3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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Don't subscribe to that line of thought. If players are stupid enough to drive uninsured and while disqualified something has gone seriously wrong. And we shouldn't accept it.

Very foolish from Wan-Bissaka, I hope his punishment is a worthy one and not just some shitty fine he can pay off after five minutes of kicking a ball around.
If we are going to wait for the perfect young footballer who follows every rule we might have to wait a while. I don't condone what he did but I am a realist these things will happen again.
And after you got disqualified for those 2 minor speeding offences, did you then go and jump into your conspicuous-as-all-hell supercar to go out and drive like a twat whilst being disqualified? If so then yes, that would mark you out as exceptionally stupid. Stupid enough to actually pose a serious danger to yourself even just in terms of career and livelihood.

We also know he wasnt disqualified as a new driver with 6 points, because he got 6 points for the speeding last year in lockdown and wasnt disqualified then.
No! 1) It was a Rover Metro and 2) I didn’t know that so okay.
If we are going to wait for the perfect young footballer who follows every rule we might have to wait a while. I don't condone what he did but I am a realist these things will happen again.
Not sure driving with insurance (and not while disqualified) constitutes perfect. Not asking for perfection, I'm asking for a tiny bit of common sense.
I guess when you are as wealthy as he is you can afford to now obey the rules. To an extent.
Took a risk, didn’t work out, take the same risks on the pitch now and you’ll get even better my friend.

Get a chauffeur.
Absolute rubbish :lol:

If you can judge that somebody is really travelling that much faster than you, you shouldn't be on the motorway.

The difference between 70mph and 100mph really isn't that big, if you're indicating for a few seconds like you should be that gives the 100mph driver adequate time to slow down and avoid an incident.

If you're really just pulling out infront of people with only 1-2 seconds to judge the situation, you're the dangerous one.

Exactly. The morale highgrounding on this forum these days is ridiculous. Everybody are angels apparently.
I think the law would be on my side on all of that. Drive at 100mph on the motorway, you're breaking the law and putting other people in danger based on your false sense of security and massively inflated opinion of your driving skills, presumably because you happen to have been lucky enough to have gotten away with it so far in life.

And the difference between 70mph and 100mph is 43%. That's a significant difference. Stopping distance changes from 150m to 257m.
No offense but you should probably stick with self driving cars if you cannot judge other cars speed with your mirrors. You also sound like the kind of person who takes a quick glance only to see if there's enough space before immediately pulling into the lane.
Yep, it's definitely my fault someone else is going hell for leather down the motorway with no regard for the speed limits or anyone else on the road. Okay.
Yep, it's definitely my fault someone else is going hell for leather down the motorway with no regard for the speed limits or anyone else on the road. Okay.
The example was someone only going around 20 above the rest though. Obviously if it was excessive speeding then it's a different story... i just thought in your scenario, the one pulling out / cutting in front while barely checking the mirror to judge oncoming cars speed to be more dangerous than the one going a little faster on a straight. Imo you should always drive defensively regardless of whether you are in the right or wrong, and it's just common sense to check your mirrors for a few more seconds to make sure the car isn't catching up, particularly if it's a fast or passing lane.
The example was someone only going around 20 above the rest though. Obviously if it was excessive speeding then it's a different story... i just thought in your scenario, the one pulling out / cutting in front while barely checking the mirror to judge oncoming cars speed to be more dangerous than the one going a little faster on a straight. Imo you should always drive defensively regardless of whether you are in the right or wrong, and it's just common sense to check your mirrors for a few more seconds to make sure the car isn't catching up, particularly if it's a fast or passing lane.
The example was someone doing 100 on a 70mph motorway.
Not sure driving with insurance (and not while disqualified) constitutes perfect. Not asking for perfection, I'm asking for a tiny bit of common sense.

You could be in for a big surprise as these live in another dimension when it comes to sense. I am going to quote the FIFA ref licence instructor as one of the rule there is actually common sense. Like he said it isn't all that common.
But I agree they should at least made to follow the same set of rules as us lot.
I'll never really understood why people who have the money to do so much amazing (legal) stuff the majority of us couldn't dream of feel the need to do daft shite like this. I'm sure his wages could cover a few taxi fares and a track day.

