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2014-15 Performances

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Wonder how our season would have turned out if Moyes secured Herrera last Summer. Was a good spot from Moyes tbf, he looks a great fit.
Martin Ferguson iirc.

Yup. By all accounts, including the journos favourable to Moyes, Martin Ferguson had been scouting Herrera for two years before Moyes arrived. Herrera was recommended to Moyes when he became United manager, but Moyes wanted to scout him himself before committing to the transfer: Moyes was worried he would get blamed if he spent £30 million on Herrera and the transfer didn't work out. So Moyes went for Fellaini instead... :rolleyes:

This was all reported, again, earlier this week by Graham Hunter, Adam Crafton etc.
#07 is right. Moyes shat in his diaper on Herrera and instead went for the "safe" bet in Fellaini. Fukkin clown.
#07 is right. Moyes shat in his diaper on Herrera and instead went for the "safe" bet in Fellaini. Fukkin clown.

I would like to be positive about Moyes but the more I think about it the more amazed I am that he was ever appointed United manager.
Yup. By all accounts, including the journos favourable to Moyes, Martin Ferguson had been scouting Herrera for two years before Moyes arrived. Herrera was recommended to Moyes when he became United manager, but Moyes wanted to scout him himself before committing to the transfer: Moyes was worried he would get blamed if he spent £30 million on Herrera and the transfer didn't work out. So Moyes went for Fellaini instead... :rolleyes:

This was all reported, again, earlier this week by Graham Hunter, Adam Crafton etc.


This summed up Moyes problem during his time with us. He didn't trust the people who were giving him advice. Martin Ferguson had been scouting players for United way before Moyes was failing to win a trophy for Everton.
Wonder how our season would have turned out if Moyes secured Herrera last Summer. Was a good spot from Moyes tbf, he looks a great fit.

Good spot from Moyes! Oh the irony!
I would like to be positive about Moyes but the more I think about it the more amazed I am that he was ever appointed United manager.

I don't want to derail the thread so I'll keep it brief. What I truly believe fukked Moyes was the 7 year contract. He must have truly believed he would be given 3-4 seasons to establish himself. He took that stupid vacation then he dithered in the summer, then he panicked. He failed to realize that 2013 was not 1986. Oh well, shit happens.
In that video at 3:01, that's the first time I've ever seen a player use the Zidane roulette while defending. :lol:

That flick at 4:55 :drool:

Looks like a really smart tackler as well. Oh, and his first touch is incredible. Overall looks very confident on the ball going forward, which is something we've been in dire need of for quite a while. Can't wait to see him play, delighted at the signing.
Did Buttner never try it? I remember him doing a few stepovers right out by his own cornerflag. It sounds like something Buttner would do, and probably cock up

This summed up Moyes problem during his time with us. He didn't trust the people who were giving him advice. Martin Ferguson had been scouting players for United way before Moyes was failing to win a trophy for Everton.

It's not just that mate, it's that Moyes was scared. Remember when Moyes said he hadn't subbed Van Persie against Newcastle because of what people would say? For me, that set off alarm bells. How can the manager of Man Utd be afraid to make a decision because of what the media might say?

Moyes was paralysed by fear. He dithered over transfers, he wouldn't drop big names, he failed to give certain players a chance, all because he was afraid to get it wrong. Sadly, his refusal to try anything different led him to retreat into his comfort zone and behave like a small time manager at a big time club.

There's a line in Sir Bobby's book where he says fans will forgive you if you take a shot and miss, what they wont forgive is if you have the chance to shoot but don't. That's why Moyes gets so much flack: He was presented, over and over again, with chances to save our season but he didn't. Instead he hid behind excuses.

Had Moyes signed Herrera we'd have finished fourth and Moyes would still be United manager, no doubt about it. But, true to form, Moyes was too scared to take the chance. In the end, and deep down Moyes must know this, it wasn't Woodward, the players or the fans that did for him. Moyes did himself in by bottling it so often everyone at the club stopped believing in him.
It's not just that mate, it's that Moyes was scared. Remember when Moyes said he hadn't subbed Van Persie against Newcastle because of what people would say? For me, that set off alarm bells. How can the manager of Man Utd be afraid to make a decision because of what the media might say?

