Inflation means little in the world of football these days, in football when everyone is cash rich prices go through the roof but when everyone has overspent then they come down again.
Just look at that list there, 10 of all time top 12 transfers happened between the boom time of 1999-2002 this was a time when there was a lot of money going around and if you look back since 2002 there have been a few big moves around but many clubs spent beyond their means during that time and suffered for many years afterwards. I don't know what Ronaldo will go for but some people seem to be pretty sure he will go for £80mill+, not so sure myself. Even though Man utd don't want to sell these days players dictate everything and if he refuses to play for you (which is what the R.Madrid targets usually are advised by R.Madrid) and R.Madrid offer (e.g) £40mill even if Fergie might have £60mill in mind he has to take the club forward and will know it is wiser to cash in now rather than keep an unhappy player who will further destabilise the club. I don't know what is going to happen if I'm honest and a few months ago I thought these rumours were rubbish but the fact he has been directly asked so many times yet is avoiding the question and won't commit leads me to believe he does want out. Guillem Balague might like to make a rumour or two up (he is a journalist, they get paid to do that, or so it seems) I doubt he is going to make a whole interview up but yet again Ronaldo seemed to be avoiding the question and comments like "We were competing and I didn’t want to say anything because it is a very important decision . I didn’t want to say anything here because I wanted to be focused on Portugal. But now it is finished and I am going to say" are very strange and indicate he might want out assuming this interview is correct.