ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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It took us years to find Stam's replacement which ended up when we spent top dollar for Rio

So that's 'one year' rather than 'years', as we signed Rio a year after selling Stam. And yes, we did spend top dollar - Because he was Englished and because he was hyped after the World Cup, not because we sold Stam for big money a year before.

I'm just saying that clubs WILL try to get more money from you when they know you've got it. But with Stam it wasn't quite the case because we sold him so late in August, no club was going to sell us their best defenders.
United are adamand he is not for sale. He has 4 years left on a contract. He signed the contract. feck him if he wants to go. Keep him for two years and then sell him. His market value will probably still be the same. And if not, it means that he will have gone shite and Madrid probably won't want him then anyway.

So that's the way I'd look at it. Keep the fecker for 2 years and then sell him. There is no hope in football unless a player is at least willing to try to honour his contract.

in 2 seasons he will say feck it... ill wait a year then sign a pre contract and go for free

we will have paid him 30 million in wages... the club will be torn apart if this is in the media for the next 3 years every few weeks...

in fairness if i was ever lucky enough to be playing for say inter and united said... paul... you supported us as a kid... we will tripple your wages... wanna come?... id say yes... if we was a real fan as a kid and his mrs is spanish and wants him over there we might as well just take madrid for all we can right now... im not that bothered about player swaps though... dont much fancy getting a player who does not realy want to be here
I know a lot of us want Ronaldo to give a press conference as soon as possible and just get this all over with, but in this instance no news would be good news. The longer he puts off a definitive announcement, the more likely it is that he's going to stay.


The emotional connection has gone. I dont want this cnut at my club any more. The sooner he leaves, the better.
Just a thought, but given Ronaldo's ego if Madrid do back down on the ridiculous sums they have been reporttedly offering, does anyone think he would walk away from any deal with them, it could really piss him off if they've been suggesting 300k and suddnely its only 120k (numbers not particularly relevant before nyone starts picking holes, just illustrating a point)...and this si something which could stick with him, it may end his dream of playing for Madrid and he may stay at united for life...oh no i thought i was over the bitch, now i'm not so sure
I spend a lot of time in Spain - I semi-retired to the place. There are more differences between Spain and England than just the weather - so don't underplay the culture shock that Ron went through to make it in England or the reason why he'd see Spain as closer to his comfort zone - and yes, to see places like Real Madrid and Barcelona as the real theatres of dreams (they're the kind of teams his heroes played for). I expected Ron semi-retire to Spain as well - I just didn't expect him to do it at 23.

Which makes me think he isn't planning a retirement. I've always liked Ron - I enjoy that whole "genius is frequently touched by madness" thing he has going, as well as the talent and the end product. Vain as a pussycat - he may well have a dream to outdo Figo and Zidane - how about 5 years, a few Ligas and a CL with Madrid, and then a move to Italy for another go (he'd only be 28)

I still believe that this was supposed to happen in a couple of years time, with some trophies in the cupboard, some more memories made and no hard feelings. That it may end earlier suggests that Madrid read him better than United and that shocks me. Something went wrong and while people can talk about contract anarchy if we had renegotiated - I still think that's what most clubs would have done (Milan with Kaka, Spurs with Berbatov, Atletico with Torres - the first time around)

What now? Personally I don't think Madrid can come up with enough cash to make United blink and I think Ron will always try to do his best (I guess he could stop smiling on the team photos but, marketing-wise some people prefer the moody looking version, so what the hell) A deal will be done to smooth his leaving in a year or two's time. Ron will do what he can for us on the field over that time and he won't have killed his chances of a Madrid move. It won't be pretty but it won't be the worst outcome.

Any sane manager would do what he did. Coming to a league which at the time has the best player in the world playing for your rival, you would rather like him on your side or out of the league. I share your opinion of Scolari, nevertheless. He's a world class scum and he definitely chose the right club.
I've read and heard his interview. I don't think any United fan can defend him. Let's sell him. . .and blow the cash on Messi. I don't want anyone at United who'd rather play for another club.

Well said, I didnt posted that much in this thread as I just follow the news but I totally agree to your point that after everything any United fan can defend him.
I think we should let him go if there is any truth in all those interviews and quoted news articles. If he wants to go and play for Real than he should be allowed to. We're better off without a player that doesn't want to play for us.

