Jesus, how about looking up the "southern strategy." How about looking at what happened after civil rights to the parties. How about watching Fox News, listening to right wing talk radio, how about the constant race baiting, how about reflecting on what party all the white supremacists, militia groups, neo nazi groups sympathize with, how about looking at the state republican party in the south. How about looking at the insane Republican reaction to Barack Obama. How about all the racist dog whistle code words constantly used by Republicans.
It's all over the place.
Sorry, I missed this post earlier.
As for the "Southern Strategy", that was the electoral brainchild of Richard Nixon, whose domestic policy agenda was actually quite "progressive". He pushed legislation creating the Environmental Protection Agency, enacting the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. He signed Title IX. He imposed wage and price controls (bad idea, but liberals cheered him). He ended the draft. He oversaw the desegregation of public schools. Although he had no constitutional role in its passage, Nixon was a strong supporter of the 26th Amendment, which granted the right to vote to 18 year olds. Nixon ended, or at least significantly relieved, our atrocious policies toward Native Americans. Nixon, who was a wretched human being in many ways, was nearly as "liberal" as LBJ with respect to domestic policy, but he was indeed an ardent anti-communist (which my be a strike against him in your view). But as every schoolboy knows, Nixon went to China.
As for what "happened to civil rights", Democrats in the 1970s went well beyond the the teaching of MLK to supporting racial quotas in university admissions and government hiring and contracting practices. Republicans opposed, and oppose to this day, racial quotas. Democrats only reluctantly abandoned their demand for racial quotas.
Fox News is a piece of shit news network, as is MSNBC. But I'm not sure what your point is...are you suggesting that the existence of Fox News somehow proves that Republicans are racists? By that ridiculous logic, you would have to concede that Obama is a racist because he has welcomed Al Sharpton -- a race baiter -- nearly 100 times into the White House for "consultations". No, Obama is not a racist, nor are all Republicans.
The rest of your post is just mindless, angry drivel. There are all kinds of hate groups in the United States whose adherents are members of the two main and other political parties. There are violent Latino organizations that seek the secession of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas and restore them back to what they believe is their rightful country: Mexico. Their members are almost all Democrats. Would it be reasonable for me to conclude that that therefore Democrats support giving those states back to Mexico? Your answer can't possibly be yes.
As for Obama, 95% of blacks voted for Obama. Would it be fair to conclude that blacks are therefore racist because they almost all voted for Obama? Surely not.
Black Democrats said a lot of very nasty things about George Bush. Are we to conclude that therefore Black Democrats are racist? Uh, no.
Your thesis is unsound, but I do appreciate the desperation of your pathetic argument.