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Aaron Wan-Bissaka England flag

2021-22 Performances

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4.8 Season Average Rating
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Except going fwd, Dalot proves absolutely nothing in 8 games. Just remind me a single cross that went into the box ? Or a shot, a run that created things ?

I mean, I am ok to replace one of our player with another one, that goes of course for De Gea, but since the player in his position is not better that him (worse for me), then I dont see why Henderson should play, or Dalot instead of AWB.

Dalot can t cross, can t shoot, can t defend.
At least AWB can defend.
Had seen more attacking threat from corpse of Valencia rather than AWB. At his best, Valencia was one of the best RB in the league. AWB could only dream that kind of peak in his sleep

According to stats available on Whoscored Bissaka has 9 assists for united since he signed in 2019 in 8,911 mins or 99 full games in the league and European competition. That's 0.09 assists per 90. Bissaka has 2 goals for united, 0.6 key passes per 90 average and 1.12 dribbles per 90 average

Dalot has 2 assists for united since he signed in 2018 in 2818 mins/31.31 full games. That's 0.063 assists per 90. He has 1 goal for united, 0.7 key passes per 90 and 1.16 dribbles per 90

For a little outside context Shaw has 16 assists since he signed in 2014 and 5 have come this season. Telles only has 3 assists and 1 goal since he signed

Dalot and AWBs offensive output is similar but Bissaka eclipses him. Dalot has played less of course and has room for improvement considering his age but to suggest Bissaka has offered nothing in attack is just silly. Dalot could only dream about Valencias output as well wouldn't you say?

His crossing is less than impressive, usually over hits them. I wonder why crossing is considered his best attribute when it's clearly not. Many on here have bemoaned his hit and miss crossing on matchday. He's good on the ball but doesn't have one outstanding attribute

I can't work out if it's just his gait or if he's genuinely just a bit lazy because I feel like I've never seem him sprint.

Perhaps it's the former

Manutd.com speed stats 2021

Wan-Bissaka actually came out on top on five occasions but Rashford ruled supreme as he was the top man in 23 of the games!

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According to stats available on Whoscored Bissaka has 9 assists for united since he signed in 2019 in 8,911 mins or 99 full games in the league and European competition. That's 0.09 assists per 90. Bissaka has 2 goals for united, 0.6 key passes per 90 average and 1.12 dribbles per 90 average

Dalot has 2 assists for united since he signed in 2018 in 2818 mins/31.31 full games. That's 0.063 assists per 90. He has 1 goal for united, 0.7 key passes per 90 and 1.16 dribbles per 90

For a little outside context Shaw has 16 assists since he signed in 2014 and 5 have come this season. Telles only has 3 assists and 1 goal since he signed

Dalot and AWBs offensive output is similar but Bissaka eclipses him. Dalot has played less of course and has room for improvement considering his age but to suggest Bissaka has offered nothing in attack is just silly. Dalot could only dream about Valencias output as well wouldn't you say?

His crossing is less than impressive, usually over hits them. I wonder why crossing is considered his best attribute when it's clearly not. Many on here have bemoaned his hit and miss crossing on matchday. He's good on the ball but doesn't have one outstanding attribute

Perhaps it's the former

Manutd.com speed stats 2021

Wan-Bissaka actually came out on top on five occasions but Rashford ruled supreme as he was the top man in 23 of the games!

You are truly delusional on defending him at all cost. If you can say with a straight face that AWB offer more going forward than Dalot as of right now, I have no hope for you. You can present all the stats but there is a reason RR prefer Dalot over your "superior" AWB. Weird gait my ass, he's just lazy in the pitch. He jogged around like prime Cantona when we got countered attack in every game he started. His gait made him jog back on defence ? Maybe your stats did not tell that too huh
You are truly delusional on defending him at all cost. If you can say with a straight face that AWB offer more going forward than Dalot as of right now, I have no hope for you. You can present all the stats but there is a reason RR prefer Dalot over your "superior" AWB. Weird gait my ass, he's just lazy in the pitch. He jogged around like prime Cantona when we got countered attack in every game he started. Maybe your stats did not tell that too huh

Challenge the statistics fella instead of whining like a baby because I don't share your opinion. Did AWB create those 9 assists out of thin air? Where are Dalot's assists? Telles? Goals? Superior players they are.

