American Politics

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Agree or disagree with Obama on the policy merits of a million issues, but he is no more a racist (or not a racist) than was George W. Bush, whom to the best of my knowledge never sought the advice of anyone associated with white supremacy groups yet was regularly besmirched as a racist, as that's the thing political opponents (their surrogates, actually) do in the United States to score points.

The only person I've ever heard publicly accuse Bush of being a racist was that ass-clown, Kanye West. Maybe some blacks felt that way but I would say the overwhelming majority wouldn't think such, unless told so by a liberal version of Limbaugh (of which does not exist, thankfully).
The only person I've ever heard publicly accuse Bush of being a racist was that ass-clown, Kanye West. Maybe some blacks felt that way but I would say the overwhelming majority wouldn't think such, unless told so by a liberal version of Limbaugh (of which does not exist, thankfully).

Neither have I, in fact Dubya poured significantly more money into US Africa policy than any other President, mainly to fight HIV and malaria.
The only person I've ever heard publicly accuse Bush of being a racist was that ass-clown, Kanye West. Maybe some blacks felt that way but I would say the overwhelming majority wouldn't think such, unless told so by a liberal version of Limbaugh (of which does not exist, thankfully).

You've never heard of the controversy re Bush surrounding Hurricane Katrina???
Yes, but he's never publicly been called out as a racist except by Kanye West (from what I can recall). I don't recall the NO mayor ever calling him a racist after the storm. I'm sure some blacks may have felt such at the moment when emotions where running high, but it's nowhere near the content Obama has faced from political opposition and talk radio nutjobs. Or political rallies (see the link I posted on the previous page about TP rally signs).
Yes, but he's never publicly been called out as a racist except by Kanye West (from what I can recall). I don't recall the NO mayor ever calling him a racist after the storm. I'm sure some blacks may have felt such at the moment when emotions where running high, but it's nowhere near the content Obama has faced from political opposition and talk radio nutjobs. Or political rallies (see the link I posted on the previous page about TP rally signs).

Politicians don't normally call each other racists. It's considered taboo in our political culture to do so. Those who do direct attack politicians on personal grounds are typically commentators, activists and celebrities.

Mike Meyers agreed with Kanye West:

There are countless examples of Bush being personally attacked by liberal surrogates, just as there are countless examples of Obama being attacked by conservative surrogates. This brand of politics goes back to the early days of the republic. Lincoln was personally attacked as an "ape". Reagan was viciously personally attacked.

I'm not here to endorse or repudiate the politics of personal attacks, but it's a reality that has been with us for a very, very long time. What's new, or relatively new, is the pervasiveness of the media coverage. Cable tv, radio and the Internet -- including forums like this -- make personal attacks instantaneously accessible and effective.
You're trying to diminish the amount of racist overtures Obama has received by trying to raise awareness that Bush apparently suffered a similar amount. You're being extremely dishonest here.
You're trying to diminish the amount of racist overtures Obama has received by trying to raise awareness that Bush apparently suffered a similar amount. You're being extremely dishonest here.

I don't think I've ever endorsed or dismissed racist taunts directed at Obama, because I know I loathe them and and can't envision any circumstance in which it would be appropriate to impugn Obama as a human being because he is black.

My point is that the charge of "racism" is thrown around way too easily in American politics. There are those who genuinely believe that Obama is wrong on whatever issues, but they are not therefore racist for opposing Obama's policies or having opposed his election as potus. In fact, I've never heard of a single instance in which a Republican accused Obama of being a racist, although there are certainly some very nutty accusations made against Obama, including the one that his parents concealed the true location of his birth in order to maintain his constitutional eligibility to one day run for potus.

There are those who accused Bush of being a racist, whatever their rationale for holding that belief. I can't know whether Bush is a racist but his response to Katrina seems a ridiculous basis for the accusation that he's a racist.

The accusation that because Bush is a Republican that he is therefore a racist is itself a racist remark.

To be absolutely clear, politicians normally don't call either racists. The messy work of personal attacks is left up to political commentators, satirists and comedians. You all know about Rush Limbaugh, a scumbag conservative talk show host, but slightly less known is Bill Maher, a comedian/commentator on HBO. What does he say about Republicans?

Bill Maher: "If you're a racist, you're probably a Republican."

