Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

So…when she decided to crap on his bed, did she then clean herself or just pull up her underwear? :lol:

Amber shitty pants Heard :wenger:
This case seems to show Heard is an utter loon but it also doesn't exactly paint a flattering picture of Depp. Even if he wins I'm not sure how it will help him.
I'd rather be known to have problems with substance abuse than wife abuse.
The settlement will go some way towards his loss of earnings and will at least be some consolation. I think the bigger thing to come out of this would/should be a wider societal acceptance of men being the victims of domestic abuse.

Not sure how much he can get even if successful. Might be lucky to cover the legal bill. And showing her as an abusive loon (again) doesn't make him a saint or rehabilitate his reputation necessarily.
The fact that a make up artist covered up the bruises according to testimony.

Is that unequivocal evidence that Depp isn't a domestic abuser?
I'm not defending him, just playing devil's advocate... you would think with all the video and audio that was recorded that if he was physically violent that there'd be at least one piece of the audio/video that proves it. Is there? I don't know, it sounds like most of it is them being dysfunctional.
Not sure how much he can get even if successful. Might be lucky to cover the legal bill. And showing her as an abusive loon (again) doesn't make him a saint or rehabilitate his reputation necessarily.

He's suing for 50 million I think, but if she settles will probably be less. I think the latter part is what will drive societal change, not necessarily something that needs to help him but worth doing regardless.
Isn't the default in the UK that you have to prove the defamation didn't occur? A far higher bar than it did more likely than not (see why I'm no lawyer?).

Yes - I got bored and did some digging into the English judge. He is an author of a Media Law textbook, generally had a positive view of the press (Depp was suing a newspaper rather than Heard) and had some dodgy decisions in the past overturned on appeal. I suspect he viewed Depp negatively from the start, but since the trial wasn't televised and I don't have the transcripts, that is supposition and part guesswork.
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I'm a big fan of Amber, she has a temper, strikes me as a bit of a nutter, women like that are a bundle of thrills and fun to be with.

What makes me laugh about Johnny Depp is just take a look at him for a minute - if he was not a famous actor and you stood him in front of a bunch of women - most of them would run a mile, one minute he looks like a girl dressed up as a man and the next minute he's dressed like a tramp and the next he's dressed like an alcoholic - it's all about freak show esq... a man with dollars in the bank should be looking smart,

On looks alone, to look at him he looks exactly the type to try manipulating women and think he's clever enough to get away with it, there were little signs of this coming out months ago at the last show trial and we have been hearing more examples of it this time around.
This is weird.
I'm a big fan of Amber, she has a temper, strikes me as a bit of a nutter, women like that are a bundle of thrills and fun to be with.

None of this sounds in any way fun.

What makes me laugh about Johnny Depp is just take a look at him for a minute - if he was not a famous actor and you stood him in front of a bunch of women - most of them would run a mile, one minute he looks like a girl dressed up as a man and the next minute he's dressed like a tramp and the next he's dressed like an alcoholic - it's all about freak show esq... a man with dollars in the bank should be looking smart,

You do realise he is an actor don't you? And if you are rich (or indeed not) I don't think you need Dan-Utd's permission to dress in any particular way. I tend to think they are both mad as a bag of squirrels but yours is a very weird take.
No it isnt. Just like in a proper court of law the burden of proof in civil court is on the claimant.

Direct quote from the judgement:

As Defamation Act 2013 s.2(1) makes clear, it is for a defendant to prove that the libel was substantially true. The burden of proof therefore rests on the defendant. That was also the case when the common law defence of justification existed.
Again, that isn't what happened.

Under UK law the burden of proof is on the defendant. Depp never had to prove that The Sun lied. The Sun had to prove that they didn't, to a civil standard.
For defamatory law, yes. Defamatory statements are presumed false and the person sued has to prove the truth of what they said.
In the US it goes the other way. NYT v Sullivan is a good starting point for anyone interested.

