ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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Right, did he not say anything after the match then?

Does he not know millions of people are waiting for this decision. So what if his team just got knocked out, its back to club football now. Money or football?

Spot on.

Have we signed him yet?
You need to be calm Jason. I stay calm. :nervous:

Be calm. The moment is almost arrived. Soon, Cristiano will be in the correct mental equilibrium to discuss the issues pertaining to his future. Before then, the comment cannot be made, because in this moment, it is not the correct conditions.
Just like in 2006, when he was a cnut!!!!!11!!™ (and DEFINITELY leaving) because England are staggeringly pathetic and he closed an eye in cheeky fashion. Mind you, when Wayne Rooney stamped on someone's testicles, that was cheeky. Winking? Unacceptable. The dirty foreign smelly greasy slimey cnut!!!!!!111!!!™.

They're total fecking retards. Even if Ronaldo leaves, which I don't think he will, then when we look at the European Cup and the defended PL trophy, then those are down to Ronaldo.

We have "fans" who are total and complete idiots. I suspect some of them actually want him out so that they can start "who will get the number 7?" threads and "how we will spend our 120m?" threads - the transfer forum will be the happy haven of a bunch of seven year olds with semen in their underpants.
Well put
Viva Ronaldooooo!
Viva Ronaldooooo!
Stop keepin' your lips zip'd
Make a decision quick
Viva Ronaldooooo!
He says his premier league career is over

Breaking news on SSN

Balague is positive that he is going, apparently he has spoken to him and has the audio... damn.
the transfer forum will be the happy haven of a bunch of seven year olds with semen in their underpants.

your posts have been quite funny of late and quite informative regarding the CR7 stuff..
however, you peadophillic remarks went too far, NOT funny and leave me with disgusting images only depraved individuals would refer is quite obvious a seven year old child can himself not ejaculate, let alone a bunch of them.. which then would only leave the fact that it was other peoples semen..DISTURBING and immoral.. you should be more responsible when you are a moderator.. THIS WIL NOT DO.
i was given an infraction for joking about wenger, i certainly did not stoop to such levels.:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
He said Ronaldo has told him he has not spoke to Fergie. Balague is a bit of a prat though, so who knows.
Guillem Balague has very little knowledge of football, if we're being honest. It's highly probable that he was picked by Sky off a back ally at random in Madrid, inhabitated by people addicted to the consumption of aftershave and toothpaste.
Balague is positive that he is going, apparently he has spoken to him and has the audio... damn.

Balague also said we we're going to sign Torres and Lahm.

To sum up, Balague knows feck all. In fact, if he says one thing, I tend to believe the other.
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