Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts

Hughes is a car crash of bias. Disgusting women & a discredit to her profession.
I get that it's really more on the lawyers to frame questions and discredit the witnesses but she definitely helped by looked very shifty and went bright red at points which will influence the jury.
Amber self-reporting 19 of the 20 symptoms of PTSD sort of says it all really.

One psychologist says that is obviously bullshit when genuine sufferers maybe report a handful. The other says she's a gospel of truth and virtue.
Totally exposed that she has been doing this for decades and has never testified for a male victim with a female aggressor. If Bias was a person, it'd be her. Also, what a bombshell that she decided she had PTSD before administering the test for PTSD. What an insane thing to admit. Nutter.
I bet the defence via a 3rd party told that witness to deny saying that Heard never committed domestic violence previously.

How the judge didn't let them discuss that is ridiculous.
I bet the defence via a 3rd party told that witness to deny saying that Heard never committed domestic violence previously.

How the judge didn't let them discuss that is ridiculous.
Yep. That would have dismantled their case on the spot. I can't believe the judge didn't let them expose that lie given that she lied in court on Amber's behalf. That cross should have gone so much better for JD's team.
In order to turn sympathy back in her favor she'd need a huge ace up her sleeve.
Amber Heard is "looking forward to finally telling her story and protecting her freedoms under the First Amendment," a source close to the actress tells CNN ahead of Heard's testimony in her ex-husband Johnny Depp's defamation trial against her.
In order to turn sympathy back in her favor she'd need a huge ace up her sleeve.
"Johnny runs the Liberal Illuminati and they're trying to silence me for proving that vaccines don't work." Would get her at least 50% of the population's support.
So how's this case looking like? anyone with some legal knowledge wanna comment? Amber Heard is talking right now. Is she doing well?
Too early to tell. Ultimately it'll not be clear until the verdict is in because all members of the jury have to agree, no majority vote. How she's doing is also too early to tell because we can't know if the jury believe her or not & we haven't got to cross-examination yet.
Too early to tell. Ultimately it'll not be clear until the verdict is in because all members of the jury have to agree, no majority vote. How she's doing is also too early to tell because we can't know if the jury believe her or not & we haven't got to cross-examination yet.

Man I wanted some legal expertise and this is the Micheal Owen equivalent of it. "Can go either way really" :lol:

... but I get it.
Too early to tell. Ultimately it'll not be clear until the verdict is in because all members of the jury have to agree, no majority vote. How she's doing is also too early to tell because we can't know if the jury believe her or not & we haven't got to cross-examination yet.
From what we have seen I'm thinking that might not go well for her

Particularly the whole why did you shit in the bed part
I actually thought she started well but then later on her long pauses and intonations for dramatic effect ended up like she was filming a movie scene. It was off putting towards the end.
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Have a bad feeling she will get away with it. Shes an actress albeit average one but she will turn on the water works and it will sway a few of the jury.

I think shes as guilt as a shit on a bed.
Have a bad feeling she will get away with it. Shes an actress albeit average one but she will turn on the water works and it will sway a few of the jury.

I think shes as guilt as a shit on a bed.

I do think Depp will lose the case as defamation cases are almost impossible to win. I don't think she'll get away with it though, based on evidence we all can see on abusing someone and public outcry her career is as fecked as Depps right now. I think after all this both careers are finished really.
Honestly, if Heard is lying she is one evil person.

Interesting that the named witnesses to violent events so far are Depp's daughter who they don't want to bring into this and the head of security who died a couple of years ago so cannot rebutt it.

As I said, she started of very believable and at least passing for honest, but from the moment she started testimony where its appropriate to act sad she's appeared to be overacting in my opinion. She also immediately goes to not being upset when there's an objection or they move on to a non-emotive question.

She reminds me of Casey Anthony.
I do think Depp will lose the case as defamation cases are almost impossible to win.
Not true. Generally, the parties will be litigants in person and the lack of legal knowledge coupled with the costs incurred if they lose will stop most from bringing a case to court.

Generally, slander occurs when the reputation or good name of someone is damaged as a result of false statements that are made orally. Before beginning a libel or slander lawsuit, the plaintiff must determine whether or not the objectionable statement is true. No matter how damaging, insensitive, rude or inappropriate a statement may be, the plaintiff will lose if the statement is true. The plaintiff often has to prove economic harm in order to recover on a defamation suit. Therefore, the plaintiff may need to be able to demonstrate a loss of business as a result of the defamation in order to establish a right to the recovery of money. These can be proven facts so stand as much a chance of success as not.

