2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Except as @WI_Red mentioned, the Dems would want to hang on to a D Senate seat in AZ, and Kelly becoming VP may result in a special election where an R could pick it up
Katie Hobbs, the governor, is a Democrat and would appoint a Democrat to serve out the remainder of Kelly’s term. There is only a special election if the office holder dies, like McCain did. Kelly was also a registered Independent until 2018, which undercuts any Republican argument. I don’t honestly think Kelly would trade his Senate seat for VP, though, because it’s a useless gig and will probably spoil his own chances for President (should he even want it).

I just like the match up: DA with a combat pilot/astronaut running mate vs. convicted felon rapist draft dodger and hillbilly .
To that… Cooper in NC has to leave office anyway due to being term limited

My only issue with Cooper is he can't seem to talk properly. Buttigieg and Newsom do. Cooper sounds a bit old and antiquated, which in addition to his southern accent, may not connect at the national level.

Mark Kelley would be a great VP: Navy veteran, astronaut, wife Gabby Gifford’s was shot by deranged constituent, Arizonan.

Probably going to be between him and Shapiro. Kelly looks like a solid VP candidate though. Ticks the white male box and has credentials out side of politics that dwarfs Vance's achievements (a book?). Depends how worried they are about losing PA.
Katie Hobbs, the governor, is a Democrat and would appoint a Democrat to serve out the remainder of Kelly’s term. There is only a special election if the office holder dies, like McCain did. Kelly was also a registered Independent until 2018, which undercuts any Republican argument. I don’t honestly think Kelly would trade his Senate seat for VP, though, because it’s a useless gig and will probably spoil his own chances for President (should he even want it).

I just like the match up: DA with a combat pilot/astronaut running mate vs. convicted felon rapist draft dodger and hillbilly .
I’m not sure this is true. Per the AZ constitution:

A. When a vacancy occurs in the office of United States senator or representative in Congress by reason of death or resignation, or from any other cause and except as provided in subsection D of this section, the vacancy shall be filled at the next general election. At such an election the person elected shall fill the unexpired term of the vacated office.
Since he would have to resign to run, technically the next general election would be this November. Not sure what would really happen.

Edit: I read the subsection D that was mentioned and as we are less than 150 days out it would be in the next general election, Nov 4 2025
Did you read the tweet?
I did. Maybe something has gone over my head but 40k joining a zoom call doesn't seem newsworthy, let alone impressive. Why did the CEO need to get involed? Is he the only one that can increase the limit of people allowed to join?
I’m not sure this is true. Per the AZ constitution:

Since he would have to resign to run, technically the next general election would be this November. Not sure what would really happen.

Edit: I read the subsection D that was mentioned and as we are less than 150 days out it would be in the next general election, Nov 4 2025
He can hold the office until inauguration, in January, so his replacement would be selected by Hobbs. The replacement would have until Nov 2025, when the next general election is scheduled. I was hoping they could serve out his term but it appears the replacement cannot.
Probably going to be between him and Shapiro. Kelly looks like a solid VP candidate though. Ticks the white male box and has credentials out side of politics that dwarfs Vance's achievements (a book?). Depends how worried they are about losing PA.

I don’t think America is ready for a Jewish VP, if the recent protests that have riven the Democratic Party are any barometer.
Or should she focus on the campaign and avoid any missteps as the actual president?

(Not saying that Biden should resign, just curious what you think).

He was never going to welcome Bibi. At least I hope that he doesn’t. Bibi coming to give a speech is bad enough.
He absolutely was.

People are so (understandably) focused on Trump that they just forgot, if they even were aware of, what a nasty piece of work Biden was and still is on that particular topic. He's a racist and a zionist through and through

The US rolling the red carpet for a supremacist piece of shit and one of the worst war criminals in human history will live in infamy. It will utterly undermine its international credibility for the decades to come.
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Nice of big headed, plastic face Vance to push more voters to Harris with his mysognistic comments.

Obviously doesnt have anything of substance so he goes for this miserable personal attacks.
Man, Vance as VP looks like a huge mistake, like just a complete feck up borne of arrogance and complacency.

