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Alejandro Garnacho Argentina flag

2023-24 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
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Ten Hag will get sacked either way. The players (most at least) are out there giving their best for the shirt and you’re willing the other team to succeed. Great “support”.

Yes like you support Rashford & Bruno :rolleyes:

Atleast i support the players over the manager.

You support the club but hate the players aswell as the manager.

Great support there.

I dont just support the 'badge' of the club by hating on the players by constantly moaning about all of the team and the manager aswell.

Atleast i support the players - you support the history of Manchester United but hate the way its currently in so you dislike nearly everything thats currently there. Except? Except its history & how Manchester United 'should be'.

I dislike the manager and want him gone asap because i think it would be useful for the players.

Winning a match means shit all. I want the best use of the club - not the best use of a match and i believe the sooner we get rid of Ten Hag the better it will be for both him and the players. Everyone looks so drained and out of ideas.
Yes like you support Rashford & Bruno :rolleyes:

Atleast i support the players over the manager.

You support the club but hate the players aswell as the manager.

Great support there.

I dont just support the 'badge' of the club by hating on the players by constantly moaning about all of the team and the manager aswell.

Atleast i support the players - you support the history of Manchester United but hate the way its currently in so you dislike nearly everything thats currently there. Except? Except its history & how Manchester United 'should be'.

I dislike the manager and want him gone asap because i think it would be useful for the players.

Winning a match means shit all. I want the best use of the club - not the best use of a match and i believe the sooner we get rid of Ten Hag the better it will be for both him and the players. Everyone looks so drained and out of ideas.

It’s the players that are the recurring theme as we go through a carousel of different managers. It’s the players that need moving on, or this cycle will repeat itself again. Like it did with Mourinho, Solskjaer, Rangnick and now Ten Hag. The players are a bunch of fecking fairies that down tools as soon as the going gets a little tough. We need to take Ragnicks honest approach, and feck the majority of them off. Can’t stand the majority of the cnuts. Bunch of dislikable twats, for the most part.
Yes like you support Rashford & Bruno :rolleyes:

Atleast i support the players over the manager.

You support the club but hate the players aswell as the manager.
Your post is all over the place. I support the club, team and players. That means I’ll always want them individually and collectively to do well. That doesn’t mean I won’t be critical when an executive / manager / player isn’t good enough or has a deficiency. But I certainly won’t want the club or its representatives to fail. That’s not support. And picking sides in a fictional war between players and managers won’t get you anywhere either. It’s evident that both are lacking for the aspirations the club has.
It’s the players that are the recurring theme as we go through a carousel of different managers. It’s the players that need moving on, or this cycle will repeat itself again. Like it did with Mourinho, Solskjaer, Rangnick and now Ten Hag. The players are a bunch of fecking fairies that down tools as soon as the going gets a little tough. We need to take Ragnicks honest approach, and feck the majority of them off. Can’t stand the majority of the cnuts. Bunch of dislikable twats, for the most part.

Again, thats just words. You dont support the players. You think under a manager who is probaby overtraining them, making bad subs, making bad transfers, having abysmal tactics has no effect on the mentality of the players. If i was playing under Ten Hag, id be working like Rashford too because i know the tactics are uselss, the subs are useless, my team mates are useless like bloody amrabat & Weghorst and simply that the manager is shit.

People then want to see players running like a wildly bull to show effort to something that simply and so obviously not going to work.

Ive said it before - all of us are obese and sitting on a Sofa watching football standing up and raging at a TV because Rashford isnt playing like even 10% of a Park Ji Sung - but most of us dont even work for 5 mins as hard as these players do for 45mins never mind doing it throughout a full game for such an obviously low quality manager.

Rooney looks obese soon as he watches football rather than playing it - these players are fit but mentally not working hard because they mentally know that Ten Hag is not good enough and this thing called 'Manchester United' he has built has not been good enough so playing for 'Manchester United & it's badge' sounds easier than it actually really is.

My brother is looking for new jobs instead of being a junior doctor because he doesnt like how his managers talk to him and the general jobs politics as he calls it. He feels tired and hates the job with stress. Like how can you not see Rashford having to deal with the same shit and still expect him to improve on one of his weakest attributes running around like a mad man. Bruno runs around showing all the work rate in the world then the fans completely put it to the side and come up with another excuse pretending like work rate is not importnat and say 'oh but thats not good enough because he isnt good enough on the ball'. Its very hard to improve a weakness under a bad manager that has no ability to get the best out of a single player never mind a team. Its like telling someone dyslexic to improve their ability to speak whilst forcing them to listen to mumble rap - the lyrics are simply not good enough. Neither are the tactics.