Come back when Dalot marks Mbappe, Neymar, Mahrez and Sterling out of games. I sincerely hope he passes those tests because the gulf in quality between us and those big teams has become embarrassing.
Challenge the statistics fella instead of whining like a baby because I don't share your opinion. Did AWB create those 9 assists out of thin air? Where are Dalot's assists? Telles? Goals? Superior players they are.

Come back when Dalot marks Mbappe, Neymar, Mahrez and Sterling out of games. I sincerely hope he passes those tests because the gulf in quality between us and those big teams has become embarrassing.
How long have they been here and how many games played compared to your beloved AWB ? What a joke of a post. We are talking about his offensive contribution not his defensive skills. Moving the goalpost again huh. Your post is as good as his driving skill. For context: AWB 121 games 2 goals 10 assists. Telles 37 games 1 goals 5 assists. Dalot 55 game 1 goal 3 assists. These also did not account the minutes played in those games which I bet AWB has a ton more per game compared to the others.
He played well on Sunday largely defended well, struggled with his touch and passing a little but then so did pretty much everyone on the pitch due to the conditions and the heavy pitch and we know that's his biggest weakness.

Dalot has a much better technique and is markedly better with his touch and passing, but worse defensivly and hits just as many bad crosses there isn't much between them in terms of dribbling with A.W.B's extra pace making up for his lack of technique in that department.

Dalot for fair weather games we are expected to dominate where his better attacking technique will make all the difference, A.W.B for the hard games where we are not expected to dominate and will have to do much more defending.
This thread is full of hate really, we all know AWB has some deficiencies but last game he showed a lot of his skills and wasn't a culprit of fecked up attacks and everything seemed pretty fluid going forward on his side, so not sure why some jerks call him out here after a pretty solid game.

I like Dalot and his composure but he's not very quick and neither is good at crossing, so his impact can be often overstated and he's yet to have 30 great games in a row in a season like AWB had..

Let the two equally talented footballers battle it out and the better fullback win, only a win for us. (Hope Laird takes part in this fight too at some point).
That will save us ton of money)

BTW will be interesting if BW can get another shot at LB too, I think he'd be easily a well-loved player under RR and run through wall for his manager. A perfect player to improve as well.
Neither are good enough unless we are happy maintaining a 4th place finish
You are truly delusional on defending him at all cost. If you can say with a straight face that AWB offer more going forward than Dalot as of right now, I have no hope for you. You can present all the stats but there is a reason RR prefer Dalot over your "superior" AWB. Weird gait my ass, he's just lazy in the pitch. He jogged around like prime Cantona when we got countered attack in every game he started. His gait made him jog back on defence ? Maybe your stats did not tell that too huh

Debating the attacking output of Wan Bissaka and Dalot is sort of like arguing which of a feather duster and a cuddly toy is the deadlier weapon. They're both crap going forward.
How long have they been here and how many games played compared to your beloved AWB ? What a joke of a post. We are talking about his offensive contribution not his defensive skills. Moving the goalpost again huh. Your post is as good as his driving skill. For context: AWB 121 games 2 goals 10 assists. Telles 37 games 1 goals 5 assists. Dalot 55 game 1 goal 3 assists. These also did not account the minutes played in those games which I bet AWB has a ton more per game to the others.

Fair enough the stats I presented accounted for their offensive contributions only in the league and European competition, and AWB had a higher rate of assists per 90 than Dalot in that respect. So let's tally it all up including domestic competition shall we?

Dalot has made 55 apps, 3634 minutes or 40.7 full games for united with 1 goal and 3 assists. That's 0.099 goal contributions every 90.

AWB has 121 apps, 10,585 mins or 117.61 full games with 2 goals and 10 assists. That's 0.10 goal contributions every 90 in all comps, a higher rate than Dalot. My original point stands that Bissaka edges it between the two

Telles has 37 apps, 2758 mins/30.64 full games with 1 goal and 5 assists. That's 0.19 goal contributions per 90

You bet what again? AWB has contributed more offensively than Dalot and Telles just edges him. Keep hating
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Fair enough the stats I presented accounted for their offensive contributions only in the league and European competition, and AWB had a higher rate of assists per 90 than Dalot in that respect. So let's tally it all up including domestic competition shall we?

Dalot has made 55 apps, 3634 minutes or 40.7 full games for united with 1 goal and 3 assists. That's 0.099 goal contributions every 90.