Moyes was paralysed by fear. He dithered over transfers, he wouldn't drop big names, he failed to give certain players a chance, all because he was afraid to get it wrong. Sadly, his refusal to try anything different led him to retreat into his comfort zone and behave like a small time manager at a big time club.

There's a line in Sir Bobby's book where he says fans will forgive you if you take a shot and miss, what they wont forgive is if you have the chance to shoot but don't. That's why Moyes gets so much flack: He was presented, over and over again, with chances to save our season but he didn't. Instead he hid behind excuses.

Had Moyes signed Herrera we'd have finished fourth and Moyes would still be United manager, no doubt about it. But, true to form, Moyes was too scared to take the chance. In the end, and deep down Moyes must know this, it wasn't Woodward, the players or the fans that did for him. Moyes did himself in by bottling it so often everyone at the club stopped believing in him.

Same here. I thought it was a strange thing for a Manchester United manager to say. Regardless, I stood by him but lost patience after the City/Liverpool home games. The Bayern away game was also the start of it, with his refusal to sub Rooney out. In fact, his pandering of Rooney throughout the season and the looming prospect of Rooney being captain (this could still happen, mind) for the next season made Moyes' sacking much much easier to accept for me.

Well, that was cathartic.

Can't wait for the season to begin.
I watched a bunch of Youtube videos and a fair few Bilbao games last season and his first touch is sublime.

Always appreciate a good first touch. One of the reasons to love Berba and destroy Rooney (yes I'm aware you shouldn't).
It's true there is something about instantly controlling the ball that is a joy to watch, I'm thinking of a particular occasion when Berbatov took a ball coming high over his shoulder and just seemed to cradle it with his foot. I can't remember who it was against but it was probably one of the most memorable moments of the entire season.
For no rational reason i like that United didn't give up on this signing, it is character building and shows how much Herrera is wanted here!

Reminds me of the Ruud signing.

Looking forward to seeing him kick a ball now!
Same here. I thought it was a strange thing for a Manchester United manager to say. Regardless, I stood by him but lost patience after the City/Liverpool home games. The Bayern away game was also the start of it, with his refusal to sub Rooney out. In fact, his pandering of Rooney throughout the season and the looming prospect of Rooney being captain (this could still happen, mind) for the next season made Moyes' sacking much much easier to accept for me.

Well, that was cathartic.

Can't wait for the season to begin.
Speaking of Moyes, I read somewhere that he's sharing "ideas" with Galatasaray. Maybe they want him for a pre-match sacrifice or something.
Speaking of Moyes, I read somewhere that he's sharing "ideas" with Galatasaray. Maybe they want him for a pre-match sacrifice or something.
Here's hoping the first thing Moyes does is makes a £40m bid to take dear old Wayne off our hands.
From Youtube it's evident he has a great first touch and eye for a through ball, van Person will love him no end!
Van Gaal might let him go for less than that. To be honest, I don't think Rooney's going to prosper under the new regime.
I think he'll start off as first choice on the left, maybe switch with Mata in the hole. He's a top player as much as united fans like to hate him for some reason, so I think he'll make it work.
I think he'll start off as first choice on the left, maybe switch with Mata in the hole. He's a top player as much as united fans like to hate him for some reason, so I think he'll make it work.

Don't get me wrong, I like Rooney but I think Scholes made a telling comment about him peaking a year or so ago. If we get a decent offer, I wouldn't be too upset at his departure.
Indeed. 4-4-2 is a thing of the past. You just get overran in midfield.

Unless you're, say, Real Madrid. They used 4-4-2 to great effect on their way to the CL. Think Atletico use it from time to time too, don't they? 4-4-2 isn't dead yet.
Unless you're, say, Real Madrid. They used 4-4-2 to great effect on their way to the CL. Think Atletico use it from time to time too, don't they? 4-4-2 isn't dead yet.
Atletico used it practically all the time to win La Liga. The formation's still got legs, but it puts far more individual demands on the players. There is no hiding in a 4-4-2, in effect.
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