Yes again, you dont support the players whilst i do.

I dont think Moyes, Van Gaal, Ole, Rangnick, Mourinho and Ten Hag are good enough managers and many were past their prime.

You stick to hating on the player - i will stick to hating the manager.

Hate for 11 players vs Hate for 1 Manager

I think i have less hate overall
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Well, a 19 year old can have one bad game throughout the season...he shouldn't be trashed by his manager because of this, mind you.

Hate for 11 players vs Hate for 1 Manager

I think i have less hate overall
No, I don’t think like a 10 year old. But seems like you do with your myopic one dimensional viewpoints. Why would you actually “hate” anyone who is a part of this football club (Glazers aside - given they have actively ruined the club)? They are mostly all trying their best - some are doing decently but most are struggling. The more mature question would relate to who are the ones struggling and how can they be improved upon, and how to put together and execute a vision that will result in success? And given this discussion mostly relates to the former then the answer is likely the executives (hired by the Glazers), manager and most of the players. It’s really not a very difficult concept to grasp.
I dont think Moyes, Van Gaal, Ole, Rangnick, Mourinho and Ten Hag are good enough managers and many were past their prime.
Same as much of this squad who are a product of those managers. We won’t win a league title under most of them like we didn’t under those managers. A holistic problem requires a holistic solution. Thankfully Ineos (thus far) haven’t been daft enough to think replacing ETH will solve everything and they’re addressing the vaccum above him. Hoepfully they do also replace him of course as he’s failing but it needs to obviously be the right appointment.
Well, a 19 year old can have one bad game throughout the season...he shouldn't be trashed by his manager because of this, mind you.
He wasn't trashed by his manager though was he
It’s not ridiculous. Teenagers becoming regular starters whilst not ideal for Manchester United is also A) logical as per the current options and 2) not that strange given it happens all the time. He’s not 15 ffs.
I think there's a big difference between 'regular starter' and 'starting every single game'.

It's not so bad now since we've mostly only got one game a week, but it's still not ideal. He really should be rested for the occasional game for his own good, both physically and mentally. Same with Mainoo.
Well, I may have used a harsher word there, but "bring in some quality" is not exactly subtle either.

You are being silly, the manager already said he wasn't fit. So yes bring in some quality
Well, I may have used a harsher word there, but "bring in some quality" is not exactly subtle either.
Garnacho was having a 'mare, it happens, all ETH did was point out the RH side was a problem and he did something about it
Good to see him know he made a mistake and apologised to the manager. He’s a young player so will make mistakes… sancho should learn a thing or 2.
How is it that United players do these stupid things all the time? Sancho, Rashford, Garnacho, Anthony.

We are surely champions of players apologies. Everyone thinks that they can do what they want. Foking hell.
Nothing story. I would much rather a young player pissed off at being subbed than someone who goes through the motions.

He didn't even write the comment he just clicked it.

Load of nonsense.
Coventry 3:3 Man Utd
Wonder if he'll be liking more tweets tonight? Wasn't happy being subbed and team deteriorated when he went off.
Can see him asking for a move at this rate...
Wonder if he'll be liking more tweets tonight? Wasn't happy being subbed and team deteriorated when he went off.
Can see him asking for a move at this rate...
He will be fine and eth will be gone before him anyway.

Don't blame him for being annoyed at being first subs regardless of how the game is going. We lose any threat of an attack as soon as he comes off.

Granted we need to manage his minutes but it would make more sense to just keep him out there last night and instead rest him next league game if that's required.
Apparently we went to crap after the 66 minute (subbed) - 9 of the 12 shots after this.
Mad how he's become undroppable now. We can't even feel safe subbing him off when we're 3-0 up against Championship opposition.