AWB has 121 apps, 10,585 mins or 117.61 full games with 2 goals and 10 assists. That's 0.10 goal contributions every 90 in all comps, a higher rate than Dalot.
Are you actually serious :lol: . Do you know what the difference is between 0.099 and 0.10?
Are you actually serious :lol: . Do you know what the difference is between 0.099 and 0.10?

What a bore. How pendantic do you want to be about this? The point is AWB is not this horrible contributor to the attack as strongly suggested in this thread when compared to Dalot (and Telles). It's a negligible amount but it's higher. You'd think Dalot would have the much more impressive figures if you believed some posts here
What a bore. How pendantic do you want to be about this? The point is AWB is not this horrible contributor to the attack as strongly suggested in this thread when compared to Dalot (and Telles). It's a negligible amount but it's higher. You'd think Dalot would have the much more impressive figures if you believed some posts here
Isn't it more pedantic to suggest AWB is better than Dalot offensively because he has 0.001 more contributions per 90? Being better offensively doesn't mean he has to have directly contributed more to goals. It's a lot more than that, just use your eyes.

When Wan Bissaka plays his teammates know he struggles to pass out from a press for example so they try to come closer to him to help him out, what that does is compress our side closer to him making us more vulnerable the losing the ball there for example.

Another example is that more of AWB's passes are underhit, overhit, or passes to the wrong side of the body of the player he is passing to. In these games it is about the finest of margins. Dalot will, for example, get his head up to see where the receiver's body is shaped so that their next touch is either away from the player pressing them or into space whereas AWB will just 'get it to them'. Think about the second goal we conceded against Leeds. These small things make a split second difference that could decide whether we beat a press or not, or if the receiver can turn and find the correct pass/ dribble to make. Now I am not saying this happens all the time, but there is no doubt that Dalot's short and mid range passing is a lot better.

The biggest indicator of all, if you go and watch the games AWB played for the most part their opposition winger and fullback would double-team our RW and leave AWB loads of space because they know that as soon as he gets it he isn't really likely to do much with it. They don't afford Dalot as much space. I really don't see how anyone can't see how Dalot is a lot better in possession than AWB.
It's funny. People take Dalot's 10 game stats and compare with AWBs 3 years of data and say, Dalot is worse or equal to AWB.

Dalot just had a 10 game extended run , just 10. The very first time in a United shirt. Would you guys do the same with Laird too ? AWB is way ahead of Dalot in terms of development and he has shown nothing that he will improve. Dalot is probably our most improved player after RR.

Seriously, the level to which some of you guys stoop, just to prove a point is laughable.
He's just dead weight when we're trying to build up attacks, probably has the shortest passing range in the entire squad. I've basically never seen him hit a long pass or try to play a ball behind the opposition defense.

Honestly people have fair criticism of Dalot, personally i still prefer him to a RB who can't take care of the ball. AWB is completely non-existent in the final third, preferring to lay it off to a teammate who is probably already marked while he does nothing. Opposition teams already know that he'll do nothing noteworthy so they concentrate their resources elsewhere. His attacking has actually regressed over time. Dalot should be starting ahead of him.
It's funny. People take Dalot's 10 game stats and compare with AWBs 3 years of data and say, Dalot is worse or equal to AWB.

Dalot just had a 10 game extended run , just 10. The very first time in a United shirt. Would you guys do the same with Laird too ? AWB is way ahead of Dalot in terms of development and he has shown nothing that he will improve. Dalot is probably our most improved player after RR.

Seriously, the level to which some of you guys stoop, just to prove a point is laughable.
This. He said someone was pedantic while he himself said AWB is better than Dalot because of 0,001 difference in stats :lol: . Seriously ? Is WB his husband or what ? Maybe that RR guy know something eh when he dropped WB immediately after he took over us. Proudly speaking about 2 goals that WB scored during his tenure with us too. :nervous:
Fair enough the stats I presented accounted for their offensive contributions only in the league and European competition, and AWB had a higher rate of assists per 90 than Dalot in that respect. So let's tally it all up including domestic competition shall we?

Dalot has made 55 apps, 3634 minutes or 40.7 full games for united with 1 goal and 3 assists. That's 0.099 goal contributions every 90.