Do the two main political parties play the "race card" to drive up turnout among their core voters? Of course they do. During the recent elections the Democrats invoked the specter of Travyon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri to suggest that if Republicans are elected, more blacks will be murdered in cold blood. Republicans associate Obama with "socialism" and even sympathy with Islamic radicals (a crazy accusation, given that Obama ordered the assassination of bin Laden), though not the specter of the black supremacy or the like.

I'm reminded of an old American saying that goes like this -- "Accusing politicians of playing politics is like accusing baseball players of playing baseball." Politics is what politicians do. Democrats accuse Republicans of being racists in order to maximize support from blacks and Latino voters, whereas Republicans accuse the Democrats of being socialists in order to maximize support from the middle class. Both political parties employ cynical tactics, such as telling lies or at least distorting the truth, in order to win elections. They have done this for hundreds of years, long before Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Maher and Al Sharpton were born.

It's time some of you caftards take off diapers.
You're seriously trying to educate me on how politics in the US works? Perhaps you're unaware I'm both a US citizen and military member, was once a registered member of the Republican party, and have an understanding on political engineering and propaganda use by both sides. I'm fully aware of how political parties capitalize on public interests, issues, and emotions to capture votes and retain power. I'm also aware one party has massively influenced elections through gerrymandering, how both sides have sold out to corporate interests, how a certain news networks is the defacto voice of a particular party, how both parties use the military as a pawn, and how one party appears to have a bit more concern for its citizens as a whole versus just the rich elite and wall street. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Maher is fairly well known, especially those with access to HBO and/or a clue about media personalities. He can be extremely vile, right or wrong, on some subjects (Republicans, Tea Party, religion (especially Islam)) and calls out both sides (he has called out Democrats too, numerous times). He's also given free passes to such persons as Darrell Issa and Ann Coulter because they're his friends. Hannity and Limbaugh only speak rhetoric that fits the views from his respective bubble (a very small bubble); I've witnessed Maher spread his rhetoric all-around the political scale, and have disagreed with him on some issues (Marissa Alexander, his attacks on Islam as a whole, etc.). Hannity and Limbaugh have rarely called out a Republican, unless said "RINO" has suddenly done something that no longer fits his myopic view and now needs to be castrated by the supporting base. Example 1: Christie was the man of the hour for these two clowns until he dared embrace President Obama after a storm ravaged his state. Example 2: Boehner for not doing whatever.

There's a massive difference in how these individuals reach an audience. Hannity and Limbaugh capitalize on scaremongering a clueless, often older crowd, almost exclusively white, with outright lies, partial facts/truths, bigotry and homophobia, and warped opinions. Maher is very patronizing and goes on his rants as well, but he's not in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. I'd put Maher closer to O'Reilly who is also nowhere near the imbecile that is Hannity and Limbaugh. Maher and O'Reilly are smart individuals that can often hold an honest debate or conversation with others (as seen during Maher's panel discussions and O'Reilly on The Daily Show and debates with Jon Stewart). Hannity and Limbaugh are incapable of doing such, as fairness, honesty, and professionalism is not in within their capacity. Another I'd mention is Beck, the religious tin foil hat moron who uses outlandish assertions and scaremongering to capture his audience (he's basically Alex Jones with a bigger media presence via his time with FNC but less lunacy, which is saying something considering how odd Beck is). All of them are capitalists and happily accepting the dollars that fill their bank accounts. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, and Jones are obvious charlatans, with Beck and Jones likely possessing a mental illness of sorts.
You're seriously trying to educate me on how politics in the US works? Perhaps you're unaware I'm both a US citizen and military member, was once a registered member of the Republican party, and have an understanding on political engineering and propaganda use by both sides. I'm fully aware of how political parties capitalize on public interests, issues, and emotions to capture votes and retain power. I'm also aware one party has massively influenced elections through gerrymandering, how both sides have sold out to corporate interests, how a certain news networks is the defacto voice of a particular party, how both parties use the military as a pawn, and how one party appears to have a bit more concern for its citizens as a whole versus just the rich elite and wall street. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Maher is fairly well known, especially those with access to HBO and/or a clue about media personalities. He can be extremely vile, right or wrong, on some subjects (Republicans, Tea Party, religion (especially Islam)) and calls out both sides (he has called out Democrats too, numerous times). He's also given free passes to such persons as Darrell Issa and Ann Coulter because they're his friends. Hannity and Limbaugh only speak rhetoric that fits the views from his respective bubble (a very small bubble); I've witnessed Maher spread his rhetoric all-around the political scale, and have disagreed with him on some issues (Marissa Alexander, his attacks on Islam as a whole, etc.). Hannity and Limbaugh have rarely called out a Republican, unless said "RINO" has suddenly done something that no longer fits his myopic view and now needs to be castrated by the supporting base. Example 1: Christie was the man of the hour for these two clowns until he dared embrace President Obama after a storm ravaged his state. Example 2: Boehner for not doing whatever.