Hopefully we manage his minutes better next season providing we have better options on the wing to compete with him.
Man Utd 4:2 Sheffield Utd
Very frustratingly selfish today.
Could have had 2 more assists.
He looks fatigued the last few games. Like not really physically cause he runs all game but his touch is sloppy and he’s making poor decisions. Could be mentally tired from a draining season.
His decision making was poor today, as was his execution. Decent assist but it was Harry's header that did most of the work.
I worry that we may run him into the ground the amount we play him. But then look at saka and goons I guess.
Very frustratingly selfish today.
Could have had 2 more assists.
Whilst he was definitely selfish at points, he never stopped running and was always a threat. He just needs to tighten up his decision making and technique. I think that could be down to mental fatigue as @Solius mentions though, so I'm not too worried.
Missed some big chances and also didnt pass when he should have passed the ball. I feel like he becomes more selfish on the left because it is easier for him to shoot with his strong leg.

He played like what he is. A young talented player who could become very good but at this moment is still a bit of a project.
Massively overplayed.

Ten Hag giving these young players a chance is going to be his legacy at Utd but he has asked a bit much of them.
Missed some big chances and also didnt pass when he should have passed the ball. I feel like he becomes more selfish on the left because it is easier for him to shoot with his strong leg.

He played like what he is. A young talented player who could become very good but at this moment is still a bit of a project.

Yep, I noticed it immediately watching him play on the right that it forces him to get his head up and look for passing options more often even if he isn't purposefully focusing on it. It's a good thing, because his finishing isn't nearly polished enough to be a first choice LW taking a bunch of shots right now. It's also why we'd be fine going after a LW this summer and not solely focus on an attacker that can play on the right, because Garnacho at this time is probably better on the right anyways.
Massively overplayed.

Ten Hag giving these young players a chance is going to be his legacy at Utd but he has asked a bit much of them.

But when he subs them off he gets pelters. I'm not a big ETH supporter but I said the other day I understood him subbing Mainoo and Garnacho like he does, he doesn't want them to end up like Pedri and run into the ground and broken. These two look like they could be cornerstones for the team for years to come, they need to be managed carefully.
Another assist today. 14 G/A this year - third in the team and 1 ahead of Rashford
Thought he was quite poor today. Way to selfish and his assist was more due to Harrys fantastic header than his cross. Also several times he ran into spaces where the striker should be and forced both Højlund and Wheatley to run to the right. Thats okay if you then finish your dinner but he didnt.
That having been said you cannot fault the kid for lack of trying or workrate and his defensive work has gotten so much better than what it used to be.
I honestly prefer him on the right.
But when he subs them off he gets pelters. I'm not a big ETH supporter but I said the other day I understood him subbing Mainoo and Garnacho like he does, he doesn't want them to end up like Pedri and run into the ground and broken. These two look like they could be cornerstones for the team for years to come, they need to be managed carefully.
Agreed. But it is just partly an issue of overplaying. They are young they can play and regenerate quicker. Also if you are good enough you should play. But of course they shouldn't play every game and whole games. The bigger issue I see is that with such young and raw talents you need good coaching to get them to the next level to nurture them, provide them guidance and also be stern with them when requiring them to do certain things differently that you don't like in their game. Hog the ball for to long? You will get tackled down (in training and in games). Release it quicker will result in less pain. With Garnacho the talent is certainly there for all to see. But he needs direct instructions how to be more present, more concentrated when receiving the ball and releasing the ball, be more careful with the ball, don't waste it so cheaply (goes for most of the team) and more importantly not being so selfish with the ball. That must come from coaching staff and currently you don't see it in his game that either he would get such instructions or he is ignoring it. Also goes for the whole team. Let the ball do the work and work the ball around the pitch but do it quicker. We are so cumbersome when passing the ball around.
He could score 3, to be frank - a bit unlucky with excellent goalkeeping
He could score 3, to be frank - a bit unlucky with excellent goalkeeping
Think his finishing can still do with work. The first chance he did everything right but made it obvious how he was going to finish it.

But he's a menace. With a better squad we could rest him and not worry about basically having no attack
He could score 3, to be frank - a bit unlucky with excellent goalkeeping

On the first one after the one-two with Antony, there are no excuses. He needs to make absolutely sure that the keeper can't save it. The one after Onana's long pass was more unlucky - that was a really good save.
Man Utd 1:1 Burnley
He made some good runs but yet again his decision making was bad. Should have passed to Antony when he tried the curling it into the goal, shouldnt dive for penalties and some other bad decisions.
Needs a rest before the final. Hopefully we grant that to him and have him fresh and eager for the final
Not his best game, but he’s dangerous driving in to the box. Defenders back off him. He needs a good summer break but he’s definitely nailed down this position.
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