AWB has 121 apps, 10,585 mins or 117.61 full games with 2 goals and 10 assists. That's 0.10 goal contributions every 90 in all comps, a higher rate than Dalot. My original point stands that Bissaka edges it between the two

Telles has 37 apps, 2758 mins/30.64 full games with 1 goal and 5 assists. That's 0.19 goal contributions per 90

You bet what again? AWB has contributed more offensively than Dalot and Telles just edges him. Keep hating
Telles edges him ? What ? There is a double of difference between him and WB with the stats you presented. AWB contributed "more" ? There are 0.01 difference between their numbers. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say AWB edges Dalot a little bit based on your number and Telles has contributed far more ?
It's funny. People take Dalot's 10 game stats and compare with AWBs 3 years of data and say, Dalot is worse or equal to AWB.

Dalot just had a 10 game extended run , just 10. The very first time in a United shirt. Would you guys do the same with Laird too ? AWB is way ahead of Dalot in terms of development and he has shown nothing that he will improve. Dalot is probably our most improved player after RR.

Seriously, the level to which some of you guys stoop, just to prove a point is laughable.

To be honest, this has been done with AWB vs Valencia too, which is a more balanced set of data :angel:
Honestly would've been a much better player for the bottom half table teams. He's approaching 3 years with us and it feels like he's gone backwards. He looked at his best during his first few months here.

There's a reason he's never been picked for the national team despite being palace's POTY in 2019 and then a starter for us for the next 2+ years. He is an agile, good 1:1 defender and tackler but very limited in everything else football.
I think he's pretty good at crossing to be fair to him. Its getting the ball into a position to cross with clever movement and clean passing that he just looks lost with.
I think an element of him not really improving is the level of familiarity. People know he has a long list of weaknesses that can be exploited at this point. And they know that its a bit of a waste of time to a throw a good dribbler at him because they wont get an inch.
I think he's pretty good at crossing to be fair to him. Its getting the ball into a position to cross with clever movement and clean passing that he just looks lost with.
I think an element of him not really improving is the level of familiarity. People know he has a long list of weaknesses that can be exploited at this point. And they know that its a bit of a waste of time to a throw a good dribbler at him because they wont get an inch.

For me, I feel like his dribbling is quite decent, he turns and can get past 2 players by doing some skill.

I also find his passing quite accurate - but there is multiple levels to passing like decision making etc.

For me his crossing is weak - he almost trips over himself when making a cross.

It's almost like he slide tackles to try and
make a cross.
Hopefully coming into some form now? Should start the return leg against Atletico for sure.
When he's told to just defend he looks alright, but we need more from.a right back if we are to challenge for titles.
Really settled that right hand side down and kept them quite. Perfect player for that job.
Looks quite alright when tasked with a defensive job, that is his strength. No idea why Lindelof started.
People forget that this is a player who gave a 9/10 performance against Neymar and Mbappe in the CL not so long ago

He's inconsistent, and clearly has a lot of room for improvement, but he is far from a nothing player.

On his day, he is an elite defender capable of nullifying the best attackers in the world. Hopefully some rotation and good management will help him improve and find consistency.

Both him and Telles deserve to start the next leg
Surprised his hate club haven't come in here to construct a way in which he was terrible today and prove he isn't a footballer.
I slate Wan-Bissaka all the time so it'd be unfair of me not to note the difference he made tonight. Considering what I think of him on the ball, it was notable that he made us better going forward as well as going backwards. Hopefully this can be a springboard for him for the rest of the season.
Looks quite alright when tasked with a defensive job, that is his strength. No idea why Lindelof started.
AWB was shocking in tactical sense.

Even in this game, when Griezmann hitting the post, even if marginally offside, AWB has his special late to step forward with our offside line.

Lindelof is not a RB, but some tactical related situation like this, he's more reliable when defending set piece/ rebound. Dalot is not defensive solid enough in both set piece defending nor open play defending, for this type of game where Atletico preferred attacking route is their left flank.

Shaw was meh too. Telles with his more attacking oriented style has a positive cameo, which provided us some out ball on our left wing since Atletico played conservative on their right flank.
Surprised his hate club haven't come in here to construct a way in which he was terrible today and prove he isn't a footballer.
Because he isn't a very good rb. It's true whether you agree or disagree. Big clubs need their full backs to be an attacking outlet that is good on the ball and awb just isn't that player. When he's told to defend he is spot on, but that is simply not enough for where we need to be.
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