There's a massive difference in how these individuals reach an audience. Hannity and Limbaugh capitalize on scaremongering a clueless, often older crowd, almost exclusively white, with outright lies, partial facts/truths, bigotry and homophobia, and warped opinions. Maher is very patronizing and goes on his rants as well, but he's not in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. I'd put Maher closer to O'Reilly who is also nowhere near the imbecile that is Hannity and Limbaugh. Maher and O'Reilly are smart individuals that can often hold an honest debate or conversation with others (as seen during Maher's panel discussions and O'Reilly on The Daily Show and debates with Jon Stewart). Hannity and Limbaugh are incapable of doing such, as fairness, honesty, and professionalism is not in within their capacity. Another I'd mention is Beck, the religious tin foil hat moron who uses outlandish assertions and scaremongering to capture his audience (he's basically Alex Jones with a bigger media presence via his time with FNC but less lunacy, which is saying something considering how odd Beck is). All of them are capitalists and happily accepting the dollars that fill their bank accounts. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, and Jones are obvious charlatans, with Beck and Jones likely possessing a mental illness of sorts.

We agree that Limbaugh and Hannity are human turds, merchants of slime.

All I'm suggesting at this point in the discussion is that the charges of racism and socialism are freely, viciously and recklessly made against politicians of the right and left, respectively.
You're seriously trying to educate me on how politics in the US works? Perhaps you're unaware I'm both a US citizen and military member, was once a registered member of the Republican party, and have an understanding on political engineering and propaganda use by both sides. I'm fully aware of how political parties capitalize on public interests, issues, and emotions to capture votes and retain power. I'm also aware one party has massively influenced elections through gerrymandering, how both sides have sold out to corporate interests, how a certain news networks is the defacto voice of a particular party, how both parties use the military as a pawn, and how one party appears to have a bit more concern for its citizens as a whole versus just the rich elite and wall street. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Maher is fairly well known, especially those with access to HBO and/or a clue about media personalities. He can be extremely vile, right or wrong, on some subjects (Republicans, Tea Party, religion (especially Islam)) and calls out both sides (he has called out Democrats too, numerous times). He's also given free passes to such persons as Darrell Issa and Ann Coulter because they're his friends. Hannity and Limbaugh only speak rhetoric that fits the views from his respective bubble (a very small bubble); I've witnessed Maher spread his rhetoric all-around the political scale, and have disagreed with him on some issues (Marissa Alexander, his attacks on Islam as a whole, etc.). Hannity and Limbaugh have rarely called out a Republican, unless said "RINO" has suddenly done something that no longer fits his myopic view and now needs to be castrated by the supporting base. Example 1: Christie was the man of the hour for these two clowns until he dared embrace President Obama after a storm ravaged his state. Example 2: Boehner for not doing whatever.

There's a massive difference in how these individuals reach an audience. Hannity and Limbaugh capitalize on scaremongering a clueless, often older crowd, almost exclusively white, with outright lies, partial facts/truths, bigotry and homophobia, and warped opinions. Maher is very patronizing and goes on his rants as well, but he's not in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. I'd put Maher closer to O'Reilly who is also nowhere near the imbecile that is Hannity and Limbaugh. Maher and O'Reilly are smart individuals that can often hold an honest debate or conversation with others (as seen during Maher's panel discussions and O'Reilly on The Daily Show and debates with Jon Stewart). Hannity and Limbaugh are incapable of doing such, as fairness, honesty, and professionalism is not in within their capacity. Another I'd mention is Beck, the religious tin foil hat moron who uses outlandish assertions and scaremongering to capture his audience (he's basically Alex Jones with a bigger media presence via his time with FNC but less lunacy, which is saying something considering how odd Beck is). All of them are capitalists and happily accepting the dollars that fill their bank accounts. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, and Jones are obvious charlatans, with Beck and Jones likely possessing a mental illness of sorts.

