state of you. :lol:

Mourinho is a lot of things. He's an excellent manager in my opinion and I agree/support him in most things but here I feel he's making a mistake. He is human and definitely can't be right/fair all the time.

I explained that Rashford played in the Burton game as well, whilst scoring twice. I explained that Rashford came on and scored the winner against Leicester anyway. Our preferred first eleven is working is what I am saying. It's not that difficult to grasp. It's not just about Rashford, there's a whole team to think about. It isn't just about individual players and positions. It's how they work as a team and what Rashford and the first eleven offer.

People can see with their own eyes that Rashford is the more explosive player. What more do you want me to say. You're the only person to dispute this fact.
I explained that Rashford played in the Burton game as well, whilst scoring twice. I explained that Rashford came on and scored the winner against Leicester anyway. Our preferred first eleven is working is what I am saying. It's not that difficult to grasp. It's not just about Rashford, there's a whole team to think about. It isn't just about individual players and positions. It's how they work as a team and what Rashford and the first eleven offer.

People can see with their own eyes that Rashford is the more explosive player. What more do you want me to say. You're the only person to dispute this fact.

Martial has qualities Rashford isn't as good at too. They are relevant qualities for a forward player as well.

Jose can prefer Rashford if he wants. Beyond the fact that 'the team won', I think justification for it isn't easy. And we've literally won every game this season, regardless of who has started anyway, except Stoke. We have won games Fellaini has started too, yet Pogba will return.

You keep saying Rashford has a more rounded game, justifying by listing things Rashford does better (set-pieces, work rate, explosiveness) but it's not as if they are equal at everything else though. All the advantages you listed are almost strengths of a good full back as much of a forward. To make you a specialist forward player, I think the qualities Martial has are more important. Those are what hurt defences. Rashford is more 'explosive', but so what? What does that even mean anyway? That he is able to go past defenders more easily? Because he isn't.

Both are top young players, but Rashford is not the better player. Tactically or otherwise, he shouldn't be higher than Martial in any pecking order, possibly except for a tough away game where we want our winger to chase a full back all game. Those games aren't the ones we've had so far. If we are talking primarily breaking teams down and creating opportunities, I think Martial's skill set is best suited, if we had to be ruthless and pick, which I'd rather we didn't.
Martial has qualities Rashford isn't as good at too. They are relevant qualities for a forward player as well.

Jose can prefer Rashford if he wants. Beyond the fact that 'the team won', I think justification for it isn't easy. And we've literally won every game this season, regardless of who has started anyway, except Stoke. We have won games Fellaini has started too, yet Pogba will return.

You keep saying Rashford has a more rounded game, justifying by listing things Rashford does better (set-pieces, work rate, explosiveness) but it's not as if they are equal at everything else though. All the advantages you listed are almost strengths of a good full back as much of a forward. To make you a specialist forward player, I think the qualities Martial has are more important. Those are what hurt defences. Rashford is more 'explosive', but so what? What does that even mean anyway? That he is able to go past defenders more easily? Because he isn't.

Both are top young players, but Rashford is not the better player. Tactically or otherwise, he shouldn't be higher than Martial in any pecking order, possibly except for a tough away game where we want our winger to chase a full back all game. Those games aren't the ones we've had so far. If we are talking primarily breaking teams down and creating opportunities, I think Martial's skill set is best suited, if we had to be ruthless and pick, which I'd rather we didn't.

No because his explosiveness and work rate combined with his runs and movement make him so dangerous in an attacking sense. Rashford does hurt defences. Combined with the tactical side of things, you have the reasons why Rashford is chosen ahead of Martial. Simple.

Im not having this dumbing down of Rashford's qualities into him being some sort of 'workhorse'.

His acceleration and power off the mark is an example of him being explosive.
Hilarious that some cant grasp team concepts and the fact that certain individuals provide more for the team and complement the other players in the system. Members on redcafe know more than Jose fecking Mourinho who has the team top of the table. It's fecking hilarious.
Was at the game. We were cruising and I was praying Mata would get subbed for Martial to see what we could do with the front 3 everyone wants to see at Old Trafford. It’s disappointing but I guess Jose wants the option of having pace to come off the bench. That’s the only thing I can think of as to why he won’t start these two lads.
Both outstanding talents though and if you don’t start a premier league game but Start a CL game then you can’t complain too much eh?
Was he on the bench mid week?
No and it's obviously positive for him that he's getting starts in the CL and doing well, but that doesn't change the fact that it is easier to perform coming on as a sub when you're up.

He tore CSKA a new one as a starter. Don't see why his performances should be downplayed just because he did well against "tired legs". The lad is top class and is having a fantastic season despite his relatively limited game time.
I'm not saying that this is the only way he can perform but that has been his role and it is different from starting.