I bet they regret it already.
No way Harris is going to beat Trump to be president. Trump will win it comfortable, such a shame. Democrats need to get there act together.
Hadn’t really listened to Kamala Harris before yesterday, but I didn’t get the best vibes when I did. Just seems to lack that “it” factor. Hopefully I’m wrong.
I think it's about mobilization. Harris is maybe not the best candidate and doesn't have 'it' but it will be about stopping Trump getting into power again. Now Biden stepped aside voters might be like yeah Harris is meh but still better than Trump winning it. Of course mobilization will be on the other side of the fence but I think they've done that already, the cult is strong and they'd vote for him whatever he does and whatever happens.
I think she talks too fast, she needs to learn to pause in the right places in her sentences. You never see Trump rushing through his speech even if he's talking utter rambling bollocks, he's always pausing for effect and letting the crowd catch up.
She’s a terrific speaker. Clear, concise and articulate. Courtroom trained.
I think she talks too fast, she needs to learn to pause in the right places in her sentences. You never see Trump rushing through his speech even if he's talking utter rambling bollocks, he's always pausing for effect and letting the crowd catch up.
So its all about the pauses not the things Harris and Trump are saying?
I think she talks too fast, she needs to learn to pause in the right places in her sentences. You never see Trump rushing through his speech even if he's talking utter rambling bollocks, he's always pausing for effect and letting the crowd catch up.

One of the funniest sentences I've read on the caf.

Check out the awesome pauses in between his delusional rants. What a great orator!
11 point swing on independents

It's a whole new ball game and Trump knows it. A few weeks from now I expect the polls to be even closer and can even see Harris taking the lead in some swing states.

This is the boost the Democrats needed.
Hadn’t really listened to Kamala Harris before yesterday, but I didn’t get the best vibes when I did. Just seems to lack that “it” factor. Hopefully I’m wrong.
Don’t forget that Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes, and he was nobody’s first pick and no one would ever describe him as eloquent.
No way Harris is going to beat Trump to be president. Trump will win it comfortable, such a shame. Democrats need to get there act together.
The Democratic nominee will win, whether that’s Harris or anyone else. Trump cast his lot with Vance and the idea they were running against Biden; he’s got nothing he can get over on Harris.
Am I the only one who watches and listens to Harris and thinks she's a great candidate? Don't think anyone can predict if it's enough to beat Trump, because that seems like a calculus of swing state issues, but in terms of being fit for the office, she seems fantastic.

A seasoned and combative senator with what has always seemed like expertise in confrontational conversations, she's well spoken and comes across as educated and intelligent. Composed and sensible with an adult-in-the-room vibe. Would love to see her debate Trump, she would school him like a teacher.

She doesn't have the rizz or charisma that Obama did, or a convincing sense of humor (very Starmer-esque, in that regard), but who cares? She seems like the first truly Presidential candidate since Obama himself.

What am I missing? Why are people put off by Harris?
he’s got nothing he can get over on Harris.

All he needs is an unflattering nickname that sticks. He had Sleepy Joe. Before that he had Hillary Rotten Clinton. He even called covid the China Virus / Kung Flu!

Perhaps he will use his Scottish roots and call her Masala Haggis?
I just can't get over the decision to select JD Vance as VP. Is there a single demographic of voters that Vance wins for the ticket that they wouldn't have got without him?

It seems like they just expected to win by a landslide so thought feck it, we'll just turbo charge the base and Vance has a kind of doubling down effect. The decision looks shocking now.

Has anyone ever been un-selected as a VP candidate?
Vance seems like and sounds like a poor man's Trump. Not to mention he was dead against him previously. Would love to see a Harris Vance debate.
I just can't get over the decision to select JD Vance as VP. Is there a single demographic of voters that Vance wins for the ticket that they wouldn't have got without him?

It seems like they just expected to win by a landslide so thought feck it, we'll just turbo charge the base and Vance has a kind of doubling down effect. The decision looks shocking now.

Has anyone ever been un-selected as a VP candidate?
I don’t really get this logic. He’s from Ohio right next to Michigan and Pennsylvania and seems to have been specifically picked to court voters in those states with his working-class, everyman, midwestern background. I mean, I think he’s an ass as well but I can see why they would pick him from a strategical point of view.
Am I the only one who watches and listens to Harris and thinks she's a great candidate? Don't think anyone can predict if it's enough to beat Trump, because that seems like a calculus of swing state issues, but in terms of being fit for the office, she seems fantastic.

A seasoned and combative senator with what has always seemed like expertise in confrontational conversations, she's well spoken and comes across as educated and intelligent. Composed and sensible with an adult-in-the-room vibe. Would love to see her debate Trump, she would school him like a teacher.

She doesn't have the rizz or charisma that Obama did, or a convincing sense of humor (very Starmer-esque, in that regard), but who cares? She seems like the first truly Presidential candidate since Obama himself.

What am I missing? Why are people put off by Harris?

