2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

Photo finish in the rowing, British team making a habit of leaving it to the last second :lol:
Netherlands were leading in the women's quad sculls pretty much all race and literally lose it to GB on the last surge to the line.
Yeah, I'm gutted, I've been a huge 4 people row boat fan since 7 minutes now. Not sure how I'll cope.
:lol: it is funny how you go from never watching a sport or caring about it to being the biggest fan in 10 seconds
Wow, never seen a closer finish in rowing. They timed that perfectly. Literally passing them as they crossed the line.
Keep a look out for Kieran Reilly in the BMX Freestyle, could be on for our third Gold today.
Netherlands were leading in the women's quad sculls pretty much all race and literally lose it to GB on the last surge to the line.
Yeah, honestly think they were in front for 1998/2000 meters. Must be the least happy silver medal ever.
Triathlon is fascinating. Typically with these physically demanding sports that require very little technique/coordination, the contestants tend to have the same body type. But Yee and the former triathlon winner look very different. Yee is 152 cm and very skinny whereas Blummenfelt kind of looks like a regular bloke. Average height and weight and doesn't look super fit either.
Triathlon is fascinating. Typically with these physically demanding sports that require very little technique/coordination, the contestants tend to have the same body type. But Yee and the former triathlon winner look very different. Yee is 152 cm and very skinny whereas Blummenfelt kind of looks like a regular bloke. Average height and weight and doesn't look super fit either.

Whilst not disagreeing with the general point, there is no way that Yee is 1.52m, which would be under 5 foot. He looks about 1.75/1.80m I’d say.
Triathlon is fascinating. Typically with these physically demanding sports that require very little technique/coordination, the contestants tend to have the same body type. But Yee and the former triathlon winner look very different. Yee is 152 cm and very skinny whereas Blummenfelt kind of looks like a regular bloke. Average height and weight and doesn't look super fit either.

Presumably down to the different disciplines? Long distance runners have very different physiques to long distance swimmers. And cyclists have weird, cycling specific, physiques. Skinny arms and chest with big legs. Throw that all together and it’s no wonder triathlete physiques are such a mixed bag. I reckon their heart and lungs look pretty similar, mind you!
Whilst not disagreeing with the general point, there is no way that Yee is 1.52m, which would be under 5 foot. He looks about 1.75/1.80m I’d say.

Wikipedia and Google says 1.52m. Could be wrong of course.
Presumably down to the different disciplines? Long distance runners have very different physiques to long distance swimmers. And cyclists have weird, cycling specific, physiques. Skinny arms and chest with big legs. Throw that all together and it’s no wonder triathlete physiques are such a mixed bag. I reckon their heart and lungs look pretty similar, mind you!


You would think that being an all-rounder (like Blummenfelt) is better, but specialising in one or two and be decent at the third could also be a viable tactic.
Triathlon is fascinating. Typically with these physically demanding sports that require very little technique/coordination, the contestants tend to have the same body type. But Yee and the former triathlon winner look very different. Yee is 152 cm and very skinny whereas Blummenfelt kind of looks like a regular bloke. Average height and weight and doesn't look super fit either.
It's incredible technical and requires tonnes of coordination. Athletes comes from 3 different backgrounds so of course there's variations
Triathlon is fascinating. Typically with these physically demanding sports that require very little technique/coordination, the contestants tend to have the same body type. But Yee and the former triathlon winner look very different. Yee is 152 cm and very skinny whereas Blummenfelt kind of looks like a regular bloke. Average height and weight and doesn't look super fit either.
Swimming requires a ton of technique surely? I know this because my tiny weakling sister used to be a competitive swimmer and while I can easily lift her with my superior strength she can swim about 5 times as fast as me while I flail about helplessly in a prolonged struggle to barely stay afloat.
We're going to avenge our rowboaters by winning the horse ballet thing for sure.
Swimming requires a ton of technique surely? I know this because my tiny weakling sister used to be a competitive swimmer and while I can easily lift her with my superior strength she can swim about 5 times as fast as me while I flail about helplessly in a prolonged struggle to barely stay afloat.
All about technique, yes.

I disagree that it's fascinating because the athletes are so different to one another, it's no different than in football for example. The only real exception is Blummenfelt but he's always been like this (1.77cm for 75kg). Otherwise you have athletes at both ends of the spectrum (Frodeno, Ditlev, ... are in the 1.90s while Wilde, Lange, ... are in the 1.70s), but don't see the special thing in that.
If it makes you feel better that it took so long to get on the board, the U.S. didn’t win any medals in shooting.
Listen bub, the second amendment gives us the right to bear arms, but it says nothing about being able actually shoot them straight.
Swimming requires a ton of technique surely? I know this because my tiny weakling sister used to be a competitive swimmer and while I can easily lift her with my superior strength she can swim about 5 times as fast as me while I flail about helplessly in a prolonged struggle to barely stay afloat.

I imagine your sister reading this with a smirk. :lol:
In the 800 meters? Nobody uses their legs until the last 100m. I mean, you could see this by the fact that nobody used their legs until the last 100 meters tonight(except for the tunisian when he was desperately trying to make up ground, and failed, because of course he couldn't last that long). Or in any other competitive 800m race

The combination of me being an argumentative twat and wanting to savour the Irish gold medal had me watching this footage again today.

Pay close attention from about 30s onwards (overhead and underwater footage) and tell me again that "nobody is using their legs" because it seems pretty clear to me that Wiffen is using his legs a hell of a lot less than basically everyone else.
The combination of me being an argumentative twat and wanting to savour the Irish gold medal had me watching this footage again today.

Pay close attention from about 30s onwards (overhead and underwater footage) and tell me again that "nobody is using their legs" because it seems pretty clear to me that Wiffen is using his legs a hell of a lot less than basically everyone else.

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