But to call him a cnut and a traitor is taking it a bit too far I think.

We're now entering new times and we'll probably not see such great servants as Giggs, Scholes, Neville etc.

Like it was their dream to play for United, it is his to play for Real Madrid.

I also respect what he has done for us, without him who knows ? we'd probably not won those two titles or the CL title if it wasn't for him.
I don't want him at the club anymore, start a bidding war and sell the fecker for the highest possible price. I just hope we can get more British players at the club.
I've read and heard his interview. I don't think any United fan can defend him. Let's sell him. . .and blow the cash on Messi. I don't want anyone at United who'd rather play for another club.

Having followed this thread from the beginning I noticed the older posters, and match going fans wanted to get rid soon as he started all the drama after the win in Moscow.

I reckon most are now coming round to the fact he is not worth keeping regardless.

My 5 year old nephew reckons he's rubbish, and Rooney is now his favourite player - I hope United are taking note.
I spend a lot of time in Spain - I semi-retired to the place. There are more differences between Spain and England than just the weather - so don't underplay the culture shock that Ron went through to make it in England or the reason why he'd see Spain as closer to his comfort zone - and yes, to see places like Real Madrid and Barcelona as the real theatres of dreams (they're the kind of teams his heroes played for). I expected Ron semi-retire to Spain as well - I just didn't expect him to do it at 23.

Which makes me think he isn't planning a retirement. I've always liked Ron - I enjoy that whole "genius is frequently touched by madness" thing he has going, as well as the talent and the end product. Vain as a pussycat - he may well have a dream to outdo Figo and Zidane - how about 5 years, a few Ligas and a CL with Madrid, and then a move to Italy for another go (he'd only be 28)

I still believe that this was supposed to happen in a couple of years time, with some trophies in the cupboard, some more memories made and no hard feelings. That it may end earlier suggests that Madrid read him better than United and that shocks me. Something went wrong and while people can talk about contract anarchy if we had renegotiated - I still think that's what most clubs would have done (Milan with Kaka, Spurs with Berbatov, Atletico with Torres)

What now? Personally I don't think Madrid can come up with enough cash to make United blink and I think Ron will always try to do his best (I guess he could stop smiling on the team photos but, marketing-wise some people prefer the moody looking version, so what the hell) A deal will be done to smooth his leaving in a year or two's time. Ron will do what he can for us on the field over that time and he won't have killed his chances of a Madrid move. It won't be pretty but it won't be the worst outcome.

WOW, Thanks for a very considered and objective opinion - something my anger is uncapable of articulating right now. I think your suggestion about ultimate greatness and Italy is possibly what his advisors are suggesting to him - a very interesting angle: winning the CL with Manchester United, Real Madrid and say AC Milan over a career would be unrivaled and make him possibly the greatest ever ... so a good theory.

My issue remains that he could have done all this with far more class or just let United and Madrid fight over it without implicating himself. Instead, he has tried to manipulate the press and fans by playing his 'innocent sitting on the fence' strategy. Not good. He should not have signed a 5 year contract - that is a characterless thing to do in any culture.

The problem now really is if he stays. You must remember that many many core United fans, myself included, have only recently 'accepted' Ronaldo into their affections as a United player. And I for one feel duped, ridiculed and let down.

Sure, we're 'only' fans ... but if he stays, its only with our support that he succeeds. Once bitten twice shy, I cant forgive him, he has lost my support forever. BPITW or not, he is a cnut and will always be one.
I don't want him at the club anymore, start a bidding war and sell the fecker for the highest possible price. I just hope we can get more British players at the club.

there's only two out there that are worth any money and would be transferable. richards and young.

neither would suffice for the loss of ronaldo.

i would like to see more british players as well, but we'll only start seeing more when youth football in the UK rises up to the standard that is there on the continent from a technical standpoint.
Ronaldo is impossible to replace. His movement is impossible to cover because he's constantly renewing himself. He goes for years without injuries. Amazing in every way you can think of, and there won't be any other player and I'm including Kaka and Messi in this equation, that can replace him.
Apologies if this article has already been posted but it has really pissed me off. Go Ronaldo, no-one gives a shit about you anymore you self-obssessed cnut.

