Who does Trump even appeal to at this point?
In 2016 he positioned himself - accurately or not - as the anti-establishment, anti-war, isolationist candidate. He attracted younger eyes by firing off a few zingers in historically stuffy debates. His campaign had a string of memorable slogans: make American great again, drain the swamp, lock her up etc.
Nowadays he very much seems to be part of the Republican establishment. His anti-war, isolationist stance is massively toned down (although apparently still too much for genuinely evil neocons like Dan Crenshaw, John Bolton et al). He's nearly 80 and has clearly lost a step mentally. He was even pretty boring during both debates this cycle. The campaign seems non-existent - the 'Comrade Kamala' slogan just doesn't land at all, sounds very silly, I don't think even he believes it.
Come to think of it, both sides caricatures of each other - 'Comrade Kamala, furthest left candidate ever' v 'Death of Democracy, existential threat' - are much cooler than either of the candidates could ever hope to be. In reality it's just establishment Neolib vs establishment dull old Republican.