Thumbs up.
You're seriously trying to educate me on how politics in the US works? Perhaps you're unaware I'm both a US citizen and military member, was once a registered member of the Republican party, and have an understanding on political engineering and propaganda use by both sides. I'm fully aware of how political parties capitalize on public interests, issues, and emotions to capture votes and retain power. I'm also aware one party has massively influenced elections through gerrymandering, how both sides have sold out to corporate interests, how a certain news networks is the defacto voice of a particular party, how both parties use the military as a pawn, and how one party appears to have a bit more concern for its citizens as a whole versus just the rich elite and wall street. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Maher is fairly well known, especially those with access to HBO and/or a clue about media personalities. He can be extremely vile, right or wrong, on some subjects (Republicans, Tea Party, religion (especially Islam)) and calls out both sides (he has called out Democrats too, numerous times). He's also given free passes to such persons as Darrell Issa and Ann Coulter because they're his friends. Hannity and Limbaugh only speak rhetoric that fits the views from his respective bubble (a very small bubble); I've witnessed Maher spread his rhetoric all-around the political scale, and have disagreed with him on some issues (Marissa Alexander, his attacks on Islam as a whole, etc.). Hannity and Limbaugh have rarely called out a Republican, unless said "RINO" has suddenly done something that no longer fits his myopic view and now needs to be castrated by the supporting base. Example 1: Christie was the man of the hour for these two clowns until he dared embrace President Obama after a storm ravaged his state. Example 2: Boehner for not doing whatever.

There's a massive difference in how these individuals reach an audience. Hannity and Limbaugh capitalize on scaremongering a clueless, often older crowd, almost exclusively white, with outright lies, partial facts/truths, bigotry and homophobia, and warped opinions. Maher is very patronizing and goes on his rants as well, but he's not in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. I'd put Maher closer to O'Reilly who is also nowhere near the imbecile that is Hannity and Limbaugh. Maher and O'Reilly are smart individuals that can often hold an honest debate or conversation with others (as seen during Maher's panel discussions and O'Reilly on The Daily Show and debates with Jon Stewart). Hannity and Limbaugh are incapable of doing such, as fairness, honesty, and professionalism is not in within their capacity. Another I'd mention is Beck, the religious tin foil hat moron who uses outlandish assertions and scaremongering to capture his audience (he's basically Alex Jones with a bigger media presence via his time with FNC but less lunacy, which is saying something considering how odd Beck is). All of them are capitalists and happily accepting the dollars that fill their bank accounts. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, and Jones are obvious charlatans, with Beck and Jones likely possessing a mental illness of sorts.

I missed this part of your post earlier.

Christie was indeed the "man of the hour", but where the wheels actually came off for him was not after he hugged Obama, but the scandal knowns as "Bridgegate".

Briefly stated, it is alleged that Governor Christie ordered the closure of a toll booth on the George Washington Bridge as some kind of retribution against a Democratic politician who refused to endorse him. I don't know the true facts of the incident, but THAT was the beginning of the downward spiral for the Republican Governor of New Jersey, who now finds himself in a new kerfuffle because he is a massive fan of the Dallas Cowboys, the bitter rival of the New York Giants, the home team of the state of New Jersey. Christie has zero chance of winning the state of New Jersey if he ends up being the Rep nominee against Hillary, but his support of the Cowboys and his hug of Jerry Jones in the owner's box after the beat Detroit Lions is seen by observers of all political stripes as a cynical poly to pick up red state votes.

As for Boehner, the right-wing rap on him is that he's too cozy with Democrats and Wall Street interests. Whether that's a reasonable criticism of him is up for you to decide for yourself, but that's the rap on Boehner. Don't believe me? Check out what your buddy Sean Hannity says about John Boehner:


“I do not see John Boehner as that leader,” Hannity said. “He has too often been timid and weak, scared to death he will get blamed for a government shut down. Unwilling to use his constitutional power of the purse in battling Obama’s radical agenda. Republicans need somebody to inspire both tea party conservatives and moderate Republicans. An agenda that would help Americans in poverty, on welfare or those unemployed.”