First of all a little story to tell you what kind of man we are talking about. It is January 9, 2008, and in an upstairs room at Manchester United's training ground five elderly men in smart blazers are struggling with their emotions in front of a hushed audience. It is the club's media day building up to the 50th anniversary of the Munich air disaster and Sir Bobby Charlton's polite smile does not hide the fact he is trembling as he takes his seat. Bill Foulkes is straight-backed and dignified but only a couple of questions have been asked before the tears appear in his eyes and he reaches for a glass of water.

In an adjacent room Wayne Rooney has agreed to offer a modern-day perspective of that seminal day when 23 people, including eight members of Sir Matt Busby's team, were killed in the wreckage of the burnt-out BEA Elizabethan. It is not his specialist subject but he handles the occasion with dignity and more eloquence than some people might imagine. But then Cristiano Ronaldo comes through the double doors and the mood is broken.

He is wearing a white suit jacket and ripped jeans, looking every bit the boy-band hunk, but it is very obvious he is in a bad mood. He begins by berating Karen Shotbolt, the club's press officer, because he is waiting for Rooney and the event has over-run. He is banging his watch with his hand, flapping his arms and gesturing in the way that Portuguese footballers usually reserve for fussy referees and, at first, he is so animated it appears as if it might be a wind-up.

When he flounces back through the doors, cursing loudly, it is very obvious he is being deadly serious. Rooney is professional enough to carry on with his tribute but the attention is no longer exclusively on him. Thirty seconds later Ronaldo appears again, first rapping his forefinger against the glass in the door, then opening it by a fraction and starting to whistle at Rooney in the way that a farmer beckons his sheepdog.

It was such an unpleasant scene the journalists decided not to write about it because we had been invited to the training ground to cover a far more important subject and, when you have sat with men as noble as Charlton, Foulkes, Albert Scanlon, Harry Gregg and Kenny Morgans and seen the hurt in their eyes, it felt incongruous to veer off-track. But coming away from Carrington that day it was difficult not to wonder what had become of the pimply teenager with the braces on his teeth who had been photographed, in his first few weeks as a United player, holding hands with his mother, Dolores, as they crossed a busy Manchester street.

The answer, of course, is that Ronaldo has fallen in love with his own reflection and, as United are currently finding out, that ego is in danger of spiralling out of control. Nor, sadly, is this story a one-off. One member of staff at Old Trafford reports being shocked by his rudeness when sorting out his travel arrangements for a club trip last season. And then there was last season's Football Writers' Association's annual dinner when, with barely any notice, its player of the year demanded that space was made for five of his friends to attend and that he would like them all to be on the top table with him. He got his way, as superstars often do, but the organisers were unimpressed, to say the least.

This is not to say that Ronaldo is all bad. He won a court case against the Sun earlier this week after it was reported that he had been fined for breaking club rules by using his phone during training: a story that was obvious baloney to anyone who has followed the player's career. Ronaldo, in many ways, is the consummate professional when it comes to improving himself on the pitch. He is not a man for nightclubs or raucous evenings out among the Manchester glitterati and there is something deeply impressive about the way he has come from his humble beginnings, growing up in Madeira in a house so small the washing machine was on the roof, to become the most penetrative attacking footballer in the world.

And yet United's more loyal and thoughtful supporters would by now be entitled to think it would be better for Sir Alex Ferguson and the Glazer family to end this shabby saga and let the previously unthinkable happen. To them, his constant prevaricating about his future, his flirting with the Spanish media and his apparent disregard for Manchester United, must smack of a man who has started to think he is bigger than the club.

His sound bites have become increasingly strategic, as if he thinks we cannot see what he is doing, yet nobody will have been surprised that the sweat had barely dried on his brow after Portugal's defeat by Germany on Thursday before he had re-iterated his desire to leave Old Trafford - just as Real Madrid had requested. United insist they will not allow themselves to be bullied into a corner but, when a player is acting like this and would so obviously be resentful and unsettled if he is denied the transfer he craves, the question should be: what is the point in keeping him?

And people have a nerve to put him up there with the likes of the players mentioned.
This whole saga has pissed me off, it's fecking ruined my summer when all I should be doing is bragging about united being double champions.

Crunts are laughing at us for fecks sake !!