No. He's doing it from the start and he's doing it from the bench. He absolutely, positively deserves to start, at the expense of mkhi probably.
He is starting games though and coming of the bench. Much more compared to last season, so he's clearly moving forward. But Mourinho seems to still be trusting Rashford more. I wouldn't be against trying to start him ahead of Mikhi though who has been inconsistent.
He looks so much happier these last few games compared to his first few games. I think he will be more important later in the season. He is a maverick can do the unexpected so maybe the big games are calling his name.

55-60 Game season he will play plenty.
The problem is he's putting in world class performances and still getting dropped. Imagine when he has a drop in form - he'll fecking become 3rd choice after Lingard.
He's done well but world class performance is an exaggeration.
This. Some of us have eyes can see the obvious world class abilities he has with the ball. If we lose Martial, it will be much worse than losing Pogba - Martial is an elite, elite talent.
You can't be serious.
- Better acceleration
- Better crosses

- Better tactically
- Better finishing
- More unpredictable
- Better technique

They both are fantastic talents in their own right, but right now i'd say Martial is the better player. The way he carries the ball forward and then cuts inside causes panic in a lot of defenses. Not saying Rashford is a kick and run merchant, but he often struggles a lot vs fullbacks with pace and especially if they double up on him, he tends to run into trouble.
"Gifable moments" don't win you games. While a defensive contribution like Rashford made against Southampton does.
Are you serious or taking the piss here?
Do you know how many "gifable moments" of Martial that led to goals or him assisting someone that enabled us win games?

Goals/assists definitely win games far more than defensive contributions and it's not like Martial doesn't do anything to help defensively.

However much you make deny it, you certainly have something against Martial.
- Better acceleration
- Better crosses

- Better tactically
- Better finishing
- More unpredictable
- Better technique

They both are fantastic talents in their own right, but right now i'd say Martial is the better player. The way he carries the ball forward and then cuts inside causes panic in a lot of defenses. Not saying Rashford is a kick and run merchant, but he often struggles a lot vs fullbacks with pace and especially if they double up on him, he tends to run into trouble.

Agree that Martial is the better player right now but what do you mean by better tactically? Not trying to cause offence, just not sure how he’s better tactically. Rashford can be used to do the ugly side of the game if needed, he’s more flexible in terms of playing positions and is a better set piece taker, so shouldn’t he be better tactically?
Are you serious or taking the piss here?
Do you know how many "gifable moments" of Martial that led to goals or him assisting someone that enabled us win games?

Goals/assists definitely win games far more than defensive contributions and it's not like Martial doesn't do anything to help defensively.

However much you make deny it, you certainly have something against Martial.
I can't remember any of them leading to a goal. Rashford doesn't have many gifable moments and he is still scoring and assisting.

I don't have anything against Martial, I'm just annoyed by people overrating him. As far as I'm concerned, I'm perfectly happy with his role atm. But I don't trust him starting important games yet. Rashford should and is starting.

Seems like some would rather be entertained than win games.
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Only thing at which Rashford is better than Martial is at being local, came through academy, English lad. And like most of the English players (athletes) now, he has a tendency to put his head down and work his ass off. If he had been signed for €50m like Martial and had a debut season like him, his hype would've been through the roof and Mourinho would've been lynched by the media for his management last season. It's like I am in Jesse Lingard thread, people blabbering about work-rate and movement.

You can see the roar at Old Trafford whenever Martial is on the pitch, people expect something to happen. He's one of those attacker who bring out excitement in you as if they are going to produce something unexpected, it's been a long long time since I felt that about a player. Also, if you're talking about being 'complete'. Martial has everything you'd want in a top player, pace, strength, close control, composure and most importantly a football brain. He has the ability to go past people but he won't necessarily engage in duel if he has a better option, watch the games he has started and see how often he is trying to link up play or look for a through ball. And no 'work-rate' isn't necessarily an essential requirement to be a top player, it's a bonus.

Only reason why Rashford is a perma fixture in our PL XI is because our manager is Jose Mourinho, there is a reason why he preferred Oscar as his #10 and was happy to sell one of the most productive #10s and one of the best players in PL in Kevin de Bruyne.

I can't remember any of them leading to a goal. Rashford doesn't have many gifable moments and he is still scoring and assisting.

Seems like some would rather be entertained than win games.

Perhaps you should watch our games more closely, his game is not about flicks and tricks.
There really isn't much of a need to criticise the one, when bigging up the other. Especially if the criticism of either one is steeped in bullshit.

They're both contributing while we're winning matches = happiness.