I mean, you're not missing anything, you said it yourself, it's the lack of charisma. Politics I would argue nowadays is more of a popularity contest than it is about policies or qualifications, sadly. Trump has neither any stated policies nor any qualifications for President. Yet he's insanely popular for someone so completely out of his depth for the role.
I don’t really get this logic. He’s from Ohio right next to Michigan and Pennsylvania and seems to have been specifically picked to court voters in those states with his working-class, everyman, midwestern background. I mean, I think he’s an ass as well but I can see why they would pick him from a strategical point of view.

Also, let's admit it no one here understands Trumps appeal or why some of their tactics work. We view it through the lens of traditional political norms but those rules don't apply as much as we think.

Trump is an ex-president he can't run the same campaign as he once did so it's not that surprising they've got someone in to fill that gap.
I just can't get over the decision to select JD Vance as VP. Is there a single demographic of voters that Vance wins for the ticket that they wouldn't have got without him?

It seems like they just expected to win by a landslide so thought feck it, we'll just turbo charge the base and Vance has a kind of doubling down effect. The decision looks shocking now.

Has anyone ever been un-selected as a VP candidate?
After the debate, Trump correctly predicted that Biden would drop out of the race and Harris would be the next in line. Not rocket science, many observers and the most informed CAF members rightly came to the same conclusion weeks ago. He didn't consider any of the two as a worthy opponent, with Harris being even worse (from his point of view) than Biden.

He chose his VP accordingly and Vance will neither rock the boat nor overshadow him, although I personally think that the latter has all the attributes of an opportunistic snake. Whether it was the correct assessment or his usual hubris remains to be seen.

Harris definitely has better chances than the senile corpse (may he slowly rot in pieces), but a win isn't guaranteed at all. Especially after the failed assassination attempt.
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After the debate, Trump correctly predicted that Biden would drop out of the race and Harris would be the next in line. Not rocket science, many observers and the most informed CAF members rightly came to the same conclusion weeks ago. He didn't consider any of the two as a worthy opponent, with Harris being even worse (from his point of view) than Biden.

He chose his VP accordingly and Vance won't rock the boat or overshadow him, although I personally think that the latter has all the attributes of an opportunistic snake and he will stab Trump in the back at some point. Whether it was the correct assessment or his usual hubris remains to be seen.

Harris definitely has a better chance than that senile corpse, but a win is all but guaranteed. Especially after the failed assassination attempt.
It’s really not. Harris was running close in the hypothetical swing state match-ups and that’s before she starts campaigning and before the boost she’s likely to get with this momentum shift reenergizing the campaign, the party and the voter base. Considering her approval ratings going in, her campaigning and reintroducing herself has a lot more potential upside than downside. Trump is still the favourite but Harris has a chance.
Remember when Trump was supposed to get a bunch of sympathy votes when getting Covid? Yeah, that didn't age well.
All he needs is an unflattering nickname that sticks. He had Sleepy Joe. Before that he had Hillary Rotten Clinton. He even called covid the China Virus / Kung Flu!

Perhaps he will use his Scottish roots and call her Masala Haggis?
None of that stupid shit cut any ice with anyone who wasn’t already a MAGA moron.
It’s really not. Harris was running close in the hypothetical swing state match-ups and that’s before she starts campaigning and before the boost she’s likely to get with this momentum shift reenergizing the campaign, the party and the voter base. Considering her approval ratings going in, her campaigning and reintroducing herself has a lot more potential upside than downside. Trump is still the favourite but Harris has a chance.
He is not the favorite, where are you getting this idea from?
I just can't get over the decision to select JD Vance as VP. Is there a single demographic of voters that Vance wins for the ticket that they wouldn't have got without him?

It seems like they just expected to win by a landslide so thought feck it, we'll just turbo charge the base and Vance has a kind of doubling down effect. The decision looks shocking now.

Has anyone ever been un-selected as a VP candidate?

He helps quite a bit with the demographic of rich techno-fascists, being Thiel's guy.
After the debate, Trump correctly predicted that Biden would drop out of the race and Harris would be the next in line. Not rocket science, many observers and the most informed CAF members rightly came to the same conclusion weeks ago. He didn't consider any of the two as a worthy opponent, with Harris being even worse (from his point of view) than Biden.

He chose his VP accordingly and Vance will neither rock the boat nor overshadow him, although I personally think that the latter has all the attributes of an opportunistic snake. Whether it was the correct assessment or his usual hubris remains to be seen.

Harris definitely has better chances than the senile corpse (may he slowly rot in pieces), but a win isn't guaranteed at all. Especially after the failed assassination attempt.
Apparently the Trump campaign thought that Biden would continue.