Adnan Januzaj

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The reason why someone has left a place means very little to be honest. If a person was born and had lived in a place all his life then I struggle to understand how he don't feel part of that community but of a community he hadn't lived in in the first place.

I have a lot of relatives who have born in many countries and feel themselves Kosovans (Albanians). It may be a Balkan thing that people despite being borned somewhere else, still have more ties to the country of their ancestors then the country where they have born.

Also, I really think that it is impossible to understand this for someone who isn't familiar with this situation. It would be more interesting to see what caftards who are in similar position think. The only one I know, Slevs, feels Armenian despite living for the most of his life in Liban.

Anyway it is going way out of topic now.
The reason why someone has left a place means very little to be honest. If a person was born and had lived in a place all his life then I struggle to understand how he don't feel part of that community but of a community he hadn't lived in in the first place.

Are you actually suggesting that a person will just take on the nationality, the values that come with it and everything just because he's born and raised in a certain country?
Was actually a bit disappointed we hadnt been using him early on this season given how he had done in pre-season, but Moyes comments about wanting to use him and give him his go but it just not working out are a bit reassuring. At least he was trying to make it happen, before unfortunately opting to play it "safe" and boring us to tears with Valencia and Young
Give him the monies. Give him all the monies.

I never knew Adnan was a total hipster. I'm surprised football isn't too mainstream for him.
Yet another United footballer I would destroy in hand to hand combat.
Yet another United footballer I would destroy in hand to hand combat.
Deceptively strong I would say, looks like quite the beginning of a handy set of guns on the lad.

On thread I didn't see the game until last night and had heard all the hype, has the makings of a great midfielder and certainly has a lot more to his game than out and out winger. Great control and great composure for both finishes, nothing that hasn't already been said I know but just my two pence worth.
Transfer him the monies.
Have a go at the state of him in that photo :lol::lol: What a fecking knob. Good thing he can play football.

"When you can't score from open play.....better sign up Januzaj"
'When your first teamers don't want to play.....better sign up Januzaj"
If I was born and had been raised there all my life then why not? I am not saying that one shouldn't be proud of his ancestry. What I am saying is that I would feel more at ease with the community I was born in and had lived in all my life rather then a community which I have never really lived in in the first place.

Well you wouldn't know unless you were in that position, especially if the communities of your country is strong and you're proud of your heritage. I'm proud to be British, but I'd never call myself English because I'm not. How can I be English when I'm not white? And when you grow up in an English area and suffer racism then that's hardly likely to make you want to call yourself English either.
If he stays he'll be wearing the number 7 shirt next season I'd imagine... which will be nice for him you'd imagine.
Well you wouldn't know unless you were in that position, especially if the communities of your country is strong and you're proud of your heritage. I'm proud to be British, but I'd never call myself English because I'm not. How can I be English when I'm not white? And when you grow up in an English area and suffer racism then that's hardly likely to make you want to call yourself English either.

Totally off topic, but I couldn't disagree more with this statement.
There is not a better place for him to develop at the moment. I'm pretty confident now that he'll sign. If we hear nothing before December, well it would mean that he's off.
Okay, your opinion. But there's no need to carry it all on in the Januzaj thread.

Whilst there isn't, a blanket statement of "How can I be English when I'm not white?" is an incredibly crass and damaging statement in my eyes. You might not feel "English" due to other reasons, but simply based on skin-colour? I realise it's an opinion and what-not, but that opinion depresses me.
Here's an article from a few days ago on, a Belgian footballnews website:

Eerder deze week koos er met Zakaria Bakkali een jong toptalent voor de nationale ploeg van België. Mogelijk volgt Man Utd-middenvelder Adnan Januzaj diens voorbeeld.

Ondanks het feit *** hij al enkele jeugdselecties voor de Rode Duivels naast zich neerlegde, lijkt het niet uitgesloten *** Januzaj in de toekomst de kleuren van ons land verdedigt. De Albanese bondsvoorzitter Ilur Shulku gaf immers in de Kosovaarse Gazeta Express te kennen *** hij er niet op rekent *** de jonge Mancunian voor Albanië zal kiezen.

"Adnan houdt niet van Albanië", liet Shulku optekenen. "De kans *** hij voor ons land zal spelen is klein. We spraken nog niet met hem zelf, maar uit zijn naaste familie vangen we op *** hij niet geïnteresseerd is om het shirt van Albanië te dragen. De deur is nog niet gesloten, maar we hebben niet veel hoop meer. Officieel moet Januzaj echter nog zijn definitieve keuze maken."


Earlier this week young toptalent Zakaria Bakkali chose to play for the Belgian national team. Possibly Man Utd-midfielder Adnan Januzaj will follow his example.

Despite the fact that he has refused several youth selections for the Red Devils, it is not unthinkable that Januzaj will defend our colours in the future. The Albanese president of the FA Ilut Shulku told the Kosovar Gazeta Express that he's not counting on the young Mancunian choosing Albania.

"Adnan doesn't love Albania", Shulku said. "There's little chance that he will play for our country. We didn't speak to him, but from his close family we hear he's not interested in wearing the Albania shirt. The door isn't closed but we have little hope left. Officially Januzaj still has to make his definite choice."
I can't see him choosing anyone but Belgium. I reckon if I was given the choice to be a talented young footballer from any country right now I'd choose Belgium. You'd be in a really talented generation coming through on the coat-tails of their current 'break-out' team (Hazard, Fellaini et al). But it's not Spain or Germany where despite your talent you might not be able to break into the team.
I can't see him choosing anyone but Belgium. I reckon if I was given the choice to be a talented young footballer from any country right now I'd choose Belgium. You'd be in a really talented generation coming through on the coat-tails of their current 'break-out' team (Hazard, Fellaini et al). But it's not Spain or Germany where despite your talent you might not be able to break into the team.
Nah, he wants to play for an obscure country you've probably never heard of.
Reminds me of a certain micheda. Next thing you know, he's too exp to keep on your books and has to be perennially loaned out every season.
Win win.
At most, this looks like a desperate attempt by united. It signals they don't have money to go buy a world class player. So they preemptively bump a players contract up to appease the fans and keep up with the illusion of having money in the Bank. In actual fact; united don't have anything left. Zilch. Rooney knows it and wants out. Moyes was brought in because he will save united a lot in cash and buying cheap players.
Some of the gonk people spout. It's a wonder they can turn on a computer let alone post this shite.
Reminds me of a certain micheda. Next thing you know, he's too exp to keep on your books and has to be perennially loaned out every season.
Win win.
At most, this looks like a desperate attempt by united. It signals they don't have money to go buy a world class player. So they preemptively bump a players contract up to appease the fans and keep up with the illusion of having money in the Bank. In actual fact; united don't have anything left. Zilch. Rooney knows it and wants out. Moyes was brought in because he will save united a lot in cash and buying cheap players.
Some of the gonk people spout. It's a wonder they can turn on a computer let alone post this shite.

Thanks for making me read that.
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