Sure, I'd love them both to play, but I also fear the lack of a pacey match winner/or game changer off the bench when we need one against a tired defence, coupled with the fact that they both tend to struggle a bit more playing on the right, is probably weighing on Mourinho a bit.

But hopefully things change and we get to see them both starting and interchanging positions from the right to the left, or even centrally with Lukaku. We'd be fecking deadly on the counter attack.
Martial's crossing ability is underrated on here. His improvement in that aspect is clear to see and his understanding with Lukaku has also helped a lot.
Saw this on Instagram


Just found it interesting. Hazard's 15/16 was absymal if memory serves correct. And last year he was phenomenal.
I can't remember any of them leading to a goal. Rashford doesn't have many gifable moments and he is still scoring and assisting.

I don't have anything against Martial, I'm just annoyed by people overrating him. As far as I'm concerned, I'm perfectly happy with his role atm. But I don't trust him starting important games yet. Rashford should and is starting.

Seems like some would rather be entertained than win games.
This only proves you don't watch our games or are extremely biased against him.

Martial does these things but is still scoring and assisting at an higher rate than Rashford or even any of our other attackers. It's because he's that good. You should watch a video of his goals/assists or highlights compilations if your memory is so hazy.

Regardless what exactly is your point if Martial is still scoring and assisting even with those kind of moments?
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Agree that Martial is the better player right now but what do you mean by better tactically? Not trying to cause offence, just not sure how he’s better tactically. Rashford can be used to do the ugly side of the game if needed, he’s more flexible in terms of playing positions and is a better set piece taker, so shouldn’t he be better tactically?

What i meant is that Martial (imo) has better tactical awareness or at least is more flexible to his approach. Rashford seems to often get a bit of tunnel vision when going forward, now there is nothing bad about being direct, but it often ends up with him running straight into a wall of defenders when he would have been better served with looking for a pass or set up a 1-2

Martial also seems to have a bit more oversight and understanding of where his teammates are, where as Rashford at times seems to be playing with high shoulders.
- Better acceleration
- Better crosses

- Better tactically
- Better finishing
- More unpredictable
- Better technique

They both are fantastic talents in their own right, but right now i'd say Martial is the better player. The way he carries the ball forward and then cuts inside causes panic in a lot of defenses. Not saying Rashford is a kick and run merchant, but he often struggles a lot vs fullbacks with pace and especially if they double up on him, he tends to run into trouble.

Martial is not better 'tactically'. Rashford has better movement and better work rate going both ways. People are acting like Martial is so consistent when he cuts inside. There are so many games where this didn't work for him last year. Mourinho is aware of that and it's part of the reason why he is on the bench and only has had three starts. Yes he was great against Burton and CSKA. Let's have some perspective here, there's context to all of this.
Martial is not better 'tactically'. Rashford has better movement and better work rate going both ways. People are acting like Martial is so consistent when he cuts inside. There are so many games where this didn't work for him last year. Mourinho is aware of that and it's part of the reason why he is on the bench and only has had three starts. Yes he was great against Burton and CSKA. Let's have some perspective here, there's context to all of this.

That's debatable, both of them are really good at finding good positions (for their age) attacking wise and we all know Mou does not accept slackers, so there is not much between them when it comes to work rate either.

I never said Marital was consistent when he cuts inside but his better dribbling ability does gives him some options that Marcus lacks at the moment, Rashford is fantastic when he can run at backing defenses or in behind, but struggles against organized defenses where he often ends up running into dead ends.

Both are great young talents, but right now there is fierce competition for those AM/winger spots and i don't think Rashford merits have a regular spot there week in and week out.
Personally, I think Martial will look to leave the club if he doesn't end up becoming a starter by mid-season while being so productive; I wouldn't blame him either. He's just too talented to be some sort of super-sub or have a guy like Rashford on pace for playing over a thousand minutes more than him by the end of the season. I can't imagine he's feeling good about not being selected for the national team either, especially after a great start of the season (despite limited time), and the fact that Ousmane Dembele is going to be out for at least a few months.

He's come in with the right attitude this season, and is doing a lot of what people were asking for him to do, and instead of saying that he's done enough to be a starter, we're content with the way things are and he should stick to being a super-sub. That's not what Martial came to Manchester United for, and that's not what his talent and ability dictates either. He's positive now, but I have no doubts that if his situation doesn't improve, he will start to look elsewhere and that would be poor management by Mourinho and another example of him letting go of a player he'll regret not having on his team soon after. If you think Martial is happy being a super-sub or starting CL games and rarely any PL games, you are completely off your rocker.
I think the next game will tell us a lot about how Mourinho will approach Martial's squad status this season - for a while now Rashford and him have been starting every other game, so technically it's his turn to start vs Liverpool. Got a feeling that might not happen though.
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