2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris


And also, Hillary didn't get elected.

Trump is getting criticized. Its just that people aren't going to be moved by his idiocy anymore than they were in 16 or 20. His base knows what he brings to the table and will vote for him either way, as will a lot of traditional Republicans who don't like him but like his policies. The only ones remaining are a sliver of independents that he and Harris are fighting over, that will tip the election towards whoever wins them.
Just can't help himself...

He is completely unable to ever give the clear, concise and correct answer to any question.

He basically said it is better to get the Medal of Freedom because it's just the same as the Medal of Honor without getting shot of killed.

All you have to instead, it be a GOP mega donor like The Adelsons.
Maybe, he's coming across as quite desperate.

If he does, it could be a gamechanger.

Although, how devoted are his voters? Are they wedded to him, or do they just not want Biden/Trump and now Harris. Apparently Harris has already peeled off a lot of them.

Would the rest move to Trump?

I can see him endorsing Trump. To have a Kennedy endorsing Trump, even if he is a nut job, would be a boost.

It’s because she either doesn’t yet have an answer or she is planning on raising taxes, both of which aren’t good for her, especially since she will at some point have to do interviews where the question is asked.
I don't get what you are criticizing here. State finance isn't anything like household finance in terms of having to balance the books each year. States (at all levels) invest in their jurisdiction and that has long-term effects, which is why investments don't necessarily have to be balanced out immediately. Letting debt run rampant isn't good of course, but her answer here is totally legitimate and economically sound.

I would additionally say that it is important to say this out loud often, so this stupid idea of having the balance the state's books every year starts being challenged in public opinion.

And this is even really long-term (like infrastructure investments often are); the effects on communities, health care costs, and tax revenue will start appearing within the year.

So to me, it's a great answer and exactly the sort of bigger point that I'd like politicians to raise.
Do we think the pro Gaza protests are going to overshadow the DNC? I can see some MAGA instigators being planted in there to stir things up.

The Harris campaign are trying to mitigate protests by creating a panel at the DNC to discuss Palestinian human rights. There will probably still be protests both outside and inside the arena, including when she speaks.
I don't get what you are criticizing here. State finance isn't anything like household finance in terms of having to balance the books each year. States (at all levels) invest in their jurisdiction and that has long-term effects, which is why investments don't necessarily have to be balanced out immediately. Letting debt run rampant isn't good of course, but her answer here is totally legitimate and economically sound.

I would additionally say that it is important to say this out loud often, so this stupid idea of having the balance the state's books every year starts being challenged in public opinion.

And this is even really long-term (like infrastructure investments often are); the effects on communities, health care costs, and tax revenue will start appearing within the year.

So to me, it's a great answer and exactly the sort of bigger point that I'd like politicians to raise.

Programs that cost money have to be paid for, usually by way of Congress appropriating money in the annual budget. Everything from the defense budget to infrastructure to social programs have to be accounted for in terms of where the money will come from. Therefore if one is running for President, they of all people, should be able to provide an answer when proposing such a policy.
It's such a childlike way of thinking of things.
The thing is, if he had phrased it in political doublespeak, it wouldn’t have blown up in his face at all. Something along the line of ‘I have the utmost respect for MoH recipients, they did our country the greatest service a person can give, however it’s poor compensation for the pain and suffering they and their loved ones endure, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients, who also did our country great service, are in a much better position to enjoy that honor in their civilian life’

But as John Kelly already revealed, Trump couldn’t fathom the idea of risking your neck in military service, questioning ‘what’s in it for them?’, so he can’t even be deceptive about it.
Comparing them at all is silly. He didn't have to do it. Zero reason to offend anyone with that but he goes out of his way.
Tbf ’when they go low, we go high’ is just stupid. The current mode of ‘when they go low, we kick them in the nuts’ seems to be much better at playing to the base, and trolling MAGAs.

Traditional media has coddled Trump with their coverage for too long, by using the same handbook, you challenge them to apply the standards fairly, or not at all for both. If policies win elections, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton would’ve been president.
This is what I think too.
Tbf ’when they go low, we go high’ is just stupid. The current mode of ‘when they go low, we kick them in the nuts’ seems to be much better at playing to the base, and trolling MAGAs.

Traditional media has coddled Trump with their coverage for too long, by using the same handbook, you challenge them to apply the standards fairly, or not at all for both. If policies win elections, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton would’ve been president.

Absolutely agree. These are not serious politicians we are talking about, we are talking about far right extremists who would stop at nothing to gain an advantage. The Dems need to step up and be more ruthless - the stakes are too high to play nice.
They say Vance is sabotaging his campaign but he's doing a great job of it himself.

Just waiting for him to say that soldiers dying is them losing, and he got out of the draft with a false bone spurs claim because he didn’t want to be a loser.
Well not only the generals, he is also a very smart business man who knows much more about macro economics and finance than the central bankers and their president.

I wonder why he doesn't have 80% or more of the vote in the bag already. No other country is so lucky to have such an universal genius running for president and sacrificing his life in the name of the greater good.

God bless trump.
Finally the voice of reason!
The Harris campaign are trying to mitigate protests by creating a panel at the DNC to discuss Palestinian human rights. There will probably still be protests both outside and inside the arena, including when she speaks.
There are apparently areas setup for protestors right outside the convention center. So it'll be very visible for anyone taking footage from outside.
Seeing signs of "Globalize the Intifada"

As much as a I sympathize with those in Gaza and those protesting, these kind of slogans and signs are pretty much own goals and will do more harm than good.
What would you like the signs to say?

Not something that carries negative connotations for the average American citizen.

Yes, there's nuance to this slogan and it's been around for decades, but the average American doesn't know that. The average American won't research the context behind it, they will see the slogan, associate it immediately with Hamas and then think these people are all pro Hamas.
Seeing signs of "Globalize the Intifada"

As much as a I sympathize with those in Gaza and those protesting, these kind of slogans and signs are pretty much own goals and will do more harm than good.

As terrible as the situation is in Gaza, protesters are playing into the hands of Trump.

Trump would love to see Gaza flattened. To him, it's oceanside land, ideal for golf clubs, maybe even a Trump Gaza resort!
Not something that carries negative connotations for the average American citizen.

Yes, there's nuance to this slogan and it's been around for decades, but the average American doesn't know that. The average American won't research the context behind it, they will see the slogan, associate it immediately with Hamas and then think these people are all pro Hamas.
I doubt the average American even knows what Intifada means rendering it a useless slogan anyway.
Nate Silver has put himself forward for an AMA (20 mins ago) and judging by the comments it’s not going to go as he expected.


Some of the questions though are absolutely insanely stupid:

Like "Why do you work for Peter Thiel."

Nate Silver consults for a data science/predictive analytics company, which has a very small stake in it by a company called Founds fund, which itself has a 7.5% stake owned by Peter Thiel.

Somehow that makes him "work for Peter Thiel" jesus christ.
She has done it before and spoke about not caring who it alienates in her documentary. And she may be forced too if Trump supporters stupidly try to use her music or likeness with AI etc. But, if I was an organizer I would at least try and get rights to play a song during the DNC. Cause she would never allow it for a trump rally or RNC.
Tay Tay to return from London and show up at the DNC on Wed/Thu. Trump meltdown. :devil: