ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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It is true that Balague has just been on SSN saying what others posters have reported.

He reckons his audio will up (on Sky's website?) in a few minutes.
It's more likely that he saw Ballague, who was shouting, "Ronaldo, and chance of doing an interview with Sky Sports", and Ronaldo upon seeing who it was said "feck that, I'm off." Guillame had his headline. Job done. :)
your posts have been quite funny of late and quite informative regarding the CR7 stuff..
however, you peadophillic remarks went too far, NOT funny and leave me with disgusting images only depraved individuals would refer is quite obvious a seven year old child can himself not ejaculate, let alone a bunch of them.. which then would only leave the fact that it was other peoples semen..DISTURBING and immoral.. you should be more responsible when you are a moderator.. THIS WIL NOT DO.
i was given an infraction for joking about wenger, i certainly did not stoop to such levels.:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

Well, jason is uber cool mod you know, he's allowed to do anything that mods and posters in general shouldn't do.
If and it's a big if this is true.I wish him know ill feeling and thanks for what he's done.Man United will go on.
If this isn't true... I will personally find a vagrant to cock rape Balague.
When asked by Portuguese sports website about a possible future at Real Madrid, he replied, "The possibilities are great, but as we have seen it does not depend on me.

"Over the coming days we'll see if we can reach an agreement."

"I have many desires. Over the coming days, we'll have news," he smiled.
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