It's hardly the case that Hannity and Boehner are cut from the same ideological cloth.
You're seriously trying to educate me on how politics in the US works? Perhaps you're unaware I'm both a US citizen and military member, was once a registered member of the Republican party, and have an understanding on political engineering and propaganda use by both sides. I'm fully aware of how political parties capitalize on public interests, issues, and emotions to capture votes and retain power. I'm also aware one party has massively influenced elections through gerrymandering, how both sides have sold out to corporate interests, how a certain news networks is the defacto voice of a particular party, how both parties use the military as a pawn, and how one party appears to have a bit more concern for its citizens as a whole versus just the rich elite and wall street. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Maher is fairly well known, especially those with access to HBO and/or a clue about media personalities. He can be extremely vile, right or wrong, on some subjects (Republicans, Tea Party, religion (especially Islam)) and calls out both sides (he has called out Democrats too, numerous times). He's also given free passes to such persons as Darrell Issa and Ann Coulter because they're his friends. Hannity and Limbaugh only speak rhetoric that fits the views from his respective bubble (a very small bubble); I've witnessed Maher spread his rhetoric all-around the political scale, and have disagreed with him on some issues (Marissa Alexander, his attacks on Islam as a whole, etc.). Hannity and Limbaugh have rarely called out a Republican, unless said "RINO" has suddenly done something that no longer fits his myopic view and now needs to be castrated by the supporting base. Example 1: Christie was the man of the hour for these two clowns until he dared embrace President Obama after a storm ravaged his state. Example 2: Boehner for not doing whatever.

There's a massive difference in how these individuals reach an audience. Hannity and Limbaugh capitalize on scaremongering a clueless, often older crowd, almost exclusively white, with outright lies, partial facts/truths, bigotry and homophobia, and warped opinions. Maher is very patronizing and goes on his rants as well, but he's not in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. I'd put Maher closer to O'Reilly who is also nowhere near the imbecile that is Hannity and Limbaugh. Maher and O'Reilly are smart individuals that can often hold an honest debate or conversation with others (as seen during Maher's panel discussions and O'Reilly on The Daily Show and debates with Jon Stewart). Hannity and Limbaugh are incapable of doing such, as fairness, honesty, and professionalism is not in within their capacity. Another I'd mention is Beck, the religious tin foil hat moron who uses outlandish assertions and scaremongering to capture his audience (he's basically Alex Jones with a bigger media presence via his time with FNC but less lunacy, which is saying something considering how odd Beck is). All of them are capitalists and happily accepting the dollars that fill their bank accounts. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, and Jones are obvious charlatans, with Beck and Jones likely possessing a mental illness of sorts.

What a quality post. Couldn't have put it better myself. And the bit in bold had me spitting my tea everywhere. :lol::lol::lol:
What. The. Hell.

Ted Cruz has been appointed to oversea NASA in Congress.

Fecking grandpa munster and his religious beliefs (unless it's part of his charlatan routine) as the chair of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. They truly want to turn this country into a fecking sham of religious nitwits blinded by the rule of a plutocracy.
What. The. Hell.

Ted Cruz has been appointed to oversea NASA in Congress.

Fecking grandpa munster and his religious beliefs (unless it's part of his charlatan routine) as the chair of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. They truly want to turn this country into a fecking sham of religious nitwits blinded by the rule of a plutocracy.
Not to mention likely installing a climate change denier as Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. You couldn't make up some of this stuff if you tried...
Imagine something this whacky...

Allen West... one scenario away from being POTUS. That's a horrendous nightmare yet hilarious thought. The US government would resemble the Banana Splits with this bunch in high positions.
Linbaugh is indeed a racist. The man sickens me and if he turned up dead in the Hudson River I wouldn't shed any tears for him. It's being reported today that Limbaugh says that the next James Bond can't be a black man, that he has to be a white man. WTF??? What demented womb gives birth to a cock-sucking racist like Rush Limbaugh?

As for Shaprton, he's not as blatant as Limbaugh but I really do encourage you to check this guy out. He makes a living stoking anger between blacks and whites. The man is grotesque.

The reason Sharpton relevant to this discussion is that Obama frequently invites him to the White House for consultations. It's a free country and Obama can consult with whomever he wishes, but his association with Sharpton is somewhat disturbing. That said, I do not believe Obama has a racist bone in his body. He genuinely wishes to see everyone get along and he's doing his best to do what he believes is right for the country. Agree or disagree with Obama on the policy merits of a million issues, but he is no more a racist (or not a racist) than was George W. Bush, whom to the best of my knowledge never sought the advice of anyone associated with white supremacy groups yet was regularly besmirched as a racist, as that's the thing political opponents (their surrogates, actually) do in the United States to score points.

Sharpton never misses a trick to play the race card. The Bob Imus case was a notorious example. However Limbaugh is just a horrible horrible scumbag.
Sharpton never misses a trick to play the race card. The Bob Imus case was a notorious example. However Limbaugh is just a horrible horrible scumbag.