Ronaldo is a first class Crunt, people blame Madrid, but who put out the come and get me signals after the CL final?

12 months after signing a new conract !.. well for a start, he should pay back the pay rise, the greedy twat !

Clubs should only pay half the players wages now, and the other half as a loyalty bonus lump sum at the end of their contract.

ffs its a good job he did sign the contract... or they would be talking about giving us a lot less money...:rolleyes:

hes going... get over it
Real are as efficient in kicking player's butts as they are in luring them to Spain. Now imagine if you are Sneijder and you had seen your arse being sacrificed to get Ronaldo. Would you consider returning to Real in few years time if they wanted you back? I wouldnt. We would have swapped a player who cant wait to wear the white shirt with one who will probably hate them for what they did to him.

He would, they would find a way to lure him back surely. Madrid can get any player they want.
ffs its a good job he did sign the contract... or they would be talking about giving us a lot less money...:rolleyes:

hes going... get over it

Nothing to get over mate, sooner he goes the better I say.
Ronaldo is impossible to replace. His movement is impossible to cover because he's constantly renewing himself. He goes for years without injuries. Amazing in every way you can think of, and there won't be any other player and I'm including Kaka and Messi in this equation, that can replace him.

Things change quickly in football though. Just because he has been outstanding for 2 years doesn't necessarily mean he will be for the next 2.
2 or 3 years ago Ronaldinho & Henry were the best players in the world, now look at them.
Having followed this thread from the beginning I noticed the older posters, and match going fans wanted to get rid soon as he started all the drama after the win in Moscow.

I reckon most are now coming round to the fact he is not worth keeping regardless.

My 5 year old nephew now reckons he's rubbish, and Rooney is now his favourite player - I hope United are taking note.

Sultan, this is NOT a I TOLD YOU SO thread ... but as soon as he collapsed theatrically to the ground after Anelka missed his penalty in the CL final, I did not like it. It was not 'an outburst of uncontrollable emotion' as the Ronaldo cocksuckers would like you to believe but an instinctive act to ensure the camera's were on him ALONE during that moment of triumph. I did not notice any other United player 'succumb' to such emotion ... its an unnatural thing to do ... but for our poor lamb, the habit of falling to the ground like he has been shot has carefully cultivated over the years and came quite naturally to him.

Lets get him out. He's rotten inside. And it will be because WE DO NOT WANT HIM IN OUR TEAM. Im totally cool that he leaves and hope it happens sooner not later. Big feck, he won 2 titles while playing for us, I think David May won more right? It was fun while it lasted but Ronaldo wont give me that many memories .... It will be like Kanchelskis or Ince but not much more.

Thankfully, the baton will pass back to our real heart beat, Wayne Rooney. And a really great side that will be remembered in history will be built around him.

There will always be more players. This is Manchester United. And we will carry into a period of domination that even SAF has not seen. :devil:
Ronaldo is impossible to replace. His movement is impossible to cover because he's constantly renewing himself. He goes for years without injuries. Amazing in every way you can think of, and there won't be any other player and I'm including Kaka and Messi in this equation, that can replace him.

I really don't agree with you what so ever on this. We've lost great players before through many different ways, but we've always come back. Recent history shows, that we thought we'd never replace Eric, Robson, Schmeichel, but we did and have.

We then look at those that had injury free careers as such or we thought were indestructible, I'll use Steve Coppell as your example for this. He holds the record for most consecutive games for United by an outfield player which stands at 207, then one horror challenge later, his knee and career was virtually knackered. We don't know what is around the corner for any player, let alone Ronaldo, as sublime as he has been a major injury could ruin his career.
Things change quickly in football though. Just because he has been outstanding for 2 years doesn't necessarily mean he will be for the next 2.
2 or 3 years ago Ronaldinho & Henry were the best players in the world, now look at them.

I agree with you completely. I am so confident that this will not hinder us in the slightest. Maybe for the first few months, but Rooney will just take over.
Sultan, this is NOT a I TOLD YOU SO thread ... but as soon as he collapsed theatrically to the ground after Anelka missed his penalty in the CL final, I did not like it. It was not 'an outburst of uncontrollable emotion' as the Ronaldo cocksuckers would like you to believe but an instinctive act to ensure the camera's were on him ALONE during that moment of triamph. I did not notice any other United player 'succumb' to such emotion ... its an unnatural thing to do ... but for our poor lamb, the habit of falling to the ground like he has been shot has carefully cultivated over the years and came quite naturally to him.