It's often the risk of costs involved that stops plaintiffs brings cases forward and not the chance of success.
It's fascinating how everyone expects Heard to act in line with their views of how a victim should behave but Depp is free to do whatever he wants. He's been smiling and laughing. He even shared a fecking doodle with his lawyer the other day. Imagine the outrage if Heard had done that.
It's fascinating how everyone expects Heard to act in line with their views of how a victim should behave but Depp is free to do whatever he wants. He's been smiling and laughing. He even shared a fecking doodle with his lawyer the other day. Imagine the outrage if Heard had done that.

I do find it odd. They both seem like pieces of shit in this case. Even if Depp didn't physically abuse her, there were clear signs of emotional abuse on his behalf. Both of them created a toxic relationship.
Honestly, if Heard is lying she is one evil person.

Interesting that the named witnesses to violent events so far are Depp's daughter who they don't want to bring into this and the head of security who died a couple of years ago so cannot rebutt it.

As I said, she started of very believable and at least passing for honest, but from the moment she started testimony where its appropriate to act sad she's appeared to be overacting in my opinion. She also immediately goes to not being upset when there's an objection or they move on to a non-emotive question.

She reminds me of Casey Anthony.

I find this a little unfair to be honest. If you believe this woman is mentally ill and has done the things Depp claims, this behaviour makes sense to me. It seems somewhat out of hand to dismiss her testimony as bollocks because you've already picked your side; you said earlier in this thread you were open minded and awaiting evidence.
Honestly, if Heard is lying she is one evil person.

Interesting that the named witnesses to violent events so far are Depp's daughter who they don't want to bring into this and the head of security who died a couple of years ago so cannot rebutt it.

As I said, she started of very believable and at least passing for honest, but from the moment she started testimony where its appropriate to act sad she's appeared to be overacting in my opinion. She also immediately goes to not being upset when there's an objection or they move on to a non-emotive question.

She reminds me of Casey Anthony.

But Casey Anthony was innocent, though.
I find this a little unfair to be honest. If you believe this woman is mentally ill and has done the things Depp claims, this behaviour makes sense to me. It seems somewhat out of hand to dismiss her testimony as bollocks because you've already picked your side; you said earlier in this thread you were open minded and awaiting evidence.

The witnesses she has named are dead or were Depp's kids who were young teenagers at the time or are unknown strangers who never came forward.

Everything else so far is her word and photos she's never shared with the other side to be able to get the meta data from.

Maybe there will be further evidence that hasn't already been made public and that will be more persuasive than one person's self serving testimony. That isn't moving the dial for me.
Both Heard and Depp have been playing up for the cameras (and jury) throughout but, unsurprisingly, Depp is better at it. Yesterday was an awful performance regardless of whether there was any truth to what she was saying.
Are there going to be any first-hand witnesses, like Amber Heard's sister or some of her friends, that are going to support her narrative? She told this camp-fire story. If any of the attendees of this event would testify and confirm her statement, that would surely help her? Considering that her sister was around various of these fights, she surely could also testify, that AH's description is accurate, no?

Johnny Depp's witnesses described a fairly coherent consistent and believable series of events. Obviously they were picked for that reason, but Amber Heard certainly ended up looking bad. Still, it doesn't tell us all that much about JD's role in this mess.
Are there going to be any first-hand witnesses, like Amber Heard's sister or some of her friends, that are going to support her narrative? She told this camp-fire story. If any of the attendees of this event would testify and confirm her statement, that would surely help her? Considering that her sister was around various of these fights, she surely could also testify, that AH's description is accurate, no?

Johnny Depp's witnesses described a fairly coherent consistent and believable series of events. Obviously they were picked for that reason, but Amber Heard certainly ended up looking bad. Still, it doesn't tell us all that much about JD's role in this mess.
more importantly are they going to make her and the dog poop on the stand and take measurements
Is it just me or do Amber's tears giving testimony right now seem so fake?
Is it just me or do Amber's tears giving testimony right now seem so fake?
More a case of a lack of tears even when she forces herself to cry...She's really just not very good at her job.
More a case of a lack of tears even when she forces herself to cry...She's really just not very good at her job.
Yeah that was really cringe when she scrunched her face up trying to look upset and then suddenly straightens her face with zero tears.
It's fascinating how everyone expects Heard to act in line with their views of how a victim should behave but Depp is free to do whatever he wants. He's been smiling and laughing. He even shared a fecking doodle with his lawyer the other day. Imagine the outrage if Heard had done that.

Fascinating but not surprising, Depp has a rabid online fanbase. They even managed to get one of his flops no one has heard of into 3rd place in the Oscars fan favourite contest.