"Horrible scumbag" may even grossly understate what a revolting, disgusting human being Rush Limbaugh really is.
Typical older, while male conservative on Facebook sharing a photo of Chris Kyle and adding his own words to the caption...

"Share this if you respect Chris Kyle and dislike the liberal Hollywood mindset"

Color me drunk, but didn't this "liberal Hollywood mindset" both develop and fund the movie about Chris Kyle? And if one doesn't share the image, does it mean he/she does not "respect" the former service member?

This kind of self-concocted patriotism drives me bonkers. It's pointless to engage in banter with this type of person as you'll be instantly categorized and likely attacked by the poster's "friends" as a "liberal" and/or "unpatriotic." My fave judgment against me was when arguing against a topic that I can't recall at the moment, the far right supporter claimed I didn't deserve to wear the military uniform, simply because I disagreed on the topic. It's as if most of these idiots believe every military member, every citizen, every whatever must follow the same line of thinking as him/her. To not do such renders the person as unpatriotic. It's really disgusting behavior.
Sharpton never misses a trick to play the race card. The Bob Imus case was a notorious example. However Limbaugh is just a horrible horrible scumbag.

Nor does Fox News, nor do dozens of top Talk Radio jocks with a nation wide audience, nor does nearly the entire Republikan Party, nor do all the 100s of neo nazi, white supremacist, or militia groups day after day after day, and don´t forget America´s Police Departments . . . but boy oh boy, when that single uppity African American Sharpton or maybe Jesse Jackson geezer does it . . . it´s just outrageous and unbearable.

It´s just not fair that those two uppity black geezers are getting away with it!


"And don´t you dare play that race card"
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Nor does Fox News, nor do dozens of top Talk Radio jocks with a nation wide audience, nor does nearly the entire Republikan Party, nor do all the 100s of neo nazi, white supremacist, or militia groups day after day after day, and don´t forget America´s Police Departments . . . but boy oh boy, when that single uppity African American Sharpton or maybe Jesse Jackson geezer does it . . . it´s just outrageous and unbearable.

It´s just not fair that those two uppity black geezers are getting away with it!


"And don´t you dare play that race card"

Spot on
Nor does Fox News, nor do dozens of top Talk Radio jocks with a nation wide audience, nor does nearly the entire Republikan Party, nor do all the 100s of neo nazi, white supremacist, or militia groups day after day after day, and don´t forget America´s Police Departments . . . but boy oh boy, when that single uppity African American Sharpton or maybe Jesse Jackson geezer does it . . . it´s just outrageous and unbearable.

It´s just not fair that those two uppity black geezers are getting away with it!


"And don´t you dare play that race card"

Yeah you misjudged my post completely. Ive no problem with people being pulled up in race cases but Sharpton seems to be the go to guy for any trace of it. He is like the ambulance chasing lawyer when it comes to that shit. Surely there are other faces who can make a case for the black community.
I'm no fan of Sharpton either. I find him to be a charlatan using racism to build up his own profile (and bank account). I'm sure there is some decency in him but he's a cult of personality nonetheless. I don't recall him ever apologizing for his public lynching of the Duke lacrosse players. Whoopi called him out for that as well.
Yeah you misjudged my post completely. Ive no problem with people being pulled up in race cases but Sharpton seems to be the go to guy for any trace of it. He is like the ambulance chasing lawyer when it comes to that shit. Surely there are other faces who can make a case for the black community.
From what I've heard they chase him, it's not him chasing the ambulance.
Yeah you misjudged my post completely. Ive no problem with people being pulled up in race cases but Sharpton seems to be the go to guy for any trace of it. He is like the ambulance chasing lawyer when it comes to that shit. Surely there are other faces who can make a case for the black community.

No I didn´t misjudge it, I´m just tired of this generic Sharpton crap all the time. Obviously the guy is a bit of a douche, but looking at the other side, at least the guy has stood up to the powers that be and has put his bollocks on the line and also done a lot of good in bringing to light issues for the black community. Guy stands up for the little guy and should be recognized for it.

On the other hand, you have the biggest, most powerful douchebag race hustlers, the post civil rights Republican Party with all their coded racist policies and constant, day to day racist dog whistles . . . empowered daily, by the all day grind of the greatest propaganda machines ever, Fox News and talk radio, yet poor little victim right wing white men get their panties in a bunch cause big bad Reverand Al is making noise. Goodness me. It´s just never enough for you guys.
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