Lets get him out. He's rotten inside. And it will be because WE DO NOT WANT HIM IN OUR TEAM. Im totally cool that he leaves and hope it happens sooner not later. Big feck, he won 2 titles while playing for us, I think David May won more right? It was fun while it lasted but Ronaldo wont give me that many memories .... It will be like Kanchelskis or Ince but not much more.

Thankfully, the baton will pass back to our real heart beat Wayne Rooney. And a really great side that will be remebered in history will be built around him. There will always be more players. This is Manchester United. And we will carry into a period of domination that even SAF has not seen. :devil:

Amen to that, agree with every word.

Anyone who thinks that falling over at the CL Final wasn't to, once again, have all eyes focused on him is bloody blinkered.
Sultan, this is NOT a I TOLD YOU SO thread ... but as soon as he collapsed theatrically to the ground after Anelka missed his penalty in the CL final, I did not like it. It was not 'an outburst of uncontrollable emotion' as the Ronaldo cocksuckers would like you to believe but an instinctive act to ensure the camera's were on him ALONE during that moment of triamph. I did not notice any other United player 'succumb' to such emotion ... its an unnatural thing to do ... but for our poor lamb, the habit of falling to the ground like he has been shot has carefully cultivated over the years and came quite naturally to him.

Lets get him out. He's rotten inside. And it will be because WE DO NOT WANT HIM IN OUR TEAM. Im totally cool that he leaves and hope it happens sooner not later. Big feck, he won 2 titles while playing for us, I think David May won more right? It was fun while it lasted but Ronaldo wont give me that many memories .... It will be like Kanchelskis or Ince but not much more.

Thankfully, the baton will pass back to our real heart beat Wayne Rooney. And a really great side that will be remebered in history will be built around him. There will always be more players. This is Manchester United. And we will carry into a period of domination that even SAF has not seen. :devil:

Well, I've defended him the entirety of this thread. It seems I could no longer do that. I can't get my head round why someone would want to leave a side that has won the league twice in a row and the Champions League. It seems money has talked in this situation. I just hope this will not affect the team's morale a whole lot.
I've posted a lot on this thread but this will be my last comment.

I've defended him quite a lot in the last couple of weeks and doubted some of the things I have read in the papers. It seems however that much of it has been true and that has and is conducting himself much as reported. I'm now of the opinion that he is not the sort of man (sorry, boy) I want at United any more. He has clearly fallen in love with himself and his image and no longer cares about anyone - the club, the fans, his teammates (United and Portugal).

If I were United I'd get rid as soon as possible for the best deal they can get.

Ronaldo is the best footballer I have seen live in a United shirt. I hope I never see him in one again.
Robinho can play on the flank while Sneijder is the best successor for Scholes because unlike Anderson (who is a great talent mind) he can actually score goals. It would be a better option then selling a winger and bring in a midfielder as direct replacement.

Robinho and Sneijder as well as enough cash to buy Ribbery would be a good deal. Hopefully we coud also then sign a CF and RB from this years transfer kitty.

Anyone who dosen't think this squad would be stonger is mistaken.
Start Quote

"It is my opinion," Ronaldo said when asked whether his plan to join Real would upset his manager.

"That is why I don't mind if people get upset. It is my decision. It is what I want. I don't know what I have to say to him. I have to say what I want and what I think."

End Quote

I must admit I've wanted to defend Ronaldo throughout - there's never been an official quote straight from his mouth that "I want to go to Real Madrid" but I must confess that patience is wearing very thin.

Look at that quote - he uses personal pronouns (I, my, etc.) 9 times alone!! The boy is so self-obsessed. Money wise it's a good move for him, but footballing wise, why would you leave the European champions, learning from the best coach around?

The boy is so self-centred that he defies logic - he's a fool and an idiot!
This thread has gone from "he's not leaving, it's just media bullshit" to "sell the cnut and buy 12 other foreign feckers with a fancy sounding name" in world record pace.
I've posted a lot on this thread but this will be my last comment.

