yes, guns and abortion are a masssive problem, which is why one should vote for democrats. after all, the democrats have had 2 trifectas in recent memory, and have passed many massive gun control and pro-abortion legislations like ____ and even ____!
be serious. you are using super-emotive language and then berating others for sanctimony. you are talking about changes that will take literally decades (gun control is fully in the hands of the SC which is 6-3, and will remain republican that possibly until we are both dead) to allude to today's problems. for all the talk of pragmatism, that isn't a pragmatic outlook. if your sincere focus is on these issues, you have to be looking at 3-4 successive democratic presidents, something that last happened with fdr, and frankly, given that biden's latest approval poll is at bush 2007 levels, it looks a tough prospect.
e - "peace to a part of the world that is at war" is such hilarious framing. nobody is asking him to negotiate anything complex. god i hope he stays away from that. the minimum being asked of him is to, quoting myself again, stop "funding and arming and providing military and diplomatic cover".