I'm sure we outlaw our players from activities like track days and skydiving :nervous:
It is hypothetical because you're talking about what he could've done, not what he actually did. What he did do, he was caught for, and will face whatever punishment he deserves because it was stupid.

I'm not gonna get upset because he could've got in a car crash, that can happen whether he had insurance or not.
So calling him twats, scumbags all the rest of it is OTT in my opinion, if you don't agree that's fine too.
If he'd killed someone whilst not supposed to be driving I'm pretty sure the family of the victim(s) would be pretty upset. Thankfully he was caught (this time) before anything untoward could happen.
He is banned from driving due to being caught speeding a few times before

I might be wrong, but I don't think you can renew if disqualified.

Some countries still allow the car to be insured even if the driver himself is banned from driving, this way, the husband or the wife could still use it. That's why it seemed surprising to me.
Some countries still allow the car to be insured even if the driver himself is banned from driving, this way, the husband or the wife could still use it. That's why it seemed surprising to me.

Makes sense. Anybody else could use that car in the UK. The ban, licence and insurance is against the driver not the car here.
Finally did something deserving of vitriol on the caf. Idiot. Learn from it and be a better person
Nobody asked Ole about it in the presser today? I think he should be dropped for a game or two. It was stupid. It’s not like he’s a teenager or he can’t afford a driver. Nip this shite in the bud. Love him as a player though. I expect him to go from strength to strength as he figures it out and hits his prime
Driving with no licence and insurance is exactly the sort of thing that only scumbags do to be fair. Draw a venn diagram of [all scumbags] and [all people who drive without insurance/licence] and the overlap is going to be almost all of them.

And that's for normal people who aren't earning £100k a week. No excuse for that. Not like he's new to the country or doesn't speak English either.

Oh sod off. Driving without having paperwork is not something to condemn the character of a 23 year old for.
Robin Koch?
No but reliant robin the three wheeler. Better than Lambo :wenger:

Anyway he needs to add more aggression to his game since he likes to live dangerously. Time to show it on the pitch. Show them opponents who belongs in prison.
The drama in this thread is ridiculous, he's a young lad who's made a mistake, we all do and I did to when I was young. Also just like to add that the daily mail were the ones reporting this story who are notoriously racist. Not defending the boy as he's done wrong but for fecks sake come on, stop looking for negatives, we all make mistakes in life and I would bet my house that everyone who's posted in this thread has made a mistake to at least once in their life. Such a negative society these days quick to jump on someone who fecks up
Get over yourselves and concentrate on your own lives. I just don't get people these days, seriously, why does someone else's mistakes affect you so much??
If ihave replied to someone's post here then I apologise in advance, I'm simply posting my thought's and this wasn't aimed at anyone in particular just at all the negative Nellie's on this thread who have never done anything wrong in their lives
Oh sod off. Driving without having paperwork is not something to condemn the character of a 23 year old for.

No. Firstly, even if his only issue was "not having paperwork" it would still be something worth condemning.

But it isn't a case of "not having paperwork". It's a case of having his licence torn up because he drove like a dangerous shithouse repeatedly. And then went out on the road again regardless.

There's only two possible reasons for that, either he's an entitled prat with no respect for the law, or he's too stupid to even understand what he's doing wrong. If nothing else it shows contempt for his own career and by extension the club who pay his wages.
No. Firstly, even if his only issue was "not having paperwork" it would still be something worth condemning.

But it isn't a case of "not having paperwork". It's a case of having his licence torn up because he drove like a dangerous shithouse repeatedly. And then went out on the road again regardless.

There's only two possible reasons for that, either he's an entitled prat with no respect for the law, or he's too stupid to even understand what he's doing wrong. If nothing else it shows contempt for his own career and by extension the club who pay his wages.

I think he's probably entitled and sheltered, as he's been a professional footballer for all his life and his agent has inevitably shielded him from pretty much all of the real world. And he's been stupid again, probably cos he's been shielded from consequences. I'd expect Ole or someone to address this behind closed doors.