I've defended him quite a lot in the last couple of weeks and doubted some of the things I have read in the papers. It seems however that much of it has been true and that has and is conducting himself much as reported. I'm now of the opinion that he is not the sort of man (sorry, boy) I want at United any more. He has clearly fallen in love with himself and his image and no longer cares about anyone - the club, the fans, his teammates (United and Portugal).

If I were United I'd get rid as soon as possible for the best deal they can get.

Ronaldo is the best footballer I have seen live in a United shirt. I hope I never see him in one again.

Im not digging you ... but you obvioulsy not have seen that much then!!

Whiteside, Robson, Hughes version I, Cantona, Giggs, Scoles, Beckham, Yorke, RvN all gave us more than2 seasons of sheer and utter joy. Im too young to comment on Edwards, Best, Law or Charlton.

He is a great player, but we have been blessed with many over the years and we will see plenty more ... starting with Tevez, Rooney, Anderson & Nani next season and with the players SAF buys with the 100m buring a hole in his pocket! I'll take Benzema, Schweinsteiger and Bently in a flash!
Having followed this thread from the beginning I noticed the older posters, and match going fans wanted to get rid soon as he started all the drama after the win in Moscow.

I reckon most are now coming round to the fact he is not worth keeping regardless.

My 5 year old nephew reckons he's rubbish, and Rooney is now his favourite player - I hope United are taking note.

I've sat on the fence, tried to play devil's advocate, I guess I was waiting for him to open his mouth. But what he said was indefensible. He's got a huge fecking ego. . .and I hope he'll regret everything he's done and said, very soon. At least Becks and Ruud showed some class in the media - especially Becks. Then again he's a Red and has an emotional attachment to United. But it's time to move on, he's not fit to wear the shirt.
Ronaldo's next step will be to issue a statement over the weekend, in which he is expected to talk of the commitment he has shown, the performances he has produced and the trophies he has won for United over the past five seasons and to ask for their blessing to allow him to join Real.

That statement will be followed by a scheduled meeting of the Real hierarchy on Tuesday, after which Predrag Mijatovic, the Spanish club's sporting director, will be urged to open formal negotiations with David Gill, the United chief executive.

United responded to Ronaldo's comments by issuing a statement yesterday saying that he is "not for sale" and that the club are "not listening to offers", which is in keeping with their stance since Ronaldo shocked them by stating on May 15 that he was planning to make an announcement about his future.

Initially, Ferguson and Gill suspected that Ronaldo was merely angling for an improved contract, but it has become increasingly clear that the player is serious about his intention to pursue his "dream" of playing for Real. (© The Times, London)
What's the point in keeping a player whose mind is set on another team? Bayern did that and they ended up in the UEFA cup. Mind Ronaldo is an excellent player, probably the player in the world. There again Id rather have a team who are totally concentrated on our cause then one whose dreaming about Franco's team.
Because he wouldn't be dreaming about Real. Some players might do that and simply be treading water until they got there, but Ronaldo is too driven. Sure, he'd be looking forward to it in the future, but he'd still be giving it his all in the meantime. Indeed, let's say we agree to sell him next season, I have no doubt he'd be even more driven that he was last season, because he would want to go down as a legend of the club. I'm not saying he'd be able to achieve that goal, but the type of person Ronaldo is means he'd be aiming for it.

It's not like he's unhappy here. I actually compare it to Berbatov a bit. Berbatov is happy at Spurs, and if he were younger there's not a doubt he'd want to stay there and take them that next step. But he's at that age where he feels it's time to make the move to a top club. Just as Hargreaves felt it was the time to make the move to an English club. Just as Butt and Phil felt it was time to move to clubs they could be starting players at. There are points in footballers careers when they feel it's time make their move, and it's normally between the ages of 25-28. Once Ronaldo does talk to Fergie and CQ and they can get him away from the bad influences, they'll basically tell him that his time will come, but not for another two seasons or so (Fergie has already said it to the media about a month ago). And as long as they let him know that they'll let him go with their good wishes when the time comes, and give him more records to aim for in the meantime, he'll happily stay.
I have completely lost all respect that i had for him after his latest antics that are just being shown on SSN (am probably the only one trying to defend him this last month on the caf).

Now i really mean it: "feck OFF RONALDO". (From a devestated fan)
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