There are also different standards for who the claimant is. Public officials, public figures, private figures.
Oh for god's sake.

Civil standard is 50%+1 likely. In a 'he said, she said' a lot of weight is put into credibility of the witnesses.

In the UK Court, my understanding is the judge was unimpressed by Depp's admitted drug and alcohol abuse but had no similar reservations about Heard's. He was sceptical of Depp's witnesses because they were 'biased towards him', but accepted Heard's sister and best friends at their word.

He also ignored evidence from police and medical staff because they were probably busy or not paying attention and didn't notice the injuries..

The fact Depp apologises a lot and accepts blame in texts during reconciliation periods was also used against him, but the judge did not have access to evidence from Heard's records to scrutinise her credibility.

Judges have large discretion to weigh evidence how they see fit, the Court of Appeals doesn't get involved in correcting where the judge has made a legal but perceived incorrect decision and only will even listen to arguments about how a judge misapplied the law or abused their discretion.

Use your own brains to determine what you think. One judge can and often will be wrong, it doesn't arbitrarily become reality just because one judge says its more likely than not. Its nowhere close to a criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt.
Not sure how much he can get even if successful. Might be lucky to cover the legal bill. And showing her as an abusive loon (again) doesn't make him a saint or rehabilitate his reputation necessarily.
Yes but differentiates him from metaphorically shitting the bed with substance abuse and literally shitting the bed. We can now say the only two people that intentionally shit on people’s belongings are Amber Heard and @Mr Pigeon
I'm a big fan of Amber, she has a temper, strikes me as a bit of a nutter, women like that are a bundle of thrills and fun to be with.

What makes me laugh about Johnny Depp is just take a look at him for a minute - if he was not a famous actor and you stood him in front of a bunch of women - most of them would run a mile, one minute he looks like a girl dressed up as a man and the next minute he's dressed like a tramp and the next he's dressed like an alcoholic - it's all about freak show esq... a man with dollars in the bank should be looking smart,

On looks alone, to look at him he looks exactly the type to try manipulating women and think he's clever enough to get away with it, there were little signs of this coming out months ago at the last show trial and we have been hearing more examples of it this time around.
Ya she sounds like a real hoot. My wife never poops on my bed.
I'm a big fan of Amber, she has a temper, strikes me as a bit of a nutter, women like that are a bundle of thrills and fun to be with.

What makes me laugh about Johnny Depp is just take a look at him for a minute - if he was not a famous actor and you stood him in front of a bunch of women - most of them would run a mile, one minute he looks like a girl dressed up as a man and the next minute he's dressed like a tramp and the next he's dressed like an alcoholic - it's all about freak show esq... a man with dollars in the bank should be looking smart,

On looks alone, to look at him he looks exactly the type to try manipulating women and think he's clever enough to get away with it, there were little signs of this coming out months ago at the last show trial and we have been hearing more examples of it this time around.

Good post. She's hot. He's not.

Send him down for 10 years and name a national bank holiday in her honour.

Ya she sounds like a real hoot. My wife never poops on my bed.

Have you asked? Maybe she's just waiting for sign off
He wasn't found to be an abuser. He just couldn't prove that The Sun lied. In a case with no jury, just a single judge that wasn't able to review any substantial evidence due to Amber Heard not being involved in the case. A single judge with ties to Rupert Murdoch, one of the most powerful men on the planet & owner of The Sun. Keep trotting out your shite about him being a proven abuser though, I guess you can just stick your fingers in your ears and scream any time real evidence is provided. Good luck in the rest of your case Mr Rottenborn :lol:.
Yh I had assumed they were referencing another trial or something because the U.K. case was basically the Sun knowing what it can and can’t print. We have such odious media in the country.
You've just made this up on behalf of the expert witness. Depp comes out as someone that drinks and takes drugs, something that hasn't been secret for the last 20 years. His goal isn't to come out smelling of roses, just to prove that he's not guilty of domestic & sexual violence.