But it doesn't make him a scumbag. If I'm thinking about the type of thing scumbags do I'm not thinking of driving without a license. Now, if you say he's sheltered and entitled I could agree. But scumbag is ridiculous and unnecessary.
I think he's probably entitled and sheltered, as he's been a professional footballer for all his life and his agent has inevitably shielded him from pretty much all of the real world. And he's been stupid again, probably cos he's been shielded from consequences. I'd expect Ole or someone to address this behind closed doors.

But it doesn't make him a scumbag. If I'm thinking about the type of thing scumbags do I'm not thinking of driving without a license. Now, if you say he's sheltered and entitled I could agree. But scumbag is ridiculous and unnecessary.

I never said he was a scumbag. I don't think he's done something irredeemable (like Marcos Alonso for example) and should have his contract ripped up or whatever. But he needs to get his head down, concentrate on his football, and be kept from getting behind the wheel again for a good couple of years.

This sort of behaviour is very highly correlated with people who are scumbags so he's starting to tread a fine line.
No we wouldn’t :lol: Not unless you were a repeat offender who got caught multiple times.

Well, I guess it depends on where you are located. And why your license was revoked.

Here is California, driving while your license was revoked because of DUI violation doesn't depend on the number of DUIs. For a first-time violator, a conviction carries a mandatory 10 day jail sentence (that's the minimum!).


(But I am not a lawyer!... )

(And I have no idea why his license was revoked. In California, it is usually because of DUI, but it could be something else in this case... )
If he'd killed someone whilst not supposed to be driving I'm pretty sure the family of the victim(s) would be pretty upset. Thankfully he was caught (this time) before anything untoward could happen.

But he didn’t. That ‘if’ is doing some heavy lifting in your post. He could’ve got in a crash while driving legally, so not sure how much of a difference it makes.
Driving without insurance is stupid yes, but it doesn’t increase your chances of getting into an accident
Obviously I understand that speed regulations are there for a reason. My point was he hasn’t caused harm to anyone else has he? So some of the insults calling him a twat and all the rest is OTT
Saying ‘well he could’ve done this, even though he hasn’t’ is benign, nobody gets prosecuted on the basis of a hypothetical argument. And he won’t either, he’ll get a fine & a suspended sentence with some community service at the most.
He’s an idiot. But some of the responses in here are hyperbolic.
Don’t you realise how stupid that argument is? Surely you don’t think that driving drunk is okay as long as you don’t hit anyone else, do you? Because you’re saying that breaking the law, that is there for a reason, isn’t a big deal as long as you don’t hurt anyone while doing it. Speeding, and drunk driving, means you’re taking a chance with your own but most importantly other people’s safety for purely selfish reasons.
Don’t you realise how stupid that argument is? Surely you don’t think that driving drunk is okay as long as you don’t hit anyone else, do you? Because you’re saying that breaking the law, that is there for a reason, isn’t a big deal as long as you don’t hurt anyone while doing it. Speeding, and drunk driving, means you’re taking a chance with your own but most importantly other people’s safety for purely selfish reasons.

Drink driving is dangerous because when you take in alcohol everything you do is impaired, walking, talking, thinking etc. Speeding happens in moments and considering we don't know the circumstances around his speeding charges (which isn't even the basis for this conversation in the first place) all we're gonna do is have debates around hypothetical scenarios, that none of us know details about - which is counterproductive.
He obviously shouldn't be driving without insurance & will be punished accordingly, but making insults to his character are OTT imo and serves no real purpose.
I think the law would be on my side on all of that. Drive at 100mph on the motorway, you're breaking the law and putting other people in danger based on your false sense of security and massively inflated opinion of your driving skills, presumably because you happen to have been lucky enough to have gotten away with it so far in life.

And the difference between 70mph and 100mph is 43%. That's a significant difference. Stopping distance changes from 150m to 257m.
From what you described, make no mistake you'd be done for dangerous driving at the same time.

