All ticket/travel information thread - 2010/11: Touting will not be tolerated

Talking Vulture

He's shit, move on.
Dec 9, 2009
In with the Leeds scum
Any chance of finding someone with a lookalike passport? Worked a few times in Valencia for a few out there.

No idea if Ibrox is jib'able :devil:
It was last time. A mite of mine got in with a black & wite photo copy. Our end was rammed. But a lot of people also got locked out, even with genuine tickets.

Utd heap

Models for Coin.
Aug 15, 2006
So the season ticket holders that get fecked over every single away game shouldn't be able to go using your logic, a closed club of united away, genius plan.
Don't throw your toys out of the pram so quickly - read it again - that is not what he said.


Affluent and Likeminded
Jan 23, 2007
Failing a Jib anywhere, anyhow
Not unless Ron Weasley has a few credits and can't make it.

Could be in luck this week then mate, seen enough of the little bastards dressed up ...

So the season ticket holders that get fecked over every single away game shouldn't be able to go using your logic, a closed club of united away, genius plan.
It's a ballot, what do you expect? Those in the LP get there tickets for a reason, what some do with them I obviously disagree with but like LRM said for every dickhead touting reds there is more than a few who sort others out FV.

Exec's are a different matter entirely, nothing will be done about the way they get their tickets whilst the Glazers are about but there is more than enough threads on them.

K Stand Knut

Full Member
Dec 29, 2008
Stretford End
What's the latest on the ticket collection for Rangers? Is it going to be in Motherwell like I heard a couple of weeks ago? :confused:

There's feck all on the official site yet, which is nice considering the game is only 1 week away
I've had an e-mail about the ticket collection now. You get them on the day from City Halls or some Market place. I can't read the full file at the moment as I'm not at home but I'll post it tonight when I get home providing no one jas updated you since

Utd heap

Models for Coin.
Aug 15, 2006
There's quite a few on the Republik looking for tickets, have a look on there.

West Ham should be cracking its on my birthday n'all :cool:
I'm mmeeting a mate at Euston around 1 so will be around all day.

I'm looking to try and have my first trip drinking in West Ham without being offered outside for a 'raa'. *

* 'row'.


Full Member
Sep 2, 2008
I'm mmeeting a mate at Euston around 1 so will be around all day.

I'm looking to try and have my first trip drinking in West Ham without being offered outside for a 'raa'. *

* 'row'.
Looks increasingly likely that we'll have to get a coach down cos the trains back are a bitch. Probably be in London for about 5 if you're knocking about then?

Utd heap

Models for Coin.
Aug 15, 2006
Looks increasingly likely that we'll have to get a coach down cos the trains back are a bitch. Probably be in London for about 5 if you're knocking about then?
'Course i will be mate - you've got my number?


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
I'm sorted for west ham but getting train back and stuck in Birmingham for 4 hours

Oh & Starkie feel free to put me in touch with your away helping mates :D


Full Member
Aug 5, 2006
If anyone has any spares or anything for the West Ham Carling Cup match then please PM me. I live in East London, would love to go to this one especially as I hardly ever get to go to night games. Thanks in advance.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Valencia at home tickets arrived today.

When do the Arsenal tickets / results get released? Having issues getting on the United site or checking my email ffs.

I'm always right

New Member
Dec 4, 2009
Mêlée Island
Exec's are a different matter entirely, nothing will be done about the way they get their tickets whilst the Glazers are about but there is more than enough threads on them.
Well to be fair they pay about 2k more per season ticket so it's hard to say execs don't deserve aways.


New Member
Jul 28, 2009
So those who literally arrange their working lives around following United and make huge sacrifices should just think 'Oh feck it, i've been to countless aways and spent huge amounts of money going to places like Kiev and Bursa but this time that lad who hasn't been since Ronaldo left can have a crack in my place :D'.... The way it's run at the moment isn't the best, far from it. But I'd much rather it this way than clubs like Arsenal who's members can get it ahead of ST holders.

Part of the fun for me is making contacts that allow me to go to aways at FV. I haven't had a ST since a little lad and having to move down South. I've lost count of the number of times lads have sorted me out for aways over the years and that comes from just putting yourself out there at aways.
Don't be daft. You're in the same boat as those other people regarding tickets. You should understand better. Only thing is you're still youngish and don't yet have the burden of responsibility towards other people. I'm talking about people who like you used to go since they were little kids and had their own ST's in the family stand. People who after creating families found that the financial strain and lack of time would deprive them of watching United. If you always had the same group who would get the tickets then only when they wouldn't be able to make it others would be able to experience a United away/Euro away? feck off.

I know plenty good lads who sort people out for face, but I'd put my neck on the line and say that a minimum of 50% from the loyalty potters are touts, with some of the other 50% being the Tufty sort.

I can afford it you muppet - but i chose not too.

Anyone who pays thousands of pounds to wtach a football team wants to have a word with themselves TBH - i'm not impressed by them.

So whoever is prepared to pay the most is the biggest bestest supporter?

Don't lecture me on how to support United - becasue beleive it is not from behind a TV set.

I will be in Glasgow - ticketless. :rolleyes:
No whoever pays more money isn't the biggest and bestest. In my book there isn't a biggest and bestest. It's not a fecking competition. We're all supporters of Manchester United. Wishing for a coach full of reds to break down is a cnutish thing to say.

You don't have to be impressed by anyone, no one is out to impress you. You're nobody.

People do the things they have to do to watch United, some little weasels jibe in, the others have to fork out.

I'm always right

New Member
Dec 4, 2009
Mêlée Island
Got one spare exec in the International Suite (middle of Stretford End) for the Wigan game. Will sell for just 35 quid, chance of a lifetime I'd say :)

Have a look at International Suite for more info.

PM me.

Oh... and as if you needed tempting even more, just received this:

Surely meeting big Norm is worth 35 quid on it's own? :)


Full Member
Jun 7, 2009
ST's still available from the club, have they ever did em this late into the season? Not bad for someone who wants one now. You can avoid a majority of the cup games and still get City,Arse,Chelski and I guess you'll get the big games in the CL too?

Edit: They are South Stands though.


New Member
Jul 22, 2008
I'd be more tempted if it was one of those rock fry ups! First away success of the season, just figuring out best way to get there now.