That's what I took from it at least. I am super disconnected with this anyway and don't think i fall in either camp - but objectively, both Depp and Heard have massive issues and it's a toxic coming together.

Hopefully, Depp gets something of his reputation back after this trial. The little pieces of the information that I've seen seems to suggest that he wasn't normally the aggressor - but I'm not watching this fully so can't really comment.

Will watch this with some interest when it becomes a movie that summarises everything in 2 hours ;)
My whole point is people shouldn't be in favour of one nor the other.
Why are people letting their personal opinions about people get in the way of listening to the evidence of both this case and the libel case against the Sun?

Depp was found to be an abuser in that case, yet still people back him, probably because they don't like Heard, or prefer Depp over Heard. It's just bizarre to me.

Don't think it's preference per se. People have a strong reaction to an abusive woman playing the victim. The reaction against Depp and the general dislike of him as a person was extreme when the news broke. People are just realising that they were played by Amber and therefore are showing lot of sympathy to Depp.
People have a strong reaction to an abusive woman playing the victim.

That's my problem with it too.

I think they both were in the very minimum verbally abusive (there is more "evidence" that she was the physically abusive one) and toxic so I don't think anyone comes out of it smelling like roses.

HOWEVER its absolutely disgusting that she could be an active participant in the toxicity / abuse and then try and make out that she was completely innocent.

Both are cnuts (to varying degrees) but at least Depp is an upfront cnut.
I'm a big fan of Amber, she has a temper, strikes me as a bit of a nutter, women like that are a bundle of thrills and fun to be with.

What makes me laugh about Johnny Depp is just take a look at him for a minute - if he was not a famous actor and you stood him in front of a bunch of women - most of them would run a mile, one minute he looks like a girl dressed up as a man and the next minute he's dressed like a tramp and the next he's dressed like an alcoholic - it's all about freak show esq... a man with dollars in the bank should be looking smart,

On looks alone, to look at him he looks exactly the type to try manipulating women and think he's clever enough to get away with it, there were little signs of this coming out months ago at the last show trial and we have been hearing more examples of it this time around.

is this a parody?

if so great work!

if not welcome to 2022, man from the 70s

Apparently Heard lied to the judge in the UK about that she had donated her divorce settlement to charity.

She agreed to do so, got the credit for it, then Johnny Depp and Elon Musk paid the best part of $1.3m of the $3.5m (3.5 was to go to another charity) to the ACLU and kept the bulk of the $7m settlement.

The ACLU helped write the article that is the subject of this lawsuit and spent $100k in lawyers fees to fight disclosing their part in this mess.
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there is something weirdly addictive about watching bits of this trial

it feels so wrong to be watching it but I can't stop myself
Largely agree with Champ.

Attacking Heard for her abusive behaviour is absolutely fine and it certainly appears she's due a reckoning career-wise.

But that doesn't mean people should be actively supporting Depp, who was already found to have been abusive on multiple occasions himself.

Basically just don't support people who are abusive, even if it was a two way street.
Was he abusive though? I mean, he's not the type you'd want as your boyfriend given his drug and alcohol addiction, but there is very little if any evidence to suggest he was abusive. Hell, the "bad thing" about Amber he said were sent to his friends in text, not even to Amber.

And let's not pretend Amber wasn't an alcohol and drug addict, as well. Maybe less so than Depp, but she certainly indulged herself in those vices regardless.
Was he abusive though? I mean, he's not the type you'd want as your boyfriend given his drug and alcohol addiction, but there is very little if any evidence to suggest he was abusive. Hell, the "bad thing" about Amber he said were sent to his friends in text, not even to Amber.

And let's not pretend Amber wasn't an alcohol and drug addict, as well. Maybe less so than Depp, but she certainly indulged herself in those vices regardless.
So far he's been raging and cursing about her in texts whereas based on the audio clips she has physically abused him. Leyd see what else comes out but as of now she's coming out of this far worse.