Going 20/30mph faster may be technically illegal, but it's not unsafe. Pulling into another lane with an approaching car from behind with little time to react IS unsafe. I've already mentioned Germany where extra speed happens legally, and they are perfectly able to manage without crashing. That tells me alone it's not speed, but people that don't respect cars/motorways.

The amount of idiots I see daily under cutting on the motorway because somebody is holding everybody up at 70mph in the fast lane, is frankly crazy. This type of driving causes way more incidents.

Talking about complete stopping distances aren't really relevant to be honest, when was the last time you had to slam your brakes on to a complete stop on the motorway? IF that situation ever happens then chaos is going to ensue anyway.
From what you described, make no mistake you'd be done for dangerous driving at the same time.

Going 20/30mph faster may be technically illegal, but it's not unsafe. Pulling into another lane with an approaching car from behind with little time to react IS unsafe. I've already mentioned Germany where extra speed happens legally, and they are perfectly able to manage without crashing. That tells me alone it's not speed, but people that don't respect cars/motorways.

The amount of idiots I see daily under cutting on the motorway because somebody is holding everybody up at 70mph in the fast lane, is frankly crazy. This type of driving causes way more incidents.

Talking about complete stopping distances aren't really relevant to be honest, when was the last time you had to slam your brakes on to a complete stop on the motorway? IF that situation ever happens then chaos is going to ensue anyway.
Stopping distance is an indicator of how much longer it takes to react to something if you're going at 100mph.

I agree that people going slowly cause problems too. If I'm overtaking in the third lane, it's often because some numpty is driving in the middle lane at 60mph, and never pulling over to the first lane, which means that I'll possibly not have been able to get over/above 70 until I've pulled out to get around them. These people are just as dangerous to others, I'd agree.
I mean I've driven my car with a flat tyre to a mechanic before and the whole journey I shit myself thinking I'd be getting pulled over before making it to my destination, and I'm a nobody that drives a modest car. Can't imagine how someone driving a car that flashy, who's license plate would immediately flag they're a notable footballer thinks its a good idea to try and stealth drive illegally.

Couldn't you have just changed the tyre yourself? It's pretty bad for the wheels to drive with a flat tyre even if you're only going slowly.
But he didn’t. That ‘if’ is doing some heavy lifting in your post. He could’ve got in a crash while driving legally, so not sure how much of a difference it makes.
Driving without insurance is stupid yes, but it doesn’t increase your chances of getting into an accident

The point he's making, is that he should not be driving without a license, so even if he gets into an accident, he should never have been there in the first place.

Its a bit extreme, but its a principle thing. You don't get to put others at risk, no matter how small, if you're not qualified to drive.
I mean I've driven my car with a flat tyre to a mechanic before and the whole journey I shit myself thinking I'd be getting pulled over before making it to my destination, and I'm a nobody that drives a modest car. Can't imagine how someone driving a car that flashy, who's license plate would immediately flag they're a notable footballer thinks its a good idea to try and stealth drive illegally.

Don't your car have a reserve wheel and tools to change it in the back, like cars do?
Don't your car have a reserve wheel and tools to change it in the back, like cars do?
New cars from around 2016 onwards in Europe don't come with spare wheels anymore.
On the contrary, I would think that the insurance company work on the principle that a fool and his money are easily parted.

Not when insurance is concerned. The bigger the idiot the more likely they are to end up having to claim, and a Lamborghini is a very expensive claim even if it doesn't crash into anyone or anything else in the process.

Insurance companies make their money off people who don't end up smashing up their cars, and try to price out the ones who do because the claim often outweighs the cost of the insurance.

They used actuarial tables to help them determine the likelihood of claims against the driver and price it accordingly. Sometimes a driver is too risky but there will almost always be some company that will take them.

Yeah but you can imagine how extortionate cover would be for a Lamborghini driven by someone who has a proven record of being a stupid/bad driver. It must end up getting close to the value of the car.

This isn't an excuse for him not having insurance either since I doubt anyone is forcing him to speed around in a Lamborghini.

I do think footballers get a harsh deal at times when they get shat on for stupid shit that most people do, but this is just genuine moron/twat behaviour, and if anything your average person would end up in